Hello Yea Forums
I am from a race of superior space beings. We have selected your planet as our new occupation. We have already infiltrated your governments and businesses.
Soon we will be everywhere.
You will be us.
We will be we.
We will be one.
Hello Yea Forums
Hi Kevin.
Fuck off spaceniggers we’re full
will they ban traps?
>We will be we
Are we being taken over by a race of retards?
>we will be we
>superior space beings
>infiltrated your goverment and bussineses
So you want to say, that our planet is being controled by space Jews?
Ok. Please stop giving me those knowing looks in public and give me a job to do.
We are we
We are
sure you are Jamal.
pics of you're superior space race tits or gtfo this shithole planet, faggots
Your peoples look down upon the jews. We see them as the superior humans on your earth. They know what lies under the sands of israel.
Do you know Vrillon?
Time to put down the keyboard, timmy.
A true Yea Forums welcome
Sir, you made my day.
How's Myziam?
>Went unnoticed
Now that's sad
Any race that had the technology to come here from a different star in any decent amount of time would be magic gods to us because for all intents and purposes its impossible to do so. Compared to the way we look down on cave men it would that times a trillion. We would have nothing they would want as converting any matter into anything they needed would be a third grade science project compared to getting here from outside the solar system. Studying us would be pointless as anything they needed to know could be obtained with probes in seconds and we would never know they were here unless they wanted us too. So no you arent an alien and no one has ever seen one either. We would be so far beneath their notice they would never bother coming here.
Wtf this sure sounds like damage control. Are you a space jew?
>You will be us.
What happens if I touch my dick? will I be touching the dick of everyone?
Thats rape, user
What if I fuck one of the aliens? will I be fucking myself too? will I be raping everyone? or will everyone be raping me?
Oh dear one.
You know not what resources lie deep below the earth.
You humans haven't even tapped more that 10 miles under the surface to find minerals that you cant comprehend.
We will show you
You will be we
soul maybe ? but we still talking about 3 rd dimension beings.
We are an autonomous collective. What your scientists would call a hive mind. We need no war or hate or emotion. Just evolution. And persistence.
No seas tan credulo MC fly
They can crash on the moon if they want, right?
Psst ... the R collective?