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hm, s d e gif, HIC

Every day its the same with you people, post an image that is colored piss yellow with a demeaning caption. You guys are actually gayer than reddit trash. Do you have anything better to do? Imagine getting mad that other people enjoy something that you don't and then trying to demean them for it. You are the degenerate here, and degenerates like you belong on a fucking cross. The only thing worse than watching porn is being a soy machine and getting cucked by tyrone and his aids supercharged cummies. i bet you feel real smart reposting the same fucking picture over and over again, man someone should give you a job in the comedy buisness you absolute genious (thats you !!11!111!!11111111111211111212)

A home for porn
Many homes for porn
Attacking our fun

No one visits those shit holes, so they raid Yea Forums. Not random and not policed...

if you yellow fuckers actually want to do something then spam any porn threads till they reach the bump limit then move onto the next one

right now you guys are just making threads that pornfags ignore and make the people you want to help annoyed at the constant spam

of you spam pornthreads theyll die faster and will actually effect who your against instead of getting rid of the faggots who dont post/fap to porn on Yea Forums

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You've lost LOL

gtfo newfag

Newly old
Or oldly new
Better than you

Exactly thid


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Begone evil,yellow wins

Pull your pud no more
Win in life, not gawking at whores
Make a family

All NSFW boards just like Yea Forums
All porn friendly boards just like Yea Forums
This gay yellow shit belongs on s4s

Yea Forums is fucking sad, I used to absolutely love coming here until all it became was constant disgusting porn.. it wasn't a big deal back in the day to have a cpl threads but I feel like all I've done on my revisit was hide almost every thread.. shame

Go to other boards, post unrelated material, watch and get ridiculed by other anons and mods ban your thread telling you to go to the proper board... That’s literally all this is about, is trying to minimize the amount of porn that gets posted. I know it’s a hard sacrifice, but I can totally live with less than 15 porn threads simultaneously taking up space on this board. If I wanted porn I’d either go to a different board, or... you know... LOOK UP PORN


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Get fucked sjw trash

>t. loser

Was this meant to be a haiku???

>want imageboard with more variety
>somehow makes me sjw

I mean no one ever accused pornfags of being smart



At least yellow posters know this even though they are autists

none of those allow loli. get aids nigger

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