I want to die Yea Forums I'm not gonna do it because I'm a pussy bitch though. Mildly hungover and might take a xanax. Never taken one before will it help with these feelings
I want to die Yea Forums I'm not gonna do it because I'm a pussy bitch though. Mildly hungover and might take a xanax...
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Xanax is an anxiety calmer you tard
Yeah I'm stupid I know
This help
Haha nah I wish porn helped. I just want to die. Don't know how to make these thoughts go away
hey i can discourse with you here to keep you off focused on that shit.
is your sleep ok?
Get a trap gf to hug and fuck
Go for walks man. Pick up a new hobby. Start working out. Those helped me when I was down in the dumps
I appreciate it. Not great for conversation I'm afraid but I appreciate it
Sorry I'm not into traps
I need a hobby period. But the only thing that interests me is wasting my life away and dying. I don't know how to find motivation
what are the things that still make you happy, man??
Dude traps are the best
My sleep is pretty fucked not gonna lie. But even when it's right I don't feel much better. At least I don't think. Today I only got an hour of sleep maybe.
holy shit.
i asked because i slept 4-5 hours last two days and im getting aggressive and i feel fucked up
. you got any diagnose?
Just get high
Connections with people I care about. I feel distant with my family now and I'm pretty sure my gf is gonna leave me. Don't know how I managed a gf being the mess that I am. Fucked it up finally though lol
I'm not aggressive just sad. But no diagnosis. Don't know if it's something wrong with me or I'm just stupid
that's it. the connections are going to come. If you can appreciate them it means you are still alive and kicking.
watch this, man.
its motivating
Xanax is garbage. You'll end up doing something stupid and not remember doing it the next day. Take up an instrument, learn to paint or draw, and start growing your own psilocybin mushrooms is the best advice I can give. Also always remember that they want you to kill yourself. Don't give them what they want. Who are they you ask? You figure it out! Talk to the pope, he knows everything.
Hey I appreciate it this. I don't know if this is true to only him or not but I hope not. It's been like this for years. I wish I knew when I'd get better and when I'd stop thinking like this
Mushrooms are great. Don't know how to get them now to grow or anything though. And I'm not big into religion. Can't find it in myself to believe any religious gospel or whatever
Underage btfo
here's another great video by him.
Look into pf tek.
I'm 24 man
I hear his message. I don't know if it's me or not but I've heard similar things before and can't get the inspiration or motivation I need or want from them.ind seems closed off to it for some reason. Maybe part of me enjoys feeling like this
Alright will check out whatever this is
Oh I see. Nice. I'll dive deep into this
do you really want to an hero?
I sometimes open a window and there's the ground well beneath me that can kill me in seconds.
It'd only take a quick lean and leap.
but i look at the ground and i know that deep down i dont want to. i have unfinished business
Maybe not. I fantasize about it and tell myself it. When I'm taking the train I always think about jumping in front of it. I never do though. I'm worried about sinking deeper into this and resisting help from people who care.
so do i, man
any specific reasons you'd feel this way?
You play games?
I wish there was an easy fix to this. But obviously that's the kind of mindset that led me here in the first place
I just feel like shit every day. Empty. No motivation. Most of it I think stems from feeling like a degenerate and stagnant. I don't help. I'm useless. I eventually lose everyone close to me. I don't try. I don't know
surely you want to change the way you act.
What's your fix?
Mine was booze but lately i feel like it fucks with my sleep.
I feel you want to keep your friends close. that's good. Listen, i have an idea.
would it help if you'd spend some time in nature woth those close to you?
Maybe family? Talk it out. Talk it real. assume your mistakes, thank others for helping you?
Spent all night boozing. I don't know what my fix is. I can watch stupid videos all day or something just as unproductive
>I can watch stupid videos all day or something just as unproductive
as long as it keeps you content and happy, i wouldn't blame you.
Don't have friends. I'm all alone. Family relationships are somewhat distant and relationship fallen apart
you have a gf tho. that should keep the spirits up.
what music are you into
im surprised Yea Forums doesn't want to talk with an user down on his luck
She's gone man. Pretty much ruined that one yesterday
is it your fault tho
You tell me. We've been together for three years. We were having casual conversation. Incest somehow came up and I told her my honest thoughts. That if they were 2 consenting adults, as weird and gross as it is, they deserve to be treated like people. They shouldn't be so ostracized. To me that makes no sense. She was completely grossed out by this and accused me of wanting to fuck my sister and stuff. She started equating it to pedophilia and stuff too. I honestly didn't know it was that fucked up a thought and thinking about it now the only thing I think is they should be forced to adopt kids. I really don't know what to make of it all
damn, this place has influenced you.
good for your gf, cause she has morals by which she stands
good for you for not being afraid to voice your opinion
still, a bummer thing to cease a 3 year lasting relationship to
its not your fault user, imho...
nobody's at fault.. it's just that some parts of your lives are incompatible.
It helped me :)
It really is heartbreaking because I love her to death. But now I'm just sort of here. And I still love her but I've clearly tainted myself in her eyes. And I feel gross now too even if I don't have any different an opinion
yeah but if you take enough of it you blackout and he can just time travel through the hangover
Like I said I don't know what to make of it. She was the only strong bond I had in this world and it's gone just like that. I'm not even mad at her. I'm not even surprised she left honestly. But it already feels harder to cope with all these feelings without a lifeline or connection.
you'll adapt
I know that feel, Yea Forumsrother. It will get better in time, trust me. Had a gf of 6 years leave me last year.