You guys play guitar?
You guys play guitar?
Sure do, although not on a '59 Burst.
Part of my rig. The Marshall Vintage Modern 2466 really kicks it for any guitar.
I love my '81 T-60.
My modest home rig.
I just missed out on buying one for $25.oo in mint condition.
My LP looks almost exactly like that one, just without the pickguard. I love it, but my favorite is a strat. Currently learning Always With You, Always With Me by Joe Satriani.
My son has a guitar exactly like this one.
Lefties rise up
Got myself a sonic blue fender mustang
I got a fender Stratocaster
anyone heard of Dunable guitars? theyre so sick looking
made by Sacha Dunable from Intronaut
i think its called honey something?i love the color
>the ultimate leg spreader
>I wanted to learn guitar
>Mother always fuckin' complained about the noise so I never got to practice
>Fast forward 20 years
>Buy guitar
>Now mother constantly asks if I'm good at it
>Told her I sold it
>It's sitting in a corner
Lefty here, one of mine.
I play bass. I have a new Epiphone Thunderbird that sounds amazing. Pic isn't mine but it looks the same