Ok Yea Forums I'm home alone. What pervert activities should i do (i have a sister)
Ok Yea Forums I'm home alone. What pervert activities should i do (i have a sister)
How old is said sister
A sister?!? You've got to DESTROY HER user... SEXUALLY! Oh my goddddddd stick it in there and UNF UNF de la UNF UNF de la UNF UNF UNF UNF UNF! I'm high as FUCK right now holy shit tutti fruition I'm in a fucking high ass condition! Man you gotta get high and jack off thinking about her Opie! Yes indeedle-de-deed smoke that weedle-dee-deed every God damn diddly day you ninny muggins! I'm high as FUCK!!
19 sir and i'm 18
Put her dildo in your butt
She doesn't have one
walk around the house naked, act normal say what you never seen a normal guy before.
pretty boring, i'm kinda horny
go to the shared laundry hamper
take her used panties out, smell them, take pictures of them and post them on Yea Forums
Fuck your sister in the ass
Smash her mate
search her room for her dildos/other sex toys
I'm home alone get it? Even my sister is out
Ask her for a blowjob - say it's your fetish to cum in her mouth and have her swallow
Nah negative
I just sit around and masturbate.
Alright. Put your mom's dildo in your butt.
This. You should have been doing this all along, user.
Give me a minute
Look at this desperate ass shit
Go dig up Will and fuck him. Mold his ashes into a bad dragon dildo and shove it up your ass.
You should listen to some music. Fast music like DRI.
Yes. She does
There's only one thing to do when you're home alone, boombadoop xD! You've got to get a hold of a teensy weensy bit of that weedle-dee-deed! That WEEDLE-DEE-DEED haha oh my goddddddd user haha Jesus man Jesus! I'm high as FUCK right now holy shit tutti fruition I'm in a fucking high ass condition! Man you gotta get high and jack off! You are a faggot like Bob Saget!
Here is the last one she used
Give them the ol lickaroo
I'll try. just a tip of my tongue
I'm completely BLASTED out of my god damn fucking MIND MIND MIND MIND MIND MIND MIND MIND MIND MIND MIND MIND MIND MIND! Wahahahahahahahahaha holy cow my fucking MIND is just FUCKED right now! Listen to me! You are a faggot like Bob Saget!!!
Its kinda sweet and some parts salty
Now put them on you head, take a pic and send it to sis saying "Smells like someone's been baking sourdough bread in here."
1) Find an old t-shirt. Make sure its clean
2) Wipe your sister's cream onto the t-shirt.
3) Hide the t-shirt.
4) Put the panties back where you found them.
5) Return to sniff the t-shirt for many faps to come!
Would it smell bad after like some hours?
fap in the kitchen
Put on porn and blast it full volume. When your sister walks in, quickly turn around with a full on boner bouncing up and down and act all surprised. Pretend you want to cover yourself but don't. Say "Oh shit!" but actually walk towards her and pretend you want to close the door, but actually rub your dick against her and tell her to get out, but in reality, you just pushing her down with your dick.
Now at this point, she might start screaming and call your dad and you'd be fucked. Or... if she's down, she's gonna wanna ride that boner. Don't be shy nigga.
No. It'll smell like pussy.
Your SISTER'S pussy.
Thank me later
obviously try to find nudes
Put a pic of her, erase the face if you want, I just want to see the body
ITT: Faggots believe op