Can I fatally overdose myself with 10 400mg Ibuprofen pills? Im 187lbs/85kg if that helps
Can I fatally overdose myself with 10 400mg Ibuprofen pills? Im 187lbs/85kg if that helps
bump I really need to know, I want a painless death.
bump faggot
im gonna livestream it if so.
fuck, Yea Forums I know wouldve told me already, fuck newfags and redditors alike
Yea Forums help
help me
No even if the purity is of 100%, you'll need at least 136 gram for someone of your weight. Also it will only ensure a chance of death of 50% so you better double that amount.
Now my turn to ask question, why do you want to kill yourself ?
please please please
Fuck no lol, even if you took a whole bottle of ibuprofen you'll either vomit or ruin your liver
>liver failure
Pick one
im lonely as fuck id rather discuss this in secret
but I did many wrong things, I can get another 4 pills and some sleeping ones too, also anti allergies ones. I have a shit ton of medical pills
It won’t be painless.
how do I kill myself then? im at my house and dont have a belt or rope
>Better keep it secret
Looks exactly like what an attention fag would say. You better spill the beans.
ive been lonely for 2 years, everyone in school hates me, have shitty parents and im losing my only 2 internet friends, im so fucked up, how do I kill myself
Go and buy a tank of helium at CVS for 20 bucks, retard. You're going to have a bad time, and get sent to psych hospital when you fail.
How are your parents shitty ?
Jesus christ kid, it's past your bed time.
my parents hate me, everyone else does too, ive been a bad person, I sext on daily basis because it makes me feel wanted and needed, Ive spread fake rumors about others to be interesting and find friends, I did a lot of shit like this and can't live with myself anymore
Ok there mate I have several ways to kill yourself easily. But alk of them are painful and can make you regret trying it.
the helium in those tanks aren't pure enough
father is mentally abusive, mother is a piece of shit parent who just doesnt get me, also denies my request to visit a psychiatrist and since im not 21 yet only 18, shes still looking after me and I cant go with her permission
Eh you look just like me when I was a teen.
how do I do them from my home, im not gonna cut myself id scream for help, I need something quick
True they put oxygen in them now. After a mass suicide in china
More likely kidneys.
how do you live with yourself?
You fucking idiot, it's nothing to do with purity. Its displacing oxygen, you pass out, then suffocate.
Well chief it aint easy.
I'll give you the first one.
Chlorine gas
>Take bottle of vinegar
>Take bottle of bleach
>Pour bleach in big bucket
>Pour vinegar in it
>Wait a bit while taking deep breaths
>You ded.png
The advantages would be the facility to gas yourself, the incovenient is that it is VERY painful is the concentration is not high enough, it will gas everyone in the house with you and you will contaminate your home. Historical note : It was the first combat gas used in WW1 by the german.
>Bonus point : Dress like a jew while gassing
(Please don't do this one)
anything else? dont want to nerve gas my parents
Very long story but I'll make it very short
I know I am a bad person and I don't care. I prefer being myself than a puppet of norms and decency. People can continue telling me I'm a flawed person but I'll not change because of it.
>Spread rumors to make friends
Yup and it worked right ? We better get together against a common cause. We use them to laugh and create bond. I don't see why you feel bad about it. Others make rumors on you too.
For your parents, I think your mother is simply protective, it was the same for me.
>Simply doesn't get me
Human can't truly understand each others so it's a sign that she is human.
Second one, blowing yourself up.
>Take acetone (found in Nail polish remover (don't know the exact term but you get the idea) or some cleaning liquids)
>Get a pretty good load (idk I guess 1 liter would be nice)
>Get oxygenated water and chlorydric acid
>Mix acetone and acid
>Mix the mix with oxygenated water
>Wait for a bit (1-2days) in a stable spot
>Kick the bucket
This one is to make satan's mother, very unstable and powerful explosive. Very dangerous for obvious reason.
>Bonus point : Dress as a kebab
REEEEE ! That's not a nerve agent that's a choking one and skin eating one on the side.
There is also hydrogen sulfide SO2 but I'm tired now. I'm going to sleep. Bye OP
Just do heroin, it's alot more fun.