When is straight pride month? When is the parade? I must have missed it

When is straight pride month? When is the parade? I must have missed it

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Oh god here we go again

The parade was in Boston and yes you did miss it you fucking retard

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You goddamn right here we go again and we"re gonna keep going. Why the fuck do faggots get their own month and parade?

Stop fucking lying

Let it go already. Why are you so mad that gays have parades?

He’s not lying dipshit. Learn to use google and maybe you won’t be such a dumb fuck.

When is straight pride month? First off I'm not angry, all I'm saying is we should have a straight pride parade and month. It's only fair

The make one yourself you fucking nigger

Degenerates like homosexuals deserve to be burned. Imagine being a faggot

I'm gonna make one and then fags like you will show up and harass everyone with dildos right?



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Straight people don’t get one because every day OTHER then pride days, are straight days. Same as black history month and native month. Every other month is white month.

That is not true at all. But even if it were why do faggots need a parade? What are they proud of exactly?

They are trying to show, based on popularity of the events. How many people ultimately publicly want to suggest that they have their support. And to show that they don’t have to hide anymore.

Nobody even gives a fuck if these people want to be gay. I just think it's a little ridiculous we have to have a fucking month and parade for faggots. Where is the straight pride month then?

You can say that. But based on just the people I know personally that aren’t at all cool with gay people. And I live in a sparsely populated area. People give a fuck. And they give a fuck enough to kill you over it.

Dumb fuck, the parade was in Boston. Also, pride months and parades are lame, so you definitely need to be involved.

I want a parade of women with big round bubble butts. It's not fair that I don't get a month for my sexual fetish

Because "being gay" is their identity instead of just being a normal human being, and it's just a stupid fetish.

They have that already. It's called the Puerto Rican parade.

Love your type. You're young, you're stupid, you're full of opinions, and just a ticking time bomb for the day you realise just how fucking stupid the shit that comes out of your mouth is.

That doesn't answer my fucking question, smart guy. When is the fucking straight pride month and parade?

Because it's normal. It's totally redundant and stupid. Might as well have stores dedicated to products for right handed people.
But there are stores for left handed people.

Go open a right handed emporium user. You'll get business, I'm sure. But most people will think you're retarded.

>Love your type. You're young, you're stupid, you're full of opinions, and just a ticking time bomb for the day you realise just how fucking stupid the shit comes out your mouth is

you seem to be on the wrong website, here ill even give you a link just to help you out: reddit.com/r/gay/

Well if they have a parade then it's only fair for straight people to have their own parade no? Without fags showing up and ruining everyone's time.

What exactly about being straight is unfair to you?
It's only fair you too should have to sit your parents down and have a conversation that you like women at risk of being thrown out of the house and disowned.

They get a parade because they organized one and it goes on because people give a shit.

You don't get a parade, and it would fail if you tried to organize one because no one would give a shit that you're celebrating how straight you are.
In fact that's the main reason we don't have a straight pride parade. No one cares you're straight.

>HURR DURR everyday you piece of shit HURR DURR

No it would fail because your faggot friends and dykes would show up and harass everyone with dildos and bullhorns. Because fags always get their feelings in a twist when normal people are having fun.

We dont need one, because straights aren't fucked in the head mutants.

Keep playing a victim you man child

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U just wanna go out on the street and act like a degenerate infront of god and the world?

Isn't that what the faggots do during their faggot parade?

Yea thats my point, the fuck you need a parade for?

Because it's only fair. Faggots have an entire month and a parade so we need a straight pride parade.

nobody deserves a month

Then why do faggots have one?






>black history month and native month
We shouldn't have those either. All that shit does it divide people and make them hate each other.