The time has come

The time has come...

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Other urls found in this thread:\invite\t6MsFAB

look at that busted face.

>ugly shill softcore is so hot

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no one cares faggot
Yea Forums is for porn anyways

does that mean there's a pee pee?

>people actually give this thing money

the absolute state of men.

1 million has been reached

She is a bit cross-eyed if you look at a proper angle. Her face sometimes makes me think that she is a victim of fetal alcohol syndrome.

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This is disgusting.

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>Jelly faggot trying to push that lie

Its not her, stop with that bullshit you fucking autist.

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I dont like her at all.

she is pretty ugly.

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Your taste is shit tier mate

How so popular

>implies incels even can have good taste

Tbh I love her, I wish I could be her with her in her around her. Umph

Dick->crazy: NEVAR

Ekelhaft das Weib!

But not really right? Like as a meme, but not deep down, right?

imagine being dumb enough to pay for pictures of tits.

i really cant imagine someone being that fucking bad at the internet

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she earns more in a month than i earn in a year wtf

Imagine paying for tits that turn out to be fake nudes

She's smart.

She knows the secret to keeping people's interest is showing them as much as you can without giving them what they actually want. In other words, tease.

She also knows that going after nerds is key, because they have some cash, but no hope of spending it on a real girl.

Not to mention, she's barely of an age to do this shit in the first place. She got started early.

Perhaps she hit the perfect formula by accident, but I really doubt it. You, on the other hand, want to maintain some level of dignity. That rarely pays.

Even if they are real, what's the point? You can get lots of free tits and sex videos online.

If you are not 9000% autistic or fugly, you can get a chick, see her tits and fuck her senseless so she can barely walk the next day.

At the same time people who are ready to give her cash exist, and we are stuck on the same planet with these sick fucks.

It would be better to spend the same absurd amount of cash to get an expensive escort willing to do anything for the night.

Escorts do not look like cute elfwifes and they are also actual people which is scary. Belle owns.

It's what I said hereShe teases. It's like a cliffhanger ending and sequel bait. You hide the part that might actually satisfy their hunger.

But if she's really smart about it, she knows that strategy has a shelf life. You can only hold out on people for so long before you have to actually let them bust that nut. When you do, it means you'll hit your peak success, and then slowly decline in popularity. But nothing lasts forever.

I never said her supporters were being rational about it.

has a good point. Nerds are anti-social, and they obsess over media. If they see that media reflected in a sexual way, they go nuts.

Also, she's very neotenous. She probably reminds a lot of incels of the girls they had crushes on in high school.

This might be the most autistic thing I’ve read in 2019.

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Wow you're a genius! Why do you think people pay her then fully not autistic understanders of stuff and Yea Forums taker seriouslyer?

Yes, you both are right.

>You can only hold out on people for so long before you have to actually let them bust that nut. When you do, it means you'll hit your peak success, and then slowly decline in popularity. But nothing lasts forever.

It will be really funny if she actually goes full porn.


She will eventually if she doesn't hit the lifetime wealth/fame cap she desires for other reasons. Like if she doesn't either make ten mill or switch to a more legit industry.

If she's smart, she will. She'll wait until her popularity dips a bit, then whip out the goods, hit her peak, and then retire at 25ish to a life of supreme luxury.

How long is she doing this for? At 150g’s pm, if she can string a year of this together she can retire and live off interest

Sure, but why stop at enough? We live in a capitalist economy. Why have a million when you could have ten or twenty million?

Nah. Not after taxes and that's not enough to retire and quit when you can keep bleeding bits of cash.
This is more like it. She'll fake a sextape leak first. Then do three HUGE scenes and coast. She's got a sophisticated manager or someone who knows what they're doing on the business side.

I’m back again, Yeah just as a meme but it works in my head just chalk it up to being female privilege maaaan it’s not that offensive when you are not an incel with a heart for slightly crazy cringy girls

But what if she only does solo stuff

She started around 2015, that's when her earliest known selfie was uploaded.

It's confirmed her. Stop being a nigger in denial

I have always been a bit autistic weirdo when it came to girls, and the ones I had a crush on were always fucked up somewhere in the head.

Sauce on this cute babe?

>imagine being that manager
>take 10% of whatever she's gonna get
>literally just sit back and watch some young thot make you bucks
>after she's washed up, you use her on your resume to get into a talent agency.

Boom, you're set for life, and all you did was tell a hot chick how to sell herself properly.

Who cares. I can take a pic of you making an idiot face and looking pimply or I can take one where you look hot and I want to beat it to ya. We beat to the hot pics not gross ones idiot XD

It's a good gig and I'm really trying to break into it but the bitches are so fucking flaky lol

She is baiting you autistic weebs into paying her more money. How have you not realized and dropped her already?

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Lol why do you care how I spend my money. She delivers the content I like. I can afford it. Sorry you're poor?

Yeah, you basically gotta beat down their door. And threaten them constantly while also stroking their ego.

>"Listen, my time is valuable. If you don't want to be the next big thing, I got five other girls who do. But I'm here because I think you could be bigger than any of them, and you're just throwing that away to party (or whatever she's doing). If you really stick with it, you'll be able to retire in five years with millions in your account, and then you can party all you want."

So you would prefer to pay for pictures of a girl dressing up like an anime character you like, and doing a cringy ass anime sex face instead of actually paying a hooker to do the exact same thing or just getting a fucking wife and asking her to do the same? You are literally scum for allowing this woman to screw you all royally.

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You don't seem to grasp the concept of an incel, user. If they could get a wife, they probably wouldn't even know who she is.

With that much cash up front you can order hookers to do whatever the fuck you want, and they will deliver. They will wear any stupid wig or elf ears if it lands another wad of cash into their pockets.

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I'm glad a fellow user understands my point.

Exactly. My point is why pay for pictures of the stuff when you could just get laid and have the dressup. It's completely idiotic.

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Because that would involve interacting with a girl in real life. Not to mention, being socially adept enough to find a hooker, and being direct enough to ask her for what you want. Nerds are crazy anti-social man.

It's almost like it's in her blood....o wait it is lmao

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How is this real?

If she is a Jew, then where is her beard?

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>If she is a Jew
Belle Kirschtein Google it she's a jew you all are fappin to a jew

I remember a story from one user from our local board.

>decides to call a hooker
>takes his phone
>calls the number
>a girl answers
>- H-h-h-ello? is this a p-p-prostitute?
>pause intensifies
>user hangs up and never calls hookers again

>Google Belle Kirschtein
>Every result is Belle Kirschner
Kill yourself.

Frankly, I'm more offended that she's British. I thought she was an American thot.

of course /pol/ found a way to bring up MUH JOOOS about something that has nothing to do with them.

bloody fucking obsessed incels

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The former Ukrainian president had it coming.

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Of course! They can barely talk to real girls, and then they approach ones who catch dick for a living? How else could that possibly go down? kek

It works on the same principle as watching sports or stream games, why do not people play football just watch it in front of the TV? Why some people watch their favorite streamer instead of playing games themselves?
Why do some people prefer to pay for porn material instead of meeting a girl?

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There is free porn so why pay

there is a full fridge but I still have nothing to eat.
You get me?
also, there is full of free girls on the streets, why pay a prostitute?

To support the creator of the porn you like. That's the whole idea of Patreon.

It already has like 1.4 mil, but she ain't gonna do shit

Oh she will. She'll get the incels to pile up on her porn page so that she can prepare for stage two of her plan. Once her popularity starts to wane, she'll actually go full porno. By that point, she'll have a fuckton of people with their eyes already glued to her page, eagerly waiting.

She's either a genius, or like said, she's got a manager with a brilliant plan.

yall nibbas gay

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Yeah. She's not stealing from me. I'm buying a service and enjoying it. That's capitalism. :)

for her to show her feminine penis?

they have the same smile

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She absolutely will. She figured out the $$$ she needs from porn sites to get paaaaaaaid. She will do an exclusive deal for a fat payout. She said hey pornhub pay me. They said how big is your audience? She said I want x. They said get a million likes and let's go.

it actually is her according to facial recognition software.

stop caring for that fucking whore! she can't do jack shit irl and will die of starvation if y'all just stop


Rather short sighted, she will have emotional scars no amount of money can hide

The reason celebs and rich people kill themselves so much more often than normal people is because its not really a long term sustainable way to live, it only appears like that to suckers without a purpose in life

I don't want her to suffer. Sorry you're upset.

are you 12?

Lol poor people are not sad and don't commit suicide ok

Are you upset about things other people do with their money? Cause that seems like a childlike attitude. Are you 11?

Not at the insanely high rate of celebs and rich folks, make a list of famous people and then mark all who hated their own life or killed themselves, if poverty had the same effect the poor would be gone by now.

Also, there is a huge gap between poor and rich where you can be perfectly comfortable and be able to participate in all things actually valuable like starting a family etc

you can be poor with a purpose

are you a fucking idiot that agrees to promote degeneracy and whores as long as it doesn't violate NAP?

>short sighted
We'll see. I suspect you're wrong on this one. Suicides among celebrities tend not to be a surprise to those around them, and often not to the fans. She seems pretty level-headed. Like a Sasha Grey.
>inb4 triggered Sahsa fans

>if poverty had the same effect, the poor would be gone

That doesn't make sense. Affluent people aren't disappearing. So why would poor people? I agree it happens more frequently with rich people, but I think it's more complex than money = depression.

Affluent people are created and picked up from the desperate ready to give up life for a golden prison losers

they can create them at will, there is always a desperate loser ready to accept the chain as long as its pretty enough and they get a lie to live

And I never said the suicides were a shock to anyone, rather the opposite, I'm just pointing at the pattern and the unnatural high percentage

just think about how many celebs have multiple personality disorder for example, all mental health issues are way higher in those circles

i can't fucking tell anymore if y'all retarded or ironic. but that means good news -- the old Yea Forums has returned! thanks, colour yellow

or they are created from kids sold to hollywood by greedy parents

>insanely high rate of celebs and rich folks
>insanely high rate of celebs and rich folks

It only seems that way because of popular media reporting on celebrities. When a poor unknown person kills himself, it doesn’t make the news.

I don't know what NAP is but I do whatever makes me happy and basically whatever I feel like. That upsets you? Weird.

We have statistics

go compare them, lol

you chose your guilty pleasure in favour of a healthy nation?! your execution will be held tomorrow. come with me.

>i never said the suicides were a shock
And I never implied that you said that. I'm just saying, I don't think your assessment of Belle is accurate because she's not shown a single warning sign, and they tend to be rather obvious.

She seems to be a comparably rare example of someone gaming the system rather than just playing their role in the game.

Nah, he's right. Neuroses are more frequent in celebrities. Even Dr. Drew did a study on it. He showed celebrities score something like 20% higher on narcissism tests than the general US population, and the US population is higher than most other countries to begin with.

> Earns.

I'd rather make less but at least know I'm not contributing to the fall of Western Civilization.

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>making less
>contributing to the fall of western civilization

If I had to guess by your being on Yea Forums, I'd say you're doing both.

Also, is this picture supposed to be one of those where you see something dirty in the thumbnail, but then it's a normal photo?

Or am I just a fag and I have wieners on my mind?

Googled it. Found some reports. It might be overstating it to say insanely high rates of suicide among wealthy and celebrities, but it’s not wrong that it’s higher than average.


This, it's fucking pathetic

Lol this guy doesn't know about generational wealth and how affluent people are created.

You really think so?

time will tell ofc but I bet she will follow the pattern made by those before her once she gets a bit older and the reality of how shallow the attention is settles in

Unless she makes a complete u-turn and disown her old life I can't picture her being able to

>generational wealth

different topic, it is equally destructive though but it is done differently

it is obvious though, I mean, fat chance every celebs kid is a master at music or acting etc

People with wealth use it on themselves, never claimed they did not

Why are you trying to save her soul white Knight faggot

I am not, never interacted with her, only stating generic truths about the world, that also impact her

If I could make over a quarter of a million dollars every two months without even showing nipples or vagoo I would. I hate her, but I'll admit most of that comes strictly from jealousy.

tons of hot males/females and giftcard giveaways in this discord.\invite\t6MsFAB
>INb4 Jannies Prune Thread


Well, again, I'll point to Sasha Grey. She's an uncommon example, but she's a well-adjusted, intelligent porn star. BD may just be another example of that.

Honestly, I hope she is. I like to see people get lucky in life, and I like it even more when it doesn't ruin them.

To get the easy way out

How many celebs have we had in the 21st century?

According to normal suicide rates we get 13 people dead in 100k people.

Now, how many 100k celebs have we had in the time all these people offed themselves:

Lol "truths"

Its not her, even she said it. Nice try faggot. Go make a trap thread with your ass and gtfo

yeah, you have one example of someone getting lucky, might I point you towards the lottery, sir?


>Yea Forums
Faggot of the new

Ill would fucking try my hardest to nuke israel to oblivion to just touch Sasha Grey

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Israel did nothing wrong nigger

Then ill finish off Africa

>start gaining weight
>start doing porn for the last bit of betabux before it's too late

Nice fantasy, but if retarded orbiters ever get bored of her shes already set for life and is going to be living the high life with an attractive husband and enjoying every moment of whatever the fuck she wants to do.

I hope someone has the balls to rape her.

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A testament to how pathetic lonely losers can get.

>Nice fantasy, but if retarded orbiters ever get bored of her shes already set for life and is going to be living the high life with an attractive husband and enjoying every moment of whatever the fuck she wants to do.
>I hope someone has the balls to rape her.
Probably had a daddy diddling her since she was 4 anyways to get into this situation to begin with. But she's smart anyways, being a whore without actually getting fucked makes u a smart whore I guess. For a fucking stupid audience, but still a smart whore.

why dont you user

post op tranny got no balls

>Making an account
That doesn't mean she's going to post videos. Lots of people make accounts for some reason. Literally baiting people when she'll just make a user account. LOL

Why is nobody dumping?