Pepperoni nips guys. Post your best
Pepperoni nips guys. Post your best
Other urls found in this thread:
Check it: pastebin com/6gJfeiRU
Damn. Face please.
Is there moar of her?
She’s gorgeous, who is she?
>when you flip your pancakes far too late.
Fuck you
This is what you cum to?
Aces, thank you good sir
Someone really likes cats.
Beat your pathetic ass. It’s sick that you find that funny and that you save that on your computer.
Left or right
Dont like then post this thread on /s/. Dont come to Yea Forums unless you want Yea Forumstier content
Welcome to Yea Forums. Dont like it go to reddit. Also it’s derailing a porn thread so thats aight.
Fuck you, cunt. I have posted extra porn since your fag raid started. You have a problem and it’s not porn on Yea Forums.
Any more combat wound pics? I need them to help me describe wounds in a D&D campaign
She needs to medical attention
You have a problem too summerfag, we aint reddit.
Fuck you. Start your own thread, pussy. Animal cruelty is a known precursor to violence and murder. You might want to seek out help if you find it funny. It’s no longer edgy. We’ve seen the same gifs and pics a hundred times.
Nice areolae
Heres a good one. This is what id imagine a lightning bolt doing to low level guards head
I’m not a summerfag, bitch. You are the raiders. I’ve been here. Seek mental help. If you wanna shitpost, I can accept it. Post something funny or interesting. You do need help.
I don’t support the content. But I support derailing porn threads bitch. Fuck off back to /s/ or Reddit or wherever kiddo.
Y’all fine with group pictures?
Alright guys ive had my fun. Now get rolling
I like that! Previous DM worked in a mechanic for ball and shot weapons so its doubly effective! Any more?
I am the raiders.
You know what mental illness is? It’s doing the same thing and expecting a different result. You keep posting these same pics or derailing threads thinking it will change something. It hasn’t changed anything yet but you do it over and over expecting a different result. You do need help. It’s honestly disturbing that you find killing animals for fun to even be slightly funny, funny enough to save and repost hundreds of times.
That’s gotta be Indiana.
But fren, im not the guy posting the pics.
However I am the raiders
More kik?
Dafericious Brown?
Sorry i already blew my load when it comes to pics. Heres a classic headshot vid tho
Areolas99. Not really more that haven’t been posted.
Ah no problem, thanks and take care user
You can call me mental but user, why are we still here just to fap? Everynight i can feel the ylyl threads, the raids, even the feels threads. This board we lost, the shitposters we’ve lost wont stop hurting, its like their all still here. You feel it too dont you?
I would like to see more. Love that pic of the girl from Ohio.
know her?
Pornfags rn
I hope you know how easy it is to hide posts you find disturbing.
No. I wish. I would def get more nudes if I did.
Porn fags in pieces
kelly soper
Is that the one that looks like sid the sloth?
I hope you know how important it is to stay in school
Gore and death were a thing when I was like 15. It gets old for most mentally stable people.
You should follow your own advice, kiddo.
Post more nudes. I’m not contacting her.
Ah yes, the “I know you are but what am I?” Tactic. How very middle school.
Scared to talk to women?
Ok, baby. I’m nowhere near a kid, dumbass. I don’t care what you do. You have already proven you need help. I just hide your lame ass posts.
Scared to attempt blackmail on a girl I don’t know, yes
You don’t have any anyway.
I mean its good to know youre nowhere near kids. I doubt theyd be safe around a porn poster
I already told you im not the one posting them. Idiot. I support them posting it. Two different actions. Or do you not know how to read?
Says the guy posting gore and animal cruelty shit. You might see a real vagina someday, kiddie.
Rate my collection
Fair enough.
I don’t believe you, dumbass
OP here. You degenerates do me proud. also I'm drunk and want to see big nipple bitches
Dude i thought i made it clear i dont like kiddie pussy i like mature girls. If you doubt it go upstairs and ask youre mom
You’re not very smart. Im attacking your intelligence, hes attacking your sensibilities. Honk Honk
Unlike you, I don’t live with my mom. Adults move out. Perpetual children, like you, stay home with mommy. I envision you to be Will Farrell in Wedding Crashers. The sad part is you are probably a 35 year old fat slob in your mom’s basement, waiting for her to die so you can get her house.
By the way, nice pic me, mind if i take it from myself?
Shrek 5: The Divorce
It was just a normal day for Shrek, he'd been working really hard; knocking down walls with his THICC and then plastering them back together. Of course this all went down at the construction site. Eventually the workers threatened to call
the cops if he didn't leave so Shrek went back home to the swamp. When he got home he was greeted with the sight of his 3 demon babies shitting all over the front porch of their hut. Naturally, Shrek cleaned up the poop, spanked his babies
as punishment, and microwaved them for dinner. It was okay though, he could always just clone some new ones for tomorrow. Fiona however, was not pleased.
Fiona: So honey, what are we having for dinner tonight?
Shrek: Well I wanted to spoil you so I microwaved the babies as a treat!
Fiona: *starts packing suitcase*
Shrek: Honey what are you doing? *Shrek reaches for Fiona's hand, wanting to hold it but Fiona SLAPS it away and continues packing*
Shrek: What has gotten into you?!!?
Shrek: I mean it's not like we should treat them with respect, after all they're just kids. Kids are like the Ox on the Oregon trail; they're useful for what you need to get done, but if you're starving you kill them and eat them.
Fiona: *softly* We're getting a divorce.
After this fateful phrase Shrek is taken aback. After all Shrek has done for Fiona how could she do this?
Shrek lashes out at Fiona, calling her such things as a stupid whore, a fucking bitch, and most importantly, a goddamn ungrateful cunt. When Shrek was told to sign the divorce papers he did so GLADLY. He called her a stupid whore on the
way out and she cried. In reality Shrek was lashing out to hide his true emotions. He felt betrayed. So he turned to his new life in the Circus!
His act was that he would put anal beads in his butt and pull them out his mouth. He got kicked out of the Circus after 2 months because of an
You are samefagging. You aren’t doing anything except proving your need for mental help and attention. Did mommy get your pj’s out for you?
Bitch i live in the sewers
I imagine you to be some loud chubby 8th grader waiting on tendies from mommy.
Bruh u wish that guy was me
what kind of car runs on milk?
Kys pornfags
I really wish I could samefag posts within 20 seconds. My phone takes forever to post. Why are you so mad little boy?
I would love to be that young again for a few days. I don’t mind shitposting. The animal gore is too much. It’s not funny.
Me irl
The only people who are mad are the raiders trying to “change” Yea Forums. I just don’t like the animal cruelty shit.
The animal gore really isnt funny. I agree. Your reactions are delightfully inciting though.
U type a lot for someone who isnt mad
Shrek 5: The Divorce
It was just a normal day for Shrek, he'd been working really hard; knocking down walls with his THICC and then plastering them back together. Of course this all went down at the construction site. Eventually the workers threatened to call
the cops if he didn't leave so Shrek went back home to the swamp. When he got home he was greeted with the sight of his 3 demon babies shitting all over the front porch of their hut. Naturally, Shrek cleaned up the poop, spanked his babies
as punishment, and microwaved them for dinner. It was okay though, he could always just clone some new ones for tomorrow. Fiona however, was not pleased.
Fiona: So honey, what are we having for dinner tonight?
Shrek: Well I wanted to spoil you so I microwaved the babies as a treat!
Fiona: *starts packing suitcase*
Shrek: Honey what are you doing? *Shrek reaches for Fiona's hand, wanting to hold it but Fiona SLAPS it away and continues packing*
Shrek: What has gotten into you?!!?
Shrek: I mean it's not like we should treat them with respect, after all they're just kids. Kids are like the Ox on the Oregon trail; they're useful for what you need to get done, but if you're starving you kill them and eat them.
Fiona: *softly* We're getting a divorce.
After this fateful phrase Shrek is taken aback. After all Shrek has done for Fiona how could she do this?
Shrek lashes out at Fiona, calling her such things as a stupid whore, a fucking bitch, and most importantly, a goddamn ungrateful cunt. When Shrek was told to sign the divorce papers he did so GLADLY. He called her a stupid whore on the
way out and she cried. In reality Shrek was lashing out to hide his true emotions. He felt betrayed. So he turned to his new life in the Circus!
His act was that he would put anal beads in his butt and pull them out his mouth. He got kicked out of the Circus after 2 months because of an
Bored. I’m not mad. I said I don’t mind shitposting. I don’t like animal gore. That did kinda piss me off. It’s childish and been posted too much. It’s not cool to be desensitized to such things or even to human death.
Its not, but here we are.
what have I done
Animal gore is too much. I’m not some tree hugging asshat who loves all animals but cruelty towards children, elderly people and innocent animals pisses me off. It’s not funny.
You rolled dubs
Whos that?
So.... Is better to post gore rather than delicious tits?
If there is hair blocking my view of the tits then yes. Post gore.
I like me some chocolate
more please
Show face pleade
Nah we're cool.
Glorious areolas
Is someone else here? Feel like I'm the only one posting and no one watching
Also.. Post this bigger if you have it.
Very nice
Holy more
Maybe of you reverse search. I don't have any more but I'm sure I have seen before a lot
Roll Dat
relly nice ones and that skin wet
get photoshoped faggot
This thread is really fucking up my night... ffs shit is GROSS
a classic one
isn't enough disturbing faggot
Whatchu lookin at cracka
roll soy