Sorry Yea Forums I know this isn't usually the place, I just needed to say this to people I don't know

Sorry Yea Forums I know this isn't usually the place, I just needed to say this to people I don't know

I just learned that one of my best friends has stage 4 pancreatic cancer. The doctors give him 3 weeks to 3 months to live.

I don't need sympathy or anything, I just want to know if anyone else has had this numb feeling when they get this kind of news, or are grieving or something. When I heard from another close friend we cried it out a bit but now I feel fucking numb, like I don't really care. I know I care but I'm not a wreck or anything.

This friend, Matt, he is the most generous person I know. All of a sudden 3 weeks ago he started having these muscle pains and his eyes went yellow. We knew something was wrong and then he said they thought it was liver cancer. I was sad but I knew that was treatable and fightable, but then they found this abscess on the pancreas and we just hoped that was nothing but all of a sudden he ends up in the hospital with 26 pounds of fluid needing draining and then this diagnosis comes and suddenly he is untreatable and going to die soon... It is all happening so fast.

But I feel insane, crazy, I'm going to see him tomorrow, what if I still feel numb? Is there anyone who has felt this way in reaction to news like this? What did you do? I want to be able to cry if I need to but I don't know if I can

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This numbness is normal and does not mean you are an emotionless robot. You might be surprised by when the feelings catch up to you.

ok. Just felt a bit scary I didn't know if I needed to see someone or take something

I feel numb alot too. Most of my feelings don't occur till right in the moment.

Got diagnosed with stage 2 lymphoma just a couple weeks ago. I'll likely survive but I dont have any friends. So even if I do there will be no one to celebrate with.

Just keep being a friend to him. You both will probably cry at some point, but that doesn't mean there arent any laughs left to have. This shit hits you sideways so quickly.. Just do what you can with the time y'all got.

I think you should give it time it will probably hit you.

Thank you. I needed to hear it from people who don't have any reason to blow smoke up my ass. I appreciate it.

I just can't believe it's happening to him. He is the best of us, makes no sense

> One thing to do for the both of you

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Dude everyone mourns and grieve differently. Some people are numb while others hatefuck their wife while they are stuck in a loveless mariage. Day by day man.

I know that feel, I had it when a good friend died of cancer around 5 years ago. I felt really guilty about not mourning "enough". The thing is, we all handle it differently. Don't stress it.

I had a friend kill him self about a week ago, I wasn’t too close with him but I was close with everyone who knew him really well. Yea it’s like a numb feeling, it’s kinda hard to believe at the beginning but eventually it all catches up with you. I think the worst part was seeing everyone else hurt by it

You pissfags are not human.

You'll get used to it when you get older and everyone around you starts dropping like flies. You should learn to accept death because you too will die and rot and your bones turned to cosmic space dust. You are lucky to see 90 years and life can come and fuck you in the ass when you least expect it, so don't fuck around be smart your body is a temple treat it well.

Life is unpredictable.

If you can't handle Yea Forums, fuck off ya tourist

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R u upset?

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stop masturbating faggot

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OP here, really thought I could just ask an honest question and get some civil responses.

This isn't even a porn thread, good to know that you don't actually want to clean anything, you would just rather have your own shit smeared all over the thread.

I feel really bad for you. Legit pity. Thanks for making me feel something tonight I guess.

thanks all I really appreciate it

It's just shock. Emotions are not like money. You can't borrow it, you can't save it up. You feel what you feel when you feel it.

If you try to process what you think you will feel later, you'll find out what an utter waste of time that is.

Tomorrow, don't worry about what you feel, just go see him and share the very limited time you have left with him. Be there for what HE feels. And right now, it's a ton of pain. He'll be in that pain to the end, get on the doctors asses about keeping him out of that pain as much as fucking possible. It will speed up the end, but if you actually care about him, GET THAT PAIN UNDER CONTROL. Make damned sure he's about in overdose at the end. Just, fucking keep the pain off.

they're bumping the thread you goof
them bumping the thread is keeping the porn towards the bottom
them doing thing is helping clean out the porn
stop virtue signaling
go to tumbler or readit if you want people to care about your fealings

The new Yea Forums won't have weak fags like you

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I'm going to enjoy gutting you alive when the time comes. You'll be shocked how long I can keep you alive despite your intestines being slowly pulled out from a 4 inch incision.. Even more shocked how I can keep you out of shock and in the pain.. Just an IV and a 9volt, and I get to enjoy your weak screams for several weeks.
Nighty night little bitch.