Any thoughts?
Any thoughts?
Other urls found in this thread:
>narcissistic emo cuck is too conflicted to kill rabbit
>flunks out of SERE and cuts himself
There. Saved you a click. Never post this faggot's face or videos here again.
>this is weapons related
no its not, and IDFK how that twink expects to take a cock if he cant handle the chair force
>didn't want to kill a rabbit to pass a school about survival
>says they made his friend drink swamp water (they probably wanted his friend to boil the water first lol)
>doesn't realize carrying a 75lb bag of rocks isn't hard for somebody who weighs more than 170 pounds
>doesn't understand the first few years you should just be screaming and cleaning
>oh, and everybody who got out dreams about being back in the military. It's like dreaming you're back in school during the summer
What’s the quick rundown? I’m not watching 15 minutes of this shit
Fuck off. Explain it. I'm not watching your bullshit and i'm not bumping this shit thread.
Eat the stomach contents of dead game animals. I wouldn't of put 2+2 together for doing it with rabits but it works with deers as far as I know. You can boil it up and make a soup broth out of it.
Damn, he’s cute.
Second this
a weirdo that picks on an anorexic girl
3rd this. yikes. Are elves seriously allowed to serve? I get moral, but wouldn't that be super distracting to all the hot guys? I mean I understand that you loose you're kill-drive after dumping hot loads?
This is now a hot elf thread.
>I mean I understand that you loose you're kill-drive after dumping hot loads?
It's "lose", dipshit, and that's also complete bullshit. Camp followers have been a thing in every army in the world until modern days, and I highly doubt having willing or not-so-willing prostitutes basically on-call diminished a soldier's fighting spirit in those days.
(You) can't' dictate "hot elf threads" It's not allowed!!!
The military needs twinks too.
God loerd I no. eye did that on purpose. This is a hot elf thread dub shit. that is' how thees things work. fuck summer.
Yeah he can, he just did
Contributing. I made this today, actually. I'm studying art at a very prestigious university. Notice the composition of the trigger switch assemble, and it covers most of zis face? That's symbolic. See if you can figure out why. Protip, Tim Pool covered it last week.
Should I call an ambulance?
>Belle Delphine
I simply cannot believe people pay for pictures of some thot making an aheago face at a camera in the age of free internet porn. Can someone explain the appeal of it to me? Is my incel powerlevel too low?
The fuck is this elfs are super gay. Fuck santa
Look closer. It's high art.
Not him but here's your (you) you fuck. Santa is not to be fucked with on the chans.
no this is an elf, faggot
Daily reminder that Onision is a pedophile
No, that's a cartoon. You can't fuck cartoons. They get all crunchy and leak ink on your dick. There's this alternative though. Girls. They're all soft and stuff. Look into it. Tip: Don't tell them that you rolled up comics in some kind of weird papery fleshlight. As a rule they get weirded out by that. Let me know if you want any more bad-ass tips.
I want a tip
Yeah but girls don't look half as pretty as cartoons. All kinds of disgusting juices and smells.
Don't stare at the sun.
Dude, you've got it made, you can totally print out 20 sheets of paper and have yourself an orgy without any consequences. In a strange way, I envy you. God speed!
>emo haircut hides elf ears
fucking Dobby lookin motherfucker
>this faggot
Ah shit, here we go again
Really? Huh. Never thought of the guy as having his shit together. Even a broken clock is right twice a day, I guess.
The airforce almost did something good