Is there really anything wrong with wanting to get rid of the tranny menace?

Is there really anything wrong with wanting to get rid of the tranny menace?

They used to have my sympathies, but it's clear from their modern behavior that theyre just fucked in the head psychos that should be put out of their misery.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I mean really; it seems far more cruel to let them run around and fuck up their body chemistry and their dicks.

We should be doing the humane thing and euthanizing them in hospitals and hospices.

Why let a dying dog go on suffering? Playing pretend with them isn't helping, it's enabling their needlessly cruel existence.

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You spend so much time hating yourself that you can’t deal with the fact that other people are taking steps to be happy in their own skin.

They pervert truth, decency, and the natural order, they make a mockery of the divinity that is man, and the equal divinity that is woman, they destroy marriage which is the union of both divinities as one, they pollute our minds and the minds of our children, they need to be beaten in their autistic heads until cured.

Wanting to walk around in a costume all the time, is the opposite of loving yourself.

Maybe you hate yourself, and that's why you don't feel you have the 'right' to be assertive when Mr Manjaw asks you to respect his pronouns. You want to Mr Manjaw's bitch. Is that self love?

What part of the world are u in that u have a tranny problem. I've literally never had a tranny bother me.
My gf says guys bother her all the time tho, so I think I know who the real problem is...

I feel cheated, what happened after the wheelbarrow? Cement mixer?

>it's clear from their modern behavior that theyre just fucked in the head psychos
>their modern behavior
So you completely missed the fact that they want to swap their sex as a humongous fucking sign that these people have massive mental problems that should require mandatory hospitalization? I figured is was just basic common sense.

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Go thump your Bible somewhere else.

Definitely trannies.

Yes, that means you are insecure gay in denial.

Go be a mental patient in a psyche ward

Well trannies are gay so I'd say gay men are the problem.

What’s it like living in the Middle Ages?

Or, better yet, thump a tranny with a cinder block until its bones are dust in a rubbery flesh suit.

>Not living by the Bible=mental Illness.
You are such a fucking retard

Is that what you tell yourself to get to sleep at night?

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If you hate nazis then you're a nazi in denial

Good point.

U 12?

Violence is the only language trannies understand. They want everyone to bend over backwards to play their game of pretend, and now the aspies want us to recognize "non-binary" and "genderfluid" or "genderqueer"

Stomp the faggots and tell them to fuck off back to their closet freakshow.

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"Youre j-j-jealous you dont have my mental mutation!"

LMAO is there any more delusional kind of cope?

That user didnt mention the bible?

Zealots should also be gassed, while we're at it. They contribute nothing to society but terrible facebook memes

Humanity is fucked in the head and needs to be put out of its misery

Why can't they just be normal and keep their fetish to themselves like the rest of us?

He didn't have to

I just don't get why you think what others do to their body is any of your fucking business. You find it abhorrent or weird. So fucking what? Half you fuckwits rant on about not wanting anyone or any government interfering in your lives, so why such hypocrites?

user speaks the truth.

No, I'm not looking to be diddle by you, tranny faggot.
Go back to discord and dilate.

I just hope global warming is real. The earth needs to hit that reset button

until they hurt anyone, it's not my problem

Strong christain values?

Because they don't keep it to themselves and indoctrinate children to their twisted points of view. They're a pox on society.

Agnostic. I don't know shit

I liked it better before they started thinking they deserved special consideration. They expect everyone to play along with their delusions.

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The world would be a better place without the typical fat neckbeard Yea Forums user

Good comeback for a 12 year old

They usually post pictures of themselves in their moms underwear too. Good point

Ya. Cuz being hurt is bad. What a fucking beta bitch

Who said anything about religious freaks? Transvestites are a tiny fraction of a percentage of the global population, if it was normal, there would be hundreds of millions of trannies. It's a mental illness plain and simple. Some imaginary man in the sky has nothing to do with anything, psycho.

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Oh fuck a doodle doo... they let kids know that it's alright for them to exist. You could say the same of any backward fucking religious group that indoctrinates kids to believe in their magic men, or any group of fags that says one race or people are better than another... It's pathetic.

They need to be locked up in a mental ward

>I wasn't happy as a guy
>I'm not happy as a girl
well, better try something else, since this is obviously the problem.

The Absolute Man and Absolute Woman go back long before Christianity. They are Platonic ideals. Romantic love as the striving for unity of these two Absolutes is another Greek ideal.
Transexuals resist the ideal chosen for them by their birth, and so are in revolt against the order of the universe, this is why they are all communists.

No you're an idiot and should kill yourself.

Liberals don't know if they can attack a black man over trans issues. lol

Exactly. But they think trannies are wierd...

They're dudes so you can easily just pound their uncanny faces into the pavement without looking like a total cuck, i guess

Vote democrat.

You're basically asking if there's anything wrong with murdering mentally ill people...

Yes you fucking retard, and you're probably just as mentally ill as them for asking.

Oooh I'm so fucking burned by that... excellent comeback, retard

I used to not know much about them, then after 2016 when the sjw shit whent out of control, they are everywhere and pushing their disgusting agenda on everything even children.

They all are just severely mentally ill individuals, if they can be cured, fine. If not, why are they alive? Most barely contribute to society and instead actively ruin it.

Really? Most of them are posting tranny threads though

Ur right. Everyone should be exactly the same. Just like your Bible says. Dipshit

Literally this lmao

Who cares if they turn into trannies if it doesn't affect you?

Well you're still wrong. Go take another dick you mentally ill fuck

Seeing someone doing this to an innocent person would be one of those times that I feel like I could take a life without much thought and never regret it, besides self defence.

Stfu. You don't even know what ur talking about

Or other options..

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That's the thing though. It effects society as a whole. Let them be happy in their own house and out of the publics eye.

If you think it's okay to physically assault some one else just because you don't like them, you need to get locked up and stay away from other humans.

>Just like your Bible says
What? No bullshit about foxnews too since you have no fucking argument? You are what comes from arguing with feelings instead of facts and you stupid fucks lose everytime

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We have free will. Murder is good. Being a tranny is good.

Trannies aren't humans though. They're freaks of nature

speaking of indoctrinating kids..

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Oh fuck man, that's such a satisfying video. These retards will never understand why this happens to them, it's because people KNOW that trannies are actively trying to fucking destroy society. People who don't at least secretly find them disgusting are extremely brainwashed.

>If you think it's okay to physically assault some one else just because you don't like them, you need to get locked up and stay away from other humans Trump supporters? Or "fascists? Fucking uneducated hypocrites.

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Found the fucking problem
U think earth is supposed to be the perfect utopia your Bible told you about?

Well nobody is going to physically assault someone they like. Moron.

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So not only are you low IQ for posting a screenshot of a click bait website, the fucking author can't even claim to be intelligent for making money off of you because he can't even spell.

You're the one who seems oddly obsessed with taking dicks... but I bet you're always sure to say "no homo" when you get your guilty hardons to trans

Says the uneducated hypocrite blindly following their political team

I think the bible and all religions are bullshit and trannies are fucking nuts. They are pushing for more and more attention and control. They literally think they are more important than anyone else and have no problems sexualizing kids. Fuck em. They deserve whatever backlash they get.

Their existence should bother you.

You sound like a gay.

Strong argument.

Can we start with you?

Why are gay people so obsessed with dicks. Is that all you think about at all times?

You are a fucking Moron if you don't know where the rules of society come from. Waste of trips. Kys fucking loser

No, earth is not a utopia. It never will be, it can't. Reality isn't like that. For your information I'm not an atheist, but neither am I religious. What I do know is the law of nature. See this image.

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You are the psycho if you think anything to do with your image is fine.

stfu we all know you're too much of a pussy to do anything.

Fucking kill yourself. Atleast Trannies have the balls to go out and do something. Not just be another wannabe keyboard warrior.

Yes. And pedophilia. And how to catch or transmit AIDS. Wish I was joking

Their whole personality hinges on them being different and special.

>at least Trannies have the balls
But they don't.

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Yea Forums users are freaks of nature. Yea Forums users don't fit into society. All they talk about is molesting children and fucking their sisters. Let's kill them or lock them in mental institutions.

If they're trans, then yes.

Not him, but I'm an atheist, have been since I was a kid, and I cannot fucking stand trannies. I was fine with them before they started bitching about showering with peoples daughters, using bathrooms for women, the intended sexes comfort with it be damned.

And no amount of wish-i-may-wish-i-might is going to turn that Y into an X, frankenstein.

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>seething faggot
You don't deserve rights

>go out and do something

You're right I lack the courage (and sanity) to mutilate my own genitals. I like how you imply that's the ONLY way to do ANYTHING in life. You're fucked in the head.

>Says the uneducated hypocrite
Good come back, are you 12?

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>I think the bible and all religions are bullshit
Yet here you are thumping your bible.
Why are u so fucking stupid?


Yeah and sexualizing children into their demented frame of mind. It should be outlawed

Why is it so "new' too? Like, you had cross dressers and shit, but are we to believe 50 years ago there were also tons of trannys but they were all closeted because it was evil then but ok now?

Doesn't make it any less true, faggot.

Out of the mouth of the mentally ill fucker himself:

>vote democrat

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boy, and i thought 12% doing 50% was bad.

You mean the majority of Yea Forums. I only come her to make fun of people. There are better boards

Prove it.

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It's fucking insane, literally nothing on the scale of this existed before 2016 I swear. It's like a mind virus.

I was just pointing out your own hypocrisy. It's not the left or right people should be fighting over its the government as a whole.

U don't know shit. U can't even be honest with yourself

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yes sir

That kid is going to be so fucked up

>theyre just fucked in the head psychos that should be put out of their misery

I don't know, that sounds pretty cool to me

Yea Forums users aren't asking to shower with your 14 year old daughter.

Well, some are I guess. But they're looked down on too.

Pedos and incesters should be locked up, though.

I don't care what he says because it doesn't have any effect on dumbasses like you regardless.

>not wanting to be yourself isn't loving yourself
I think it's proof by definition?

>the rules of society
Who the fuck cares about the rules of society? 99.9999999% of the global population never thinks about changing their sex. 0.000001% of the population thinks their trapped in the wrong body. But you're right, the 99.9% are wrong nd the 0.000001% are normal and don't have a mental defect. It has nothing to do with christ on a cross, just common sense to those of us who are educated.

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Read the infographic. What part of it doesn't make sense?

>but I'm an atheist
Clearly a delusional bible thumper.
Why are u so fucking stupid?

Source? Oh well we'd all better believe it because some twat posts on a message board

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[ ] get rid of all men
[ ] get rid of crazy men
The choice is yours

I know. It's fucking disgusting.

and even if it was like 1 out of 10,000 and they hid it, why is it like 1/100 now? I think it's just for attention. There is nothing special about most of us on here, but if we get confused about our genitals then we are suddenly media darlings.

Yes, I get it, some people want to be someone they are not. I want to be rich and healthy. But I don't run arount and demand to be declared rich and / or helthy for the world to see. Because I can see I am not. Demanding to be told lies to make myself believe a those lies is only one thing and nothing else: a serious issue that needs a mental ward.

Don't get me wrong! The brain is a complicated thing. It is an absolutely possible thing that you feel female by the way your brain is wired while you actually where born in a male body. That surely is a horrible thing one has to live with without a question. There is nothing you can do ybout it. This is still so unfair and I would whish tzhere was a way to edit your body the be what you want it to be. But filling in up to the brim with hormones and using sharp knifes and implants to look different, it only acomplishes one thing: it looks different. It is still the original body. It did not change. You can impersonate what you want now, but it only changed on the outside. Yes, this is so unfair - blmae the world, the universe or what erver supernatural beeing you want - it can not change a thing. And I am sorry it is this way. But still you have only three options: Seek help. Live with it. Don't live with it.

A gay man who likes men is no more likely to molest. Pedos are not attracted to any adults, they are neither 'heterosexual' nor 'homosexual' in that sense.

>seething and reeling

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Define "yourself"

Define "love"

Cuz your Bible says so?

>jareth nebula

They are being themselves you absolute dipshit. And it makes you mad.

Clearly. Because nobody but a christian could dislike an ever-increasingly annoying group of people. A group of people who demand your job, or even your arrest for "misgendering" them.

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Being gay is just a fetish. I don't understand why it's so glorified in the media

You're here too babe

Can anyone explain how they actually indoctrinate children? Or how they teach them to be gay/trans in schools? And before you post pictures of drag queers reading books to kids, those were events that were voluntary for kids and parents to go to. I actually want to where you think this is being forced upon children. The only thing I see is that nowadays they teach kids not to bully lgbt in school. Don't post one off situations. I want to know where on a large scale this is happening. Where in their school curriculum does it say that have to deny their birth sex? I just want a rational answer because I hear this rhetoric constantly.

Did you even read it? That's not what the numbers say...

Being straight is just a fetish.

It says the source in the fucking post you mental defective. It's queerty, a fag rag:

I love how you bible thumpers are so ashamed of the Bible u live by u have to call it common sense. There is NO such thing as common sense

Fuck bibles. Fuck Christian's. Fuck trans people. Put them all on an island and nuke it.

want me to define "not" and "isn't" too jordan peterson?

There is that transgender kid that goes to strip clubs and dances for gay men

>Post picture of a group of men kicking the shit out of some androgynous thing.
>"Trannys are fucked in the head psychos who should be killed!"


Everyone in the pic is a psycho, but the tranny is the least dangerous by very far. Hope you aren't sufficiently insane to miss out on that fact.

Even if being gay was a fetish(which it isn't) how would that make gay people any different? Even if it was a choice(which it's not), what does that even change? Do you not believe in freedom and bodily autonomy?

The smile on that cop haha

Every single fucking tranny I have ever seen talk or talked to was a massive narcissist. It's an epidemic today, social media makes it way worse. I don't use Facebook anymore because it's just full of the same old narcissistic leftist npc idiots doing the same things over and over

Oh come on!

>this pseudointellectual trash actually passes for wit in fag communities

No its a chemical reaction for normal people in order to procreate our species

Because everyone was so against it from the start of time, so now that we are "open minded" and "tolerant" we are amazing caring people who can feel good about ourselves.

Bah bah bah, bah Barbara Ann
Bah bah bah, bah Barbara Ann

It's a biological defect.

I asked for things that are not one off situations. You think a straight parent has never sold their kids virginity to buy drugs?

It's a glorified fetish. You're a moron

Biological design for procreation (unless you are fucked in the head)

>seething hysterics

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What does that change? People are still free to do as they like

>There is NO such thing as common sense
Not cutting your own dick off is literally the definition of common sense.

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You avoided my question. Gg

What planet do you live on?
Also. Why are u so fucking anxious all the time?

You asked about indoctrination usually from the media. Not a drug addicted failure of a parent

I wish it were legal to curb stomp one.

I don't think you got it

Because it was asinine

I'm waiting for death. Dipshit

Nice deflection.

Hopefully you're smart enough to get my point.

I doubt it though.

That's not what the Merriam Webster thinks

He just mis-spiritualized you. What a bigot.

So much BS in this.

Not that I agree, but some do treat it that way. Like most married men want to cheat, but they don't, some men (those men included) want to have sex with a man and don't. (or a dog, or a kid) you can control your urges and should is what the religious think.

I just feel bad for crossdressers. Trannies shit on them hard for all the crossdressers did for them. All that shit crossdressers went through for gay rights, and trannies just shit on them and tried to make them out to be the bad guy.

And ill tell ya, drag queens are a whole lot healthier, nicer, and overall less shitty than trannies are.

So what about straight people that don't want kids or can't?

Clearly just a fetish.



This thread is full of narcissism and so are u. Fucking loser

The problem is is that you can feel schizophrenic. But with those people, they get psychological treatment. But because a bunch of fags protested the DSM Review board in the late 60's and early 70's until they capitulated, the mere idea of suggesting treating trannies for a mental illness (or researching how to) is met with the same anger as if you were putting them into gas showers at Aushwitz. It's like schizophrenics demanding the voices in their head are real and that they deserve voting rights.

And look how we treated those nutty fuckers. We'd beat them and throw them in ice baths etc for years before kinder treatments were introduced. So you have to let us have our fun torturing them first, then in about 50 or 60 years when we finally come up with an effective treatment, then they can be treated well..

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Penis in vagina seems like common sense, like, almost by design. Vagina into vagina seems a bit backwards.

Oh please you edgelord. Your pussy ass says all this tough shit on here and we all know you're a yes man in real life. Bitch.

I gotta know tonight
If you're alone tonight
Can't stop this feeling
Can't stop this fight
Oh I get hysterical, hysteria
Can you feel it? Do you believe it?

sure thing pal.

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Well, looking back to ancient Roman Empire or the Greeks, it seems quite normal to fuck everything you like, regardless of gender and age. Modern religions are what indoctrinated us to see this different.

When did I say anything against what you just said?

No, because love and yourself are pretty obvious definitions, you can google them if you like. But I guess if you want to change definitions (like the word "gender") that's just what you people do.

It's a valid question that you have no answer for. If you wanna parrot the same rhetoric constantly then you better back it up
Nope. That was not my question at all. The kid dancing in a strip club is the result of a failed parent. I'm asking for the details on this nationwide plan to turn all kids gay/trans. All I see is kids being made aware that those people exist. That's not indoctrination

Wow thats funny, take a step back and look at what you did, what you wrote and reflect upon what violence is you imbecile. people violating other people often oppose or despise something about the person they violate.

I would love to punch you to a pulp, gladly.

Oh cool another homophobe typing out the letters "DSM" which they haven't read and know nothing about.

But they're not. You can't rape a kid, as badly as libs wish you could. You can't identify as wealthy and be supported by the state. You can't identify as thin when you're a fat lonely faggot. You can't cut off your dick and be normal.

Evolution exists. If you agree, you can't believe millions of years of sexual development can be changed because some short fat cunt in Baltimore decides she wants to be a he now.

Doesn't work that way.

Or deny science. Your pick.

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Oooook kiddo
Have u ever thought that maybe it's time for our species to die out?

You certainly seem to care a lot about dumb shit that doesn't actually affect you.

Maybe find a new hobby?

Nature designed it, millions of years of evolution, nothing to do with sky wizards.

As stated, locked up with the rest of the psychopaths. Thanks for proving my point.

"Pretty obvious" yet you still haven't defined them.

Is it? Based on what?

>seething and reeling

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Your point is still pointless.

why make a logical argument when an emotional one is even more effective?

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What's the suicide rate again? Big kek.

Not even close, you small minded faggot. The stars belong to straight humanity.

that's the part that gets me, can you imagine if we did this with other body dismorphic issues?
>No, you really are fat! I think you should lose weight too!
would anyone say this to an anorexic 80lb person?

Yeah, that's what I thought.

The statistics show much pedo activity is against the same sex. But that's because pedos are attracted to children with little regard for gender.

I already did that one, here take this

I'm turned on by women with round asses and chose to only have sex with them because it's my fetish.

again, not a christian. You don't have to be a christian to see a father of a fucking litter of children abandoning them and demanding to be treated like a six year old girl named "Stefonee" to know this tranny acceptance bullshit has gone too far.

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again, google and merriam webster are out there if you are having trouble with basic words and their meanings.

No u

>seething liberal

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Thanks for blowing that out of proportion. I obviously meant that people are free to do as they if they aren't hurting anyone else.

Why do you assume that I believe millions of years of sexual development can be changed? You fell for a meme. I know sex can't be changed but I respect that person's freedom to identify how they want. It really doesn't change my life. What is so ridiculous about bodily autonomy?

No, they're still following normal healthy instincts unlike mentally defective faggots

You are missing the point, you dumb fuck.

>Modern religion
>Being gay=bad
>Molesting young boys=good

They've said it themselves that they want to turn kids gay. Maybe try looking for yourself

All the time

Cuz your Christian God says so?
What a fucking mindless loser

Dude, if I had 7 kids I'd be looking for a fucking way out too.... And if TV gave me an answer that made me a fucking brave hero!? I'd prob start loving cock too to avoid that ugly wife and all those damn kids.

Why don't we all just do this world a favor and kill trannies whenever we see them

Who is they? Where are your sources? Did the coalition of gays release a statement about this? Ludicrous claims need proof. You're literally falling for /pol/ memes

We have no right to tell anybody how much they should weigh

I don't have to have read it. I know the story about how they were pressured to remove homosexuality as a mental illness/disorder. It's well documented.

The leaders of that movement maintained until his dying day that Psychology is a destructive force. You know who else says that? Scientologists.

Faggots and Trannies are as delusional as scientologists.

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And outspoken gays who make their fetish their identity.

Most do it themselves!

Because that's not doing the world a favor. Killing other people for looking different is reprehensible

Like I said. Do your own research. I'm not doing it for free

Trannies are grotesque


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>again, not a christian
Then why the fuck are u still thumping your bible?
You are the definition of mental illness

Come on, that is what it is, not what they put in orur heads.

I think you're the one missing the point


So you're going to make a claim and not back it up? Do you know how burden of proof works? You can't give me a single example besides a one off situation?

You know who else says "do you own research" when questioned? Flat earth believers. And I take you just about as seriously

Well, quads, so it must be true.

What? Nowhere in the Bible does it say that mankind's destiny is in the stars. No denomination that I knowing even considers the possibility. Stop being retarded. This is about manifest destiny.

This faggot is a one trick pony. Stop feeding this retarded troll

No. I demand you to live by the Bible that I don't even know how to live by

Yeah, let them die of heart disease because youre too much of a pussy to do anything about it

Why are you still talking to me faggot lover?

If we got rid of the Bible we would have no such thing as mental Illness cuz we would have no way to judge it


Yeah, quads 'o truth! Finally we now know: Modern religion fucked us up! Before this bullshit we fucked what we liked, regardless of the gender or the age. Nice!


Ad hominem is a sure sign that you have no argument. You'll remember this

I'm the one trick pony? And you have never had a thought of your own in your entire life. I fucking hate you Christian's.

Again, not a christian.

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I think all forms of religion is a tool rulers used to use to control their population. Now it's just a whacky story book that may contain fragments of history, and people are still brainwashed into believing.

Remember what

Ya cuz death is bad. Newsflash. Everybody dies. Why are u so fucking retarded?

omg this is so beautiful


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So why should homos be concerned about gender, they're just going to turn to dust anyway

Why do you want to mainstream delusion?

>Demands everybody lives by Bible
>Not a christian
U ok bud? Ur brain still working?

But you're right here. Why can't you answer?

The dictionary isn't an authority on language use, btw. I can tell you went to college.

They're wearing a costume to be themselves. Much in the same way we wear a social mask to be someone else.

You just said it was for procreation. They cant/won't procreate.

This ain't bait.
I want to know why most Yea Forums users thinks everybody should live by the bible

One is a delusion of the mind, the other is a way of manipulation

The time that you couldn't even argue against a faggot lover lmfao

Who said I was trying to argue?

They don't really. It's just one of the only justifications they can use against lgbt people



God fags are just like homosexuals. They try seeping their way into every imaginable crevice. Nothing is sacred anymore

Man you're delusional

>death is inevitable, that means preventable death is actually good
yeah its a good thing people are dying in their fifties from heart disease

The instinct is healthy, because in the wild it would lead to procreation.

This is fucking pathetic. Imagine having no argument so you just keep crying the same words over and over because your feelings are hurt.

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If there were no kikes*, feminist, and fags the world would be 200% better but that can't happen because they only exist because there needs to be choices, right/wrong/ambivalent in order for free will to work
*note I didn't say Jews or Israelites, I am speaking only of the usurpers, the false jew that passes itself off to the world as chosen people

What about one's that are 10/10? Like honestly so long as we draw a red line at kids, don't care what grown adults choose to do.

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>makes claims without proof
>calls me delusional

Top zozzle

I don't care. Why are you so butthurt other people have opinions?


Get rid of it? No. We don't need to do anything to get rid of them, they kill themselves already. They have a mental illness, and retarded liberals have encouraged them to embrace it and mutilate their bodies instead of seeking actual treatment. Next they'll start encouraging depressed people to lie in bed all day.

no u*



The conservative stance to depression(just stop being sad lole) isn't much better

Imagine being so fucking stupid that you don't know where your thoughts about life come from


Yea Forums and Yea Forums popularized the term "trap"

Yep. If we didn't have all these things you don't like we could have heaven right here on earth. Ur such a fucking moron.

your desire isn't wrong, but the thing we ought to be doing is combatting delusion with truth: men are men and cannot be women; women are women and cannot be men. those wanting to change sexes have a mental disorder and should be treated for it, with compassion

the problem is the juvenile "feelings matter more than reality" leadership of the liberals in the west. one of the few things i respect about the mulimfags is that at least they don't allow blatant lies about basic human biology to infiltrate their society (they are shitheads beyond that)

but they're not taking steps to be happy in their own skin

they're literally destroying their own skin because they are insane

dammit you're a thick headed dolt

it's enlightenment to acknowledge truth, you faggot

it's ok to stopmp them to be honest

Technically, people who get tattoos destroy their own skin. What do you think of them?

Did you cry when Trump won the election too?

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Attention whores every last one of them.

pretty high but maybe it will come down once people leave them alone to be them instead of treating them like shit.

no my fren you let them pollute your mind



>makes threads about how trans people should be killed
>gee Idk why they would want to leave this society

Men and women flirt all the time. If your gf thinks it is a problem being considered attractive I have a feeling she's just another angry feminist. If she's not litteraly being assualted (hint: words are not assault) then she is just a whiny bitch. She probably enjoys it and is just trying to get a rise outa her weak willed cuck of a man.

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I bet you are the same kind of retard that says all MSM is evil and already filled with delusion.

I image searched this and it came up on google as longboarding rofl

This is what I'm sick to death of.

You want to be gay, fine.
You attack my free speech cause your feelings?
Fuck you.

Lol what?

Your mom is also your aunt, isn't she?

How are my feelings hurt ? Faggots and trannys are mentally ill. I don’t even read the Bible.

Life is a delusion and more people live it than all the gay and trannys you will ever see

Kinda seems like a pointless thing to waste your time and energy worrying about somebody else doing what makes them happy. Probably what it really is, is you feel like it personally affects you. Did you fall for a girl who had herself a big ole penis?

>Probably what it really is, is you feel like it personally affects you.
So by that logic, you're too much of a faggot to be a man and fuck women because you like trannies.