My sister literally fucking cried because our mother wouldn’t pay with credit card for a skin and a pickaxe in...

My sister literally fucking cried because our mother wouldn’t pay with credit card for a skin and a pickaxe in fortnite, my sister is 11. What do I fucking do? Is this the generation that will rule us soon?

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boycott israel

Idk Pepe you seem like a faggot too why don't you tell me?

Search kids in Africa and show it to her

why not just use a prepaid visa card? skins are only like 1-10 bucks.

Good idea

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I am 42 years old and I play fork knife too. My son who is 14 and lives with his mom play online together it's good boding time so I can talk to him. Not to brag but I come from 1999 halo days and young kids today have no clue how to mouse and keyboard. I place in the top 5 every game and my sons friends love it when I play squads with them

Buy it for her in exchange for a blowjob. I'm not kidding. Do this and show her when she's 19, then play it again at her wedding. Rub it in. Seriously OP do this she'll fucking do it.

I have never played Fortnite but I just played through all of Blood on Lightly Broiled and I'm going back to it on Well Done now. Halo was a breeze. Would I enjoy Fortnite?

You Are A Retard / 10

Beat her to death.
We would be proud

She will get attracted to their bbc’s

Update: I showed her the African kids thing a guy above told me to do and she said that she doesn’t give a fuck, she continued crying

I'm pretty sure any spoiled brat is going to cry over not getting their way. It's always been that way. Just don't raise your kids to be spoiled and this won't he an issue.

>as a child I NEVER threw a tantrum because I didn't get what I want
I don't believe you guys.

fuck off newfag

I did that a long time ago, didn’t help

I mean it's a good game yeah, not bloody not a lot of cheaters ( thought they are out there) there isn't shit talking because you can only talk to folks you invite to your party all in all it's good.

I'm so sorry it turned out this way user.

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The generation won't rule us soon, they'll be too busy bitching and moaning about Fortnut or whatever trend is cool by time they're older. Destress those chesticles.

Alright I guess. I might check it out.

I guess you are right. I’m gonna talk about spoiled brats with mother to see if mother will stop spoiling her

Post pictures of sister for a batter answer to your question

underage. ban.