Look at her. Look at this fine example of the negress and tell me that she was not developed for the purposes of breeding. It is so obvious in the shape of her hips, as well as her lips perfectly designed for pleasuring the man. It is a biological imperative of the negress to breed large numbers of children.
Statistically the white male/ black female marriage has the highest chance of success of any racial pairing, even same races. It is our duty as white males to breed them. Not for the purposes of starting families but for the purposes of spreading our genes.
I actually cum inside of black hookers regularly. I suggest that you do the same.
Also we discuss our experiences breeding a negress and generally dump fine specimens of the negress like this one.
Look at her...
Sage !
fag detected
Stormfag. Which is an actual fag in this context.
Shut up nigger lover you are over 300 pounds
What is it like to feel the love of another man deep in your asshole?
On a very related note, hope you did a lot for your dad this fathers day. Fag.
No need to call me a fag when you are the fat faggot that can barely get out of bed In the morning, I could bet your musk can kill an animal
actually there's a study on it and white guys who like black girls tend to be thinner on average
There are outliers on statistics retard
wrong. white men who date black men tend to be thinner and leaner. black women are for high test alphas
White dudes who breed niggers are wasting their genes.
wrong. white men who date black women tend to be thinner and leaner. black women are for high test alphas
We analyze the interaction of black–white race with physical and socioeconomic characteristics in the US marriage market, using data from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics. We estimate who inter-racially marries whom along anthropometric and socioeconomic characteristics dimensions. The black women who inter-marry are the thinner and more educated in their group; instead, white women are the fatter and less educated; black or white men who inter-marry are poorer and thinner. While women in “mixed” couples find a spouse who is poorer but thinner than if they intra-married, black men match with a white woman who is more educated than if they intra-married, and a white man finds a thinner spouse in a black woman. Our general findings are consistent with the “social status exchange” hypothesis, but the finding that black men who marry white women tend to be poorer than black men who marry black women is not.
No lie, I am about 5'11 and roughly 155. Not rail thin. Pretty healthy though.
Less than the average American male. WAY less than the average Yea Forums user.
It helps that I spend my energy with goddess negress women as opposed to white hooded faggots roasting marshmallows on a cross and planning a race war that will never come.
Copy pasta with big words doesn’t make you look smart
It’s simple: she’s too fat
im racist and hate niggers but still love and fuck black women. slave owners were racist and fucked black women too
if you have to pay them you're pathetic though
Black Wombs are for white men. That's just the truth.
if you have to pay you are sad and have no game though
"Muh 14 words and 88 precepts though!"
Fuck I need eye bleach now
It's all the same at the end of the day. A negress bears my fruit is all that matters to me.
black women
white hogs