Police brutality/ rekt thread,
I need as much police brutality as possible.
Police brutality/ rekt thread,
I need as much police brutality as possible.
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Most mexican police are in the cartels.
Stay right there
I'll tell the cops what you did
& they'll come kick your ass
He dindu nothin
getting rekt
Yellow Lives Matter
Lol Brit police.
"Oi whats this all about? Stop roight noa before I point at ya harder"
Too busy showing off their big titties, in this case
Whos this semen demon?
Joanne, UK cop
>No casualties
>No-one shot
>Learn to protect AND serve amerifags
got a last name?
So you're saying the solution to police brutality is a diabeetus-level injection of donuts everyday and a complete lack any training in any physical activity, including combat?
>checks out
Rhymes with marrow
just post it you dumb fuck, these pictures are old as shit it's not like you're posting OC
i'm a cop. i'd have tased him. he would have been fine. i've ridden the lightning too. but on that note, worst thing i've ever done to anyone was OC spray point blank down their throat, they were apparently allergic, had a reaction, had to go to the hospital, had an inverse reaction to a drug they used and he ended up with permanent brain damage. i was arresting him for smoking weed in public after several warnings to just go home.
so that's a no, it's fake, and she's not a cop.
how many times has a taser not worked for you?
never. i've only ever used to 4 times, but every time, it works like a charm. unless you get a really shitty spread with the prongs or the dude is wearing really thick clothes, there is nothing they can physically do to not lock up. it feels like a giant is gripping your entire body and his hand is made of pain.
Avon and Somerset Constabulary
I made the comment. What you say is perfectly fair. I think they should have tased him too. Maybe they were waiting for the taser squad.
you got lucky so far.
69%. that's the success rates for tasers.
that means 31% of the time they fail.
practically 1/3 times
are you going to take that risk when a suspect aims a gun at you or a bystander?
not a gun, fuck no. i'd shoot them dead. but this dude specifically? taser. im American btw. we don't have "taser squads" or anything as retarded as that here. we all have guns and tasers and OC and batons and we're allowed to use any and all of them.
The UK is done. It's now just another terror cell.
All them niggas for one drunk nigga. Do they not teach police how to fight?
fair enough, i guess i did stray from that specific situation.
at least we can agree that nine guys and the biggest bang they have is OC spray is actually retarded
it wasn't even worth it.
dudes an actual faggot
Any police tool that has the name Rifle in it needs absolute safety and a camera for judicial traction.
based and redpilled
>you got what you whined like a bitch about
>so you whine like a bitch
their OC is really underpowered too. it's like 1% potency and the stuff i use is like 15% and it's hell. it's so bad that i usually don't use it because if the wind decided to be a dick, im blind too.
nobody likes officer spicy boi
love when my local shit hits Yea Forums. this is in Furgus Ontario.
100% justified collision, that school bus didn't follow police instructions and might have had a gun
mfw body cams are actually helping cops against nigger lies about brutality 999 times more often than they are getting a brutal cop in trouble
And yet cops hate them
They need their truncheons back