Niggers general - /pol is colonizing Yea Forums. Post nigger related redpills

Niggers general - /pol is colonizing Yea Forums. Post nigger related redpills

Attached: AfricansVsGrollias.jpg (683x743, 94K)

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Please take this racism back in to your neighbourhood.

No /pol and /fit have allied to destroy you degenerates.

Attached: NiggerAbstractThinking.png (697x8275, 1.87M)

Go back to plebbit you cumbeard fatso

Don't bring /fit/ into your weird race bullshit man, let us lift in piece. Our only enemy is fat people who wish to remain fat.

No you

wow is the IQ thing real

Yes, it is, you may look at the world IQ map and verify yourself

Attached: World IQ.png (640x366, 82K)

I hate india but theres no way their average iq is 82

Because iq and all these maps are pure bullshit
Polcels need the delusion that their skin makes them superior to make up for their shitty life as individuals

Its the first page on google. Anyway India has 2 races in it Dravidians in the south and lighter Indo Europeans in the north. So it could be that one race drags the country down IQ score wise. Another option is that since IQ checks the summed knowledge of a person, it could be that villagers in India just don't need to learn stuff like math, science or general political knowledge because they are farmers and its useless to them.

>Telling the truth is racism.

I dunno user.
I have lived among brown people and there are differences in behaviour that make no sense as purely cultural in origin. Im not saying every white person is better than every brown person, but societies built by whites or yellows seem better organized.

As a language fag, I found this article to be interesting. It really is interesting how language influences thought and how thought influences language. I can see why a lack of precision and abstract words and thought can stymie a civilization. That said, I know plenty of of dumbass white people so can't think beyond their own immediate circumstances, so just because abstract thought develops within a society doesn't mean that all member of the society can use it.

A lot of South Asians are dark and intelligent. Skin is not the only thing that makes a race. Niggers on the other hand are among the least intelligent races, along side with Australian aboriginals and Pygmies (Also in Africa).

Attached: Pygmies.jpg (900x599, 189K)

Fuck you and JIDF false flagging agenda Iceberg.

Get outta my Yea Forums kosher breath

Average IQ or not, /fit/ is about fitness. I'm not about to become a singaporean supremacist.

/fit is exporting the no fap to Yea Forums ever since the yellow revolution began. It has nothing to do with this thread. I'm just saying they are also helping yellow Yea Forumsros.

Goddammit the no-fappers are invaders on /fit/ anyway. They're from /r9k/ originally.

Oye mate how are taking shits

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 33K)

I feel like Yea Forums is like ancient greece. Each board is a separate city-state who hate or ally with one another but when someone tries to fuck with Yea Forums in general, all boards temporarily ally.

This is bad news for us... What happens when Rome invades?

Kek google’s being honest as is

Attached: D1BB6AEE-5403-477C-B5F0-5CE222DA8A8D.jpg (1242x1759, 450K)

They tried a few times. Some deleted system32, some didn't last a minute and got TRIGGERED. Some made a few posts and then went to reddit and Tumblr to tell everyone how they fought for freedom and tolerance

Fucking newfag. Yea Forums was racist from the start. Even in 2006