What are the pros and cons of being black?
What are the pros and cons of being black?
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Pros: bigger cock
Cons: Continuous racial abuse which is prevalent throughout the world today.
not nececceraly bigger cock.
im a whiteboi and mine is bigger than blacks on avarage
lmao as if anyone believes u whiteboi
pros: the watermelon skill is over 9000
cons: niggers gonna nig
White, Latina, and Asian chicks are addicted to your superior cocks
right that's why you can find millions of SMALL TINY black dicks on google and other sites when you look for them.
You are blinded by selective porn
Cons: Being guilty of everything.
Pros: Not feeling guilty of anything.
>cons of being black
>cons be black
Pro: Having BBC
Con: Don't get to be a white boy or white girl who enjoys BBC
pros: good genetics for lifting, less chances of cancer or some shit
cons: racism against ur race
another con: everyone expects you to have a bbc
Pros: bbc confidence and general physical superiority
Cons: can’t make good traps like wh*tebois
maybe you could bait someone with the bbc thing but you guys always use the same photos all the time, like there were no actual black guys with big dicks that could provide new pics
Cons: Low IQ, more violent on average, can't create a functioning first world country. list goes on
Pros: affirmative action, low expectations
>likely to be obese and sick
>dick looks like a turd
>to dumb to understand why being black sucks
>generally none.
pro: ug ug, con: ug uga
Most blacks are obese and disgusting.
The athletes on TV are not representative.
When things don't work out for you, use your race card.
Proceed to collects gibs.
Pros are white women really like you
Cons are white men really hate you
If you guys praise black cock so much fucking get pounced by one already
I'd rather my gf get bred by one
Im not a whiteboi so i dont crave it
Pros: a culture of pure IDGAF attitude
Cons: the backfiring of that culture (jail, thievery, Bob crime)
you mean your mother, Tenda? Thought she likes white meat only...
I have gotten pounded by BBC :)
No I'm white. I want my girlfriend impregnated by black men
Nope strongest men in the world are white
>take massive amounts of drugs and eat like an elephant
it’s not a sport and nobody cares about it so blacks dont compete
Pro: It's literally impossible to be racist if your black
con: Everyone else hates you and will do everything in their power to hold you down and prevent you from improving yourself, keep you and your family in the ghetto, despite your best efforts to escape and live an honest, hard-working life.
Hey, realistic answer incoming.
The amount of melatonin/color pigments directly correlate with physical advantages, as a tendency of course. However, ALL animals with a higher physical advantage tend to rely on the physical aspect above mental ones. This means you tend to be more assertive or aggressive but less thoughtful or analyse different scenarios.
For the race baiters here. This does not mean the more colored pigments you have, the dumber you are, but as a tendency, they would rely on physical advantage over intelligent advantage, depending on what suits the situations of course, with hundred and thousands of other factors playing in.
Societal advantages will appear and fade depending on your traits as well. You are more likely to be hired as a white person, but you are more likely to be targeted by pickpocket and wealth theft as you likely tend to be of higher wealth than other traits etc. The list goes on.
There is no doubt that being white in the western would is a benefit in most scenarios.
Say again whiteboi?
>There is no doubt that being white in the western would is a benefit in most scenarios.
Except for when you walk in on your wife sucking off a superior black guy.
>blacks dont compete
Well, then it's their fault they don't get represented.
Pros: Bigger dicks
Can get away with blatant racism/race
card doesn't expire
Blacks are athletic(if you actually try to be
of course)
For the most part, ages well(black don't
Affirmative Action
Better at basketball than you
May spawn in fucking hoodrat trash
If you don't have a big dick, you are
looked down upon, even more so than
little counterparts of other races
>implying watching my wife suck off a bbc isn't the greatest pleasure i could have
Less sunburn.
Less vitamin D.
Pros: N word pass
Cons: Ebola
Sometimes I wonders why you people are so serious with you uneducated opinions but then I remember that I'm on the internet
say again nigger?
>me tribe better than u tribe
>ooga booga
>That guy looks Mexican
sorry for being part of the superior white race, now go back to your 12 hour shift public service job to feed your 5'7" stupid nigger ass
Race traitor. May as well go ahead and castrate yourseld
- seen as token/cool friend
- diversity quota
- go to excuse of racism
- lower risk of skin-cancer
- people think your dick is longer
- direct and indirect racism
- higher chance of diabetes
- lower chances at high level employment
- higher court sentences
- your dick isn't actually longer
- lower chances in the sexual market place (see pic attached)
You have to play a sport first to actually be good at it dumbass.
Well con, being a nigger.
Higher chances of Anuerisms and heart failure too
Maybe take a joke you fool
>if you're on Yea Forums
Meanwhile in the real world..
big dick; small dick; more intelligent; less intelligent - who gives a shit. Just live your live to the fullest and ignore all this bullshit, you only have one chance at it.
> Tons of SJW's that will fuck you just because you are considered controverscial/an underdog which translates to exciting. These are also the same girls who have piercings/tattos/dyed hair and are more likely to be "progressive" which is code for kinky.
> You can call the race card anytime you want in front of non-black people, and instantly gain an excuse for just about any situation good or bad.
>Regardless of the size of your dick, people will call it a "big black dick/cock" which means simply on the basis that you are black people assume you have a big dick. And when girls see that its not really even that big, it doesnt matter. In other words; a black persons dick is perceived to be between 15-25% bigger than it actually is by white girls.
> Black guys have "hardcore privelidge" its assumed that black men are lower class and will fuck you like they are a savage beast. So when a white guy tries to get dirty, and hardcore with a woman she will always shit test him "ouch not like that", "stop not so hard" etc. Black men, are assumed to be savage and are expected to fuck like this.
> Black people are assumed to be lower class and essentially have very little value status wise. Which means, that it's very easy for any halfway successful one to impress. Whereas white men are expected to be successful.
> Black men have most likely been through much more traumatizing events, as a result. They are much funnier than white men. This means more game, and more ability to give bitches good feelings.
Just go on xhamster or pornhub and look up interracial amateur.. theres ton posted daily.
Black people are typically in better shape than white people on average. I am not sure why but they tend to have larger muscles and are more cut.
The average white dude unless you have great genetics just look skinny, skinny/fat or husky.
- People expect less from you
- You get special treatment
- Higher chances for enrollment or employment
- You can sling race card
- If you fail it's not your fault. It's systemic racism and white man's fault.
- Unless you're extremely lucky you're probably going to have below average inteligence
- You're going to live in a ghetto culture that abhors studying and getting your life together
- You're much much more likely to get shot by some other nigger for 5$
- If you have even a tiny amount of self-awareness, you'll be constantly reminded that you're useless and inferior
Her WHITE cuck husband is probably at work getting hard knowing his wife is going to be fucked by superior black cock, and when he gets home is probably going to lick her cunt clean of any remnants of that black guys thick, creamy seed in the hopes of being even 1% as satisfying to his wife as that black alpha male is
Its not that they are expected to fuck harder its that when you a chick is fucking a big dick they are more turned on/feels better.
If you are fucking a 5.5 incher there is nothing wild going on about it.. the only thing you have is the mental or love connection between each other. It's hard to compare with someone (any race or color) that has a big dick which is 6.5+ inches.
>implying conservative white women are not also curious about bbc
blacks have like the lowest employment rate dumbass
The world is a huge place. Compared to normal porn it's a miniscule amount.
>Most women will fuck white men, because white men are perceived as the default, or the standard. There is a subset of people who will never touch a black man.
> All cops automatically assume that you are a drug dealer, rapist, piece of shit, criminal, and belong in jail. Meaning if you value your freedom, you must pay 10x more attention to the company you keep, and the activities you take part in.
> You were most likely born with no famililal resources which means you must create your future with your own bare hands, and essentially no assistance whatsoever.
> All of your idols, role models, mentors, or people you would look up to are actually awful for you. They glamorize violence, jail time, abuse, and generally only things that cannibalize your culture in toxicity. This is a trap most will not escape.
> You were likely born in a lower income area which is trying 24 hours a day, to pull you down with it.
> You likely did not have a Father, your mother is likely an abuse/rape victim with no self-esteem. You have likely been subject to abuse from her/her boyfriends over the years.
> You likely wont go to college, or trade school.
> Certain parts of the country are legitimately filled with people who would like to harm you to some degree physical, emotional, financial, or mental. Which means their are places where your life/livelihood is in genuine jeapardy.
Yes, you fuckwit. But most blacks are useless slobs who rather be on welfare than go to work despite the fact that a lot of places having diversity quotas so "PeOple oV Culor" are preffered choice.
Yeah that is true but if you look up just standard white girl fucking white guy most of the time the dick is average to small.
I will also say i have had this conversation with my gf and she has fucked 6 or 7 black guys and only said one was small.
Before all the Yea Forumstards get in an uproar, she has dated a few white dudes with big dicks. I asked how many small to average dicks she has fucked and basically she cant remember any guy with an average dick really. She occasionally remembers the small ones and always says "its disappointing."
Follow up, I meant to explain more clearly that she basically said if you dont have a big dick you are not a memorable lay.
> i have had this conversation with my gf and she has fucked 6 or 7 black guys and only said one was small
I don't even know how to respond to this. Damn, you're so fucking cucked. Get yourself a proper girlfriend, not some worthless whore.
the comment(which I'm assumming is yours) I replied to stated that blacks have higher rates of employment, which is obviously false, dumbass, so I corrected them. Please fuck off now
weird, i had the exact opposite situation :/
>Higher chances for enrollment or employment
> blacks have higher rates of employment
Learn to read mongrel.
omegalul dude, 6-7 blacks. did you guys check for an std?
>be black
>get shot
I'll never understand this mentality. Male fucks 20 woman, whatever, Female fucks 20 men, Slut
Just fuck off user
Your gf is a whore and probably sleeps around with other dudes. Just saying.
>I have a loosed vagina whore of a gf and am surprised she needs a footlong schlong to fill the void
Most girls prefer average to slightly above
if a key opens every lock its a great key if a lock is opened by any key its a shitty lock.
It's not exactly rocket science. Guys have a much harder time getting laid.
When guys fuck a lot, it's an achievement. When girls fuck a lot, it just means she's really fucking horny.
It takes work for a man to get laid.
All a woman has to do is spread her legs and say come get it
Stop dating loose whores and trying to justify it.
Because we expect standards of women. Women can get pregnant and are also the gender which men are supposed to care for and protect. If women sleep around and are as promiscuous as a guy then I personally can't respect that person. If a guy sleeps with many women he's a game as simple as that if a woman sleeps around she's easy.
I think you're a fucking idiot user, unemployment rates don't include people on welfare, only people actively looking for work, and unable to find one. So those on welfare, don't count. Which means, that blacks are given less job opportunities than other races, even though they have the same qualifications. Maybe look up what employment means before you go spouting bullshit. Now stfu, you troglodyte
Pros: western society views black culture highly (on a whole), you get to ride the myth of having a bigger cock---scientifically disproved but still spread as fact. Often, blacks have height and weight advantages over other races. Western cultures are more willing to give you a pass/allow you to fail upwards if you put in a minuscule amount of effort into life---i.e. go to community college or trade school--through affirmative action programs.
Con: just about everything else. High rate of STDs, higher rate of heart disease and diabetes (compared to whites), racial profiling/discrimination in eastern cultures/pockets of western culture. High level of violence in black culture among their own.
This. Why are some guys so insecure? It's laughably pathetic
>you're so cucked
Yeah enjoy your virgin girlfriend who will get bored and go rogue on you and fuck half the town. Try getting off Yea Forums for once.
In what sense?
Nah, we are both around 30. She has had her slut phase in college, i have heard all about it. We have really good lines of communication.. which is why i know all i do and why she feels comfortable sharing.
Slightly above is big.. when you're above average.. nevermind. Yes user, you're right.
What i dont understand is why they are so butthurt over another dudes girl cheating or talking about fucking other dudes.
You can tell they dont get laid because they go irate of the thought of that. They're so fucking clueless they dont realize that they are the other dude. These kids ever got any relationship with any chick they would cling on to it for dear life.
-no self reflection/awareness, so get to blame everyone else for own failure
-able play the race-card when struggling with anything
-natural camouflage which makes thieving in the dark without getting caught easier
-inferior to every other race in terms of society, culture and technology
-get to contract HIV from being raped by fellow tribesman
-homeland africa is "defended" by child soldiers on crack equipped with WW2 guns
-naturally delusional about reality
-low IQ and pitiful gang mentality which induces to become a real ass nigger and spend life in jail
-grow up without a father who might teach about "how not be a useless hoodrat"
that "myth" has only been disproved for African Americans. According to an article I read( I'm not touting it as fact, btw) African Americans are 65% African, 29% European(most of which I'm assuming is from slavery and raping of black women) and 2% Native American. From this it's fair to say the difference in penis size would be minimal due to mixing of races. We'd have to analyze the More pure Africans to make a proper analysis, and finally find out the truth. Also, I once saw a chart that put the average size of many African countries well over the American average, though I don't know how valid, that is.
Cons: you're a subhuman
And now you officially made an idiot out of yourself. I never specifically mentioned unemployment rates nor did I wanted to discuss that. I simply mentioned that a lot of blacks are content to stay on welfare and not search for jobs.
You literally constructed a false dichotomy and started to circle jerk to something I didn't even say or imply.
Blacks are not given fewer job opportunities than other races, they are given more opportunities. There are programs in place as well as directives which are blatantly racist in favor of blacks should they possess the necessary qualifications to work at certain companies and workplaces. Sometimes they are even hired despite not having those qualifications.
You're a moron user. A moron.
>Yes, because my girlfriend would fuck half the town virgin gfs must be even worse.
You're coping.
Were talking from 5-6.5 inches. Anything bigger and your girl better have a taper or you'll hurt her/won't be able to put it all in
Yeah i'm coping with getting laid. You're coping with BBC threads on Yea Forums.
That'sa bullshit.
t. Has to fuck loose gaping whores
shes a dumb whore. most women wouldnt know what to do with a big dick if they ever encountered one in real life.
Because women can get pregnant, demonstrates a lack of forethought on the woman's part if she isnt selective.
You're getting laid with a whore who doesn't even charge you because she had her go on the cock carousel and now feels like it's time to find a hubby to take care of her. And you're proud of that.
>You're coping with BBC threads
I never brought up BBC anything. You just fucking exposed yourself. Kek
you literally said they have higher chances for jobs, which everyone would assume would correlate into not having the lowest employment rate(even if a lot prefer welfare) And I'd really like for you to provide me with evidence about all the claims you're making as I am in no way inclined to believe that
- you are black
- collect welfare
Pros: thick BBC that white women LOVE
Cons: literally none
you can never be racist.
big dick
Free money and special work programs for your lazy ass
you are a filthy nigger
Always suspected of every murder,crime,whatever. if something bad happens your kind is related to it
police shoot you.. like alot. like alot alot..
While this guy is a hyper cuck (but not really, more like an inadiquate loser unless his dick is close to the biggest she was with)
This post is propaganda and trash
>Been with 32 girls at 23
>Most of the girls are high quality usually really cute and only do slutty when ultra hot
>Have the autistic mind of a scientist
>See nothing but the truth
>Lots of reasearch on cock (inb4 ur a fgt user, what other way can you learn the most accurate facts)
If you want a true and honest take on the penis size and what girls think here it is
if you are below 7 inches or 18cm length and 5.7 inches or 14.5cm girth you are going to have a hard time truelly pleasing a girl and It will look small
If you are above 9 Inches or 22cmlength and 6.5 or 16.5cm inches girth you may run into problems, the length can be accomidated for with skill but the girth may be a big problem. (Not to be confused with being below the min mark thats unfixable but having a dick thats to big just means you have more work to do)
Percect size in my opinion that is most likelly one of the most accurate on this site is around 7.5 by 6 from years of porn, girls opinions and guys opinions.
Pic unrelated
Oh also I have never seen a 5 inch penis lol ever
Only micro dicks I think 5 inch cocks are somewhat rare
lol stfu cocksucker
What am I larping dumb cunt?
Even tho this is a race thread that post has no race ties
Regardless of your race what I said is true suck it the fuck up and face the truth dont be as ignorant as scientolegists
>Have the autistic mind of a scientist
>See nothing but the truth
you retarded fag, suck a cock
>Been with 32 girls at 23 well this can't be true user, you're on Yea Forums!
>this post is propaganda and trash
>proceeds to post propaganda and trash
You can please a woman easily with a 5 incher much more with 6-7. Take your you need a foot long and shove it up your ass.
>You can please a woman easily with a 5 incher much more with 6-7. Take your you need a foot long and shove it up your ass.
That's because they were bred like animals during slavery. Also the reason some of them have big dicks...
>Percect size in my opinion that is most likelly one of the most accurate on this site is around 7.5 by 6 from years of porn, girls opinions and guys opinions.
not only is user larping, but he's also gay. You asked guys what the perfect size is? Did you do this while fucking them in the ass?
The average penis is 5.5 inches schlomo. The average vagina is 4.5 only gapers need anything >6
The source of all this confusion is that women are dumb and cant measure for shit. I have 6 incher and every woman I've fucked has complained about me being too big and they tell all their friends that I'm 8" unless I correct them.
Tldr: women dont know what inches are
Yes I DID ask guys what the perfect size is gay guys!
They like it as big as they personalty can take it usually but girls LOL but they almost always agree with me
5.5 inch cocks are rare as fuck, you would know if you had to look around at 1000s of cocks
Inb4 that makes me gay again how else are you supose to figure out a genuine stat That kinglies studie was complete trash
Liar, or you are mesuring it wrong and modern chicks deffs know
Na leave him alone he is 6 inches thats HUGE!!!! LOL
>They like it as big as they personalty can take it usually but girls LOL but they almost always agree with me
not only has OP not denied being a faggot, he has outed himself
>5.5 inch cocks are rare as fuck, you would know if you had to look around at 1000s of cocks
Inb4 that makes me gay again how else are you supose to figure out a genuine stat That kinglies studie was complete trash
OP has seen lots of cocks up close, and loves to measure them after he's been fucked so he knows that 5.5 in definitely very rare
In concolusion, OP is still a larper
american measurement system is a big pile of shit tho
Im not Op lol
I have never seen a penis in person but I have seen many many dicks even if i was gay wouldnt that STRENGTHEN my argument about knowing about dicks size?
Think before you speak brainlet
aerenyt they amazing???
If I was lying why would I say my cock is smaller you absolute fucking retard
>tfw asian women like us more than our own kind
It's better than commie units
what is it with you americans staying in the past, just use the metric system
>commie units
No woman would ever complain about a 6 inch dick being to big you fool
you mostlikelly are meusing it wrong or you have been lied to OR you are a liar
Chicks will lie to you alot if you have other benifites fucko
>average vilaginal depth is 4.5 inches
The average woman would indeed complain about a thick 6 incher.
Stop being retarded and stop fucking gaping whores
you do know the vagina, similarly to the penis, expands when aroused, right?
This post screams of porn addicted virginity
>to 5.5 inches on average, 7 on gapers
>pros: long dick, taller stronger
>con: you're a nigger and everyone hates niggers
isn't porn the truth?
>He thinks that means it gets deeper
Have sex
Idk you tell me
>having a big dick
>still cant get laid
The absolute state of this user
I googled it, first search result said it can go up to 200%, so no, not from 4.5(which is above average btw, you fool) but like 3.5 inches to 6.5/7 inches
That's still pretty average for 5.5 penis average
All cons or ex-cons
It does you fucking spastic it go up inside the girl holy shit dont have sex first learn human bio beyond retarded
>pro: jew pussy will crave the BBC
>con: nigger
This guy gets it lol and what Did i say the perfect size was? Exactly
Circle jerk more
This is now an Ellen page.
Liars get gassed with the niggers.
muh 5" bbc
Lol if i walked in on this I would not even be that hurt...
It all comes down to the cock size the bigger the more devestating oh look its not even about race!
>bigger cock
>Racial abuse
pro - none
con - you are a nigger
I don't have any interracial porn, so have a loli.
Jiangshi Meifei
Cons: People expect you to have a big cock, when your average is the same as other full-size people, i.e. non-asians.
Pros: You can blame all your personal failures and shortcomings on racism. If you actually apply yourself and work you have an easier way to success than everyone else.
Yeah. Except every study shows every type of woman - white, asian, latina and even black - prefer white men by a huge margin.
Ellen Paige aged poorly.
No cons if you're a right leaning black.
It's not necrophilia, it's art.
Advice for the Whipped
Bow to your perfect queen or face death.
Pro: having been selectively breed for centuries to be more than physically fit
Con: be much less likely to reach your potential after being repressed by your nigger culture.
in an alternate dimension with ellen page, she is being brutally raped and penetrated in every orifice possible , her pussy is all red and swolen with ET dick
In all other dimensions Ellen is a male. We live in the weird universe where this man has become slightly feminine.
if that aint the truth
because the chicks get payed more money to get blacked
Still doest change the fact that black pypo have better genetics for aesthetics, look at mr Olympia winners
they're mostly skeletons or fat fucks, but they have good potential, also you're referring to black Americans
Come meet a real niga let's if any white boys do anything or are just all talk
911 N Rural St, Indianapolis, IN46201
>Black people are typically in better shape than white people on average
[citation needed]
pro> you get to work for the white man
con> still a subhuman nigg
You get to have no responsibility for anything.
Um, and blame others for your own shortcomings.