Why do most guys need to be significantly taller than a bitch in order to fuck her? It's pussy shit.
Why do most guys need to be significantly taller than a bitch in order to fuck her? It's pussy shit
boycott israel
So says the short man.
But nah, nobody needs to be significantly taller. It's just biology. Men are bigger than women, as a rule.
My partner is only like 3 or 4 inches shorter than me. I wouldn't care if she was the same height either. Hell, if she was taller than me, I'd probably be ok with that too.
But, I wouldn't want to feel small. Most women like feeling small because it makes them feel protected. Most men don't because it makes them feel threatened. Biology.
It's true. Most are pussies who can only feel like a man if they're at least a head taller than the bitch.
Guess you're tired of being short therefore a bitch therefore fucked by everyone taller than you, huh?
>Men are bigger than women, as a rule
That's slowly changing. We now observe on a regular basis short men and tall women; neither are uncommon.
Is that not because the media likes tall women (models etc.) so we see them more often with their partners
I'm talking about real life, though.
I see and work with a lot of couples and almost never see the woman being taller. Same height a fair bit I suppose, but rarely taller.
i have never met a women taller than 5'11
Beards are gross. When are those going back into the closet.
They were no where from 80s- early 00s
trannies dont count
My partner is about 5-6 inches shorter and she likes it. She can fit under my chin, my walking gait has longer strides but she walks with a faster pace so that works out, and as she's lighter I can pick her up, throw her around a bit in bed without much effort. No complaints
Are you autistic? As the OP is saying, that's because most men only want to fuck women much shorter than them. It's simply a preference. Tall women are everywhere to be found.
Nah. You're just focused too much on the fact that you're insecure about your height to actually get a bitch, you silly little ventriloquist dummy.
Also a manlets group fapping threat
I'm curious why most guys have to be taller than a bitch in order to date her. I see no real explanation for this other than the fact that they would be intimidated by a larger girl.
completely ignoring all other comments because I think that's Dodger, the gamer's wet-dream of a woman
Or, you know, just find everything else to blame instead of realising they are the problem. Just sayin'
>than a bitch
Nigger alert
I know. Makes no sense.
Where them tall chicks at?