Anyone got more pics of this sexy ass teacher? :)

Anyone got more pics of this sexy ass teacher? :)

Attached: 850eddae5678e6b8cecac351006dc2e3.jpg (1080x1080, 226K)


This isn't imgur, of course we have interest. Show us her tits.

Attached: 2 - 16Dyl7P.jpg (1083x1071, 234K)

Attached: 3 - Z8NfsBP.jpg (564x564, 67K)

>teacher needs an arithmetic table on the wall to remember basic mathematics
american "educators", LOL

Attached: 4 - XrB1YvP.jpg (736x736, 120K)

Attached: 5 - HcmSw07.jpg (1080x1080, 206K)

Attached: 6 - EqV94l8.jpg (1080x1080, 218K)

Attached: 7 - jLNdGSN.jpg (1080x1080, 176K)

Attached: 8 - Y4Ee5gs.jpg (1080x1080, 214K)

I wouldn't mind giving her my red nose, if I know what I mean, which I don't.

Attached: 9 - x2yP5tk.jpg (1080x1080, 223K)

I bet she has to deal with hell at work. I have plenty of family members in the education system and anyone that is nice or attractive is generally bullied severely by ugly catty women. No joke, you get that many women together in a workplace and it becomes a freshman high school cafeteria.

Attached: 10 - ckZZ8in.jpg (606x1040, 306K)


Attached: 11 - A5jduZa.jpg (1080x1080, 212K)

Attached: 12 - QcMAOLA.jpg (1080x1080, 99K)

Attached: 13 - cY6YkXk.jpg (1080x1080, 81K)

Attached: 14 - oiVuwE3.jpg (1080x1080, 172K)

She's pretty hot, but the "KEEP CALM AND X ON" shit and the slogans on her shirts, coffee mug, and desk suggest that she is incredibly basic. I do appreciate the fact she has DEAR (drop everything and read) on her daily schedule, though.

last one I've got... some one must know her...

help a brother out :)

Attached: 15 - af3uJ3F.jpg (1080x1080, 93K)

damn those some milf feet

please have more someone

No one here is thinking about marrying her.

You think that’s for the teacher? Is that how they educate in your third world shithole?

I think the point is to have distracted eyes still looking at educational material.

yeah... that’s totally for her benefit, genius

KEK! Is that a rooster on the lower right.

>leopard print
Coal burner confirmed.

People who let chickens in their house are weird.
She's still hot, just a little crazy.
I had a chicken every time she'd walk by the house she'd take a shit the second she stepped on the walkway.

>ameritards shilling for their mentally handicapped teachers
pathetic lol

Nah leopard print is in. I know women that wear leopard print that think black guys are hideous

I was seeing this divorced milf-type in her 40s who had chickens, one was super friendly and would walk in the house from the deck and chill out and ask to get picked up.
I don't know anything about it shitting in the house but i woudn't be surprised. I know chickens can get pretty tame but they're still pretty stupid by bird-standards.
She inherited a small farm, if that matters.

She dresses like shit. no style

>She dresses like shit. no style
found the homo

You didn’t answer my question. You exposed yourself as a retard who thinks teachers put up charts for their own benefit. Go back to Notamericastan, shitskin.

>some one must know her...
I remember her getting posted by some guy on /s/ who claimed he knew her

How could you concentrate on anything when she's got her feet on show like that?
Would fail her class.

The queerest shit I've ever read.



i've heard that too, have a good friend who works at a high school and she says the drama beween teachers rivals anything the kids come up with

Lauryn Mikaela