Celeb thread

celeb thread

Attached: 1540746476159.jpg (3456x5184, 1.69M)

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The dream is over

Attached: 28.jpg (1170x1534, 221K)

Attached: Beyoncé-Feet-3147732.jpg (1229x1920, 530K)

is this real life?

Attached: David Hasselhoff (78).jpg (1080x1080, 157K)

Attached: Kylie-Jenner-Feet-3457597.jpg (2681x3848, 1.4M)

no its just fantasy

Hooray for boobies

Attached: gn0z768gly431.png (605x768, 559K)

you were in a land slide and escaped from reality

Explain pls

Attached: giphy (1).gif (245x350, 1.52M)

caught in a landslide?

Attached: David Hasselhoff (1009).jpg (740x796, 80K)