confess your secrets bread
Confess your secrets bread
Other urls found in this thread:
my sister almost got kicked out of middle school because she kept giving blowjobs in the boys stalls
I used my PoA to rewrite my mom's will and cut out my siblings because they didn't help take care of her. she still wanted them to get a cut, but fuck em.
I want to kill the porn of Yea Forums
i molested my retarded cousin
I love to try and help guys fuck family members
Kik johnhoper4
>be gay
>have grindr
>messaging dude
>no face pics so its just discreet meet up
>address is my cousins
>hes blind folded so cant see it's me
>fuck him raw
>take off his blindfold mid fuck
> sees it's me
>doesn't say anything but some how becomes hotter sex
>asks me to cum in him
>best sex of my life
been fucking him a couple nights a weeks for months
thought about watching under 18 teen porn but dont know where to find it
my girlfriend is submissive but i want to clean her feet in pantyhose with my mouth and tongue while i'm dressed up as a girl with a chastity cage on
fucking her is nice but literally nothing will compare to the euphoria i want to feel
the internet
where tho
Post my v& aged gf online and don't tell people her age. Turns me on when they say they are hard for her and are jerking off to her not knowing the taboo
im not telling you how to find cp. i dont feel like getting banned
>everyone knows it
>dont care what people think about me, sorta do tho
i take creepshots of little girls. upskirts are my favorite
I got a massage and a handjob from a Japanese girl last week. My wife knows I got a massage, but she doesn't know about the handjob.
Found nudes of my SIL on her phone. Saved them on mine. Fap to them regularly.
My wife has a son who is 19, and who she had when was pretty young (she was only 17), years before we met. He doesn't live with us. Wife is 35 and still really hot. Could tell for years that her son wanted to fuck her. Long story short, it actually happened while the three of us were on a cruise together. Pic related
also, i want to tell my gf about my pantyhose fetish but idk how she would feel about it and i'm worried that my sexual fantasies would be put on hold for longer
I banged my friends little sister a few years back. She was 16 i was 24. It was fully consentual and she made the move but i still felt like a pedo shit after it happened. Her BF now is the same age I am.
I am currently 41 (so I graduated high school in 1995). In my junior year of high school one of my teacher's (very attractive mid-30s) asked me if I would help her and her husband to have a baby. He had some sort of impaired ejaculation and invetro was outside of their price range. Her explanation for why me was that I was smart, looked a lot like a young version of her husband, and not in a position to push for parental custody. I had sex with her 5 times before we "hit the jackpot". First 2 times her husband was there and it was "weird" but for #'s 3,4,&5 it was just the 2 of us and the sex was intense and outstanding. 9 months later a little girl was born. During my senior year of college I found out she and the husband were divorcing and I went by my old high school and then out for dinner with her. We ended up at a hotel for more sex and then started sneaking around fucking. This was all fun until one day I accidently say my 4 1/2 year old daughter and I freaked out (not that she knew who I was). I never talked to her again and kept this all to myself. At this point my daughter is 24 and I have no idea where. I am married with a kid by my wife and not a day goes by that I don't think about and have guilt.
It's crazy, but it's true. Alcohol was involved. I sort of helped instigate it although my plan was just to get her naked or close to naked in front of her son (she really loses her inhibitions when she drinks). Wound up going much further, obviously.
pics or it didnt happen
I don't have pics of them together, but this is her right before she made me leave the room after she was naked
show them both in a pic
Just google "child porn" it's that easy
Can't stop creeping my sister. I wanna cum all over her smooth thighs. She makes me so hard. It was such a rush taking this. She's so hot.
Shit, dude. Everyone knows that. She's blowing me now. Tell us about that time you tried to fuck a dog and got bitten.
best i can do right now without showing faces
You can't do that.
He looks older than her, who tf u tryna fool nibba lmao
Same. I want to go back to 2009 and be porn Hitler on Yea Forums, instaremoving all porn threads and spam threads, maybe that'd have helped.
or maybe an exodus to 8ch was inevitable.
I deep down want my gf to get fucked by me and one of my friends, his dick is huge like 7 inches and mine is barely 4 inches
So I have been sleeping in these restraints for a while now. Well over a year. Not always the entire set but at least some combination of them.
Why are you so familiar with your friend's dick? Did the two of you get up to some gay shit?
holy fuck
kik erikleaf
panty pics
pic of bed with timestamp then u lying queer
got any photos of face/tits?
By the pool last weekend
thats hot
I like to get caught jerking off my hotel cleaning ladies. 90% of them apologize and excuse themselves. 5% get angry and offended. But interestingly the other 5% stay and watch. Only 1 time one lady helped me finish.
literally posted proof dozen of times, even videos. believe me or not : )
more pls
when i was younger, i was plagued by wet dreams of yubaba. i didn’t find her attractive at all, but she would show up in my dreamscape, brutally nude, and the next thing i knew i would wake up to find that i had bedwet thick. the problem was amplified in college, where my roommate was able to smell my nocturnal emissions and got concerned at their frequency. after years of sleeping in cummy sheets and shame, i finally took action. i built a makeshift sex doll to look like yubaba and had vigorous, sweaty sex with it until i cummed in her witch vag. after that, no more yubaba sex dreams
Kill yourself, pedo faggot.
She'll see me going into her room. I'll try tho.
Why sleep like that.
so do it again faggot
is she in there now?
I'll take "Stuff That Never Happened" for $100, Alex.
No he's larping. Has posed the same bullshit story the same bullshit way before
We're sitting right next to each other
the got to the bathroom and stop by her room
Found her son
No you're not you've posted this before with the same pictures. Quit it faggot youre sitting by your left hand while your right jerks you off
They're on opposite sides of our house.
fucking pedo
I'm completely obsessed with pussy. When I was 11 years old, I used to look at the girls in my class and imagine what their pussies might look like. I love my wife, but I occasionally pay hookers and massage girls so I can see and play with their pussies. Playing with their pussies is almost more satisfying than sex.
Same here
stop being a pussy and do it, or nobody will even believe this is real
kik anoniscreepin
Found my daughters nudes on her laptop fap to them regularly
How old is your daughter? Can you describe her body? What kind of poses is she doing in the nudes?
Quads nice, she is 18 she is sitting in the bath with hands covering boobs in one and another with her hands off and her laying in the bath, i think her body looks damn good skinny curvy tits are not huge but a good handful
I catfished nudes from my female best friend. She has no idea
Good lord man I find the idea of this hot but actually fapping to my daughter would be too weird for me
damn i wish i could see that, sounds so hot
Post her. Pls.
that's how I feel about all incest porn. The idea sounds hot but honestly fucking my sister or something would be gross
So I had my sisters phone one time and got into her snapchat "my eyes only file" (the password was her birthday) I saw a ton of racy pics on there and nudes, I didn't get to stay for long because my sis was in the same room and wanted her phone back BUT FUCK I REALLY WANNA GET BACK IN THERE AND SAVE IT ALL SHES SO FUCKING HOT
any good tips on how to get into a phone? I really want those pics.
The pics are potato quality
underaged girl basically threw herself at me. Told her to wait until she was 18. Before then, got herself knocked up and married the guy. Dodged a bullet I guess?
It's ok. It's fucking hot.
so what
my fwb is crazy horny and wants me to breed her forreal but I know she wants to milk my money for 18 years
I walk my friends' kids home from school every day, because they're busy with work. They have an 8-year-old boy and a cute, chubby, attention-seeking 6-year-old girl. The girl's become quite attached to me. I hope in a decade she's still prone to attention-seeking behaviour and has self-esteem issues so I can get some of that chubby pussy.
It’s Father’s Day and I remember my dad like this.
He’s the one who came home raging after work every night. He’s the one who would smash the salt shaker on the floor when it didn’t work. He’s the one who smoked in the house for my whole upbringing. He’s the one who drank every day including the important days like Christmas. He’s the one who was racist and sexist to my mum and screamed at her like a simpleton. He’s the one who smacked me after I fell off the playground equipment and broke my arm. He’s the one who defrauded the insurance agency when he fell asleep drunk at the wheel. He’s the one fought his brother in front of his children while drunk. He’s the one who defrauded another insurance agency, got caught and lost the job he’d worked decades for. He’s the one who gave up long ago. He’s the one who I ordered to have his diseased leg medically amputated that killed him.
I think she may come here sometimes so I don't want her to figure it out.
Sorry i dobt want to show her face
thats super hot
i fuck my wifes sister at least once a week. not as hot as my wife but is a good rough hate fuck. she 5'8 90 pounds xs panties and no tits
I sucked a dog off once
Post family pics
how did it start?
sounds like my kind of girl
my girlfriend has been sexting with my friend because we’re into sph and cuckolding
but my friend doesn’t know that i’m aware
It's ok. I'm attracted to my daughter too. This is so damn hot. More.
I wish these summerfags would go back to school.
Call him out just to fuck with him
i have been with my wife since we she was 16 and her sis was 18. got drunk at the cottage and my wife wnt to bed and we ended up fucking to make a long story short haha. and she keeps coming back for more haha
no we want her to at least blow him first
what’s sph?
small penis humiliation
I desperately want to suck my older brothers cock. I want to deepthroat him and have him fuck my moutg and blow his load on my faggot face.
does your friend have a small dick?
no it’s huge, i have a small dick
Her body is so nice. I get it.
post pics
...and you don’t know how many dudes are raw-dogging her asshole, so there
lets see the messages
of who?
>Be married
>Go on Omegle and find girl
>Lie about age age
>Lie about name
>Girl is virgin
>Girl sends nudes, massive tits, shy as fuck
>Eventually meet and fuck her, take her virginity
>Feel kinda bad and cut off contact
is this what the girl from the ring does in her spare time
i don’t have the messages only the photos they sent each other
lets see those
i don’t have the messages only the pictures they sent each other
I fucked my cousin twice about a month ago. Now we talk all the time.
I have fucked 3 different pairs of sisters and one mother daughter combo.
How'd it happen? Are you guys into each other?
I used to sneak into my sister's room, steal her panties out of her dresser drawer or clothes hamper, masturbate into them and put them back without her knowing. I'd also wear them from time to time while jerking off as well..
shes sunning, good job making her
Vajeen is totally awesome, bro
how old was she?
Me and my girlfriend are planning on going on vacation together in a few weeks. Everything is set and paid for, except the only thing stopping us is her grandfather is sick, probably going to kick the bucket soon. I secretly hope he dies sooner than later (besides not wanting him to be in pain) so we don't have to cancel our trip. Am I a bad person?
That's a very good sister :)
I catfishes my ex's current bf to give me my ex's nudes.
I love to expose my mom & being degraded, got nudes & face pics of her
Kik; mymumstits
here’s his cock
18. I was 30 said I was 25
when i was 13 i accepted 140 dollars cash to suck a twenty something year old dude off.
i didnt like it but every once in a while when i saw him again he would offer me the same to do it, and eventually more
nobody knew i was doing this horrible shit and just thought i was good at saving money up
That's hot. Let's see what she's sending.
Things 5 inches max LOL.
The only solution is to have them “accidentally” fall off of the deck unnoticed.
Used to do ecstasy with a couple who were young like me and liked getting fucked up. Somehow the girl heard I had a decent size cock and started talking to me about it when we were alone. After half a dozen separate times mentioning it, she finally one night asked if she could see it. So we slid away and went to my car. I told her I need her to inspire me to get hard, so pulled her top down and started flicking her nipples. I got hard pretty quick and pulled my cock out and her eyes just bulged. I held it for a while but she didn’t do anything. I went over to see my friend with some smoke the next week but he was out for the afternoon. She said to come in and smoke with her. We got really stoned and had some wine and she asked if she could see it again. So took out her little titties but I said I wanted nite so she dropped her flowery skirt and cotton briefs and showed me her hairy brunette pussy. I got my hard cock out and started stroking it. We both sat on her couch and masturbated for ages until she climbed on top and screeched as I pushed deep inside her. We continued this for about six months without him knowing.
Not really only hung out a few times as kids.
She is on my dad's side of the family, I lived in another state with my mom.
I had to move here to take car of my father, liver cancer.
My cousin's grandmother passed and another cousin came in from across the country. We all went out and I made sure she got home OK.
She kept leaning over me and getting really close all night. I put my hand on her thigh, she didn't stop me, so I started kissing her neck then pulled her in for a real kiss.
After that she started taking off clothes.
We slept on her couch together, in the am I had morning wood so she slipped her pants down and took another load.
Which part do you feel guilty about?
Were you desperate to have the money?
How did you meet the first time?
Nah man i feel that, as long as you do your duty and comfort her it's ok
here’s what she’s sending
it’s bigger than that
She make u cum like crazy? U wanna fuck her?
I sell cheese pizza to pedos
It was hot but I do regret it tbh
Damn. Are they gonna fuck?
>I sell cheese pizza to pedos
The hottest moment of my life was when I was 12 and my gf was crying because we tried anal without lube. Barely got it in before she was crying for me to stop. Seeing her curled up, sobbing, and just broken down was so fucking sexy
I’m a right wing Christian but I’m attracted to dickgirls. Never men though, I’m only attracted to femininity. I’ll never come out because my family is already grieving my bisexual sister who married another woman and took my darling nephew from us.
So you are with the FBI?
No one really sells that stuff anymore, other than the authorities themselves.
I fucked a professional football players wife during university. Everytime he was away playing a game I came around and we fucked on his and her bed. She showed me a picture of him naked and I understood immediately why she was fucking me. He had a dick the size of half eaten party sausage. I once texted her to meet me outside their house when he was home and fucked her in my car. She walked back inside with all my load blown inside her brown haired pussy. I blew my load into one of his trophy’s once and it’s still probably there today.
I have fapped to her nudes a lot yes i think about fucking her when fapping
It's sad that people can't be who they want to because of religion
I fuck up fat people's orders and I charge them extra.
hopefully, she really wants to
i wouldnt say desperate. but my family was pretty poor so i never had any real spending money
we met at the mall. hanging out with some friends and the guy was walking around and saw us. seemed like a normal dude tbh until he came over and asked if any of us wanted to make some cash
we all said no and left after calling him a fag. i kept thinking about it and kind of whittled down my resistance to the idea. so when i was at the mall by myself and saw him i followed him into he bathroom and asked if he was serious
he had exactly 140 on him so i followed him to his car and did it there. really dangerous looking back but i was stupid.
also he didnt realize i was 13 and freaked out when i told him. i was tall for my age and he thought i was 15 or 16 at least or at least thats what he said. didnt stop him from seeking me out again
bought a slightly used ps2 and god of war 2 wit hthe money
dont be jealous faggot
You work in fast food. No one cares.
Like I agree with the theology because of how fucked LGBT relationships are and how ludicrously promiscuous they are, but I still love girl dick. I don’t mind pussy but I think a little outtie clit is cute.
She's so hot.
Can I see more. This is what I want my wife to do with my best friend.
and now I don't feel so bad for you. kek.
Myself and a dozen others are the ones spamming yellow all over here we don't give an actual shit it's just for lolz
so, an average Yea Forums user
I went to college after a few years of working so I was a little older than my fellow students. I got along better with the teachers as I was closer to their age . One ginger short art teacher was in fact very close. We would drink after college and after a while we would end up drinking back at hers. Next thing we’re fucking regularly and she still teaching me. She was a fucking sex addict so she wanted more and more sex. We fucked in the school during the day in the disabled toilets and even after school in the classrooms. I railed her once in the computer lab storeroom 30 minutes before class and she taught the class for the whole hour with her cunt full of my cum.
more of who
You're nothing special and most people are just ignoring those posts.
Look at the statistics, user. The std, abuse, and cheating rates far surpass heteronormative relationship.
Yet, you're one of them
Go suck a dick, closetfag
My cousin used to stand on me in the pool. I would get hard and she would press down harder on my cock.
I’m getting stalked by a 10/10 15 year old girl. She is hot as fuck, and I’m decently attractive, and she is doing all in her power to get my attention. I already blocked her because she makes me uncomfortable and because she’s hot as fuck and I don’t wanna do anything stupid. She messaged me from a throwaway account today and I can tell it’s her exact writing style. This bitch really wont leave me alone... and I wish women my age would feel the same way about me.
I have cheated on my wife with over 200 women within five years.
I don’t know about that one. I like penis but only attached to trannies. I don’t like masculinity at all, and in the end I know that I want children above all else and trannies aren’t real women.
Both Id like to see both.
A girl I used to date, when she was about 12, used to want to fuck this 18 year old neighbor kid. She used to go outside nude and masturbate in front of windows and shit so he'd notice her. Dude never made a move as far as I know, but he Def has pictures
How old are you? Can you wait 2 or 3 years for her?
Tranny gang rape and piss bukkake is my ultimate fetish
how big were her tits?
wtf. Just accept who are user. As a religious person myself, people are just people. Let them be who they're fucking going to be and just worry about serving people where they're at.
I took the virginity of my bosses eighteen year old daughter. Bitch had hair down to her thighs, could do the splits and pissed herself when we fucked . I fucked her like a Saturday night whore. We did everything, fucked everywhere and i blew so much load in her pussy ass and face. Got her pregnant, got her an abortion and then proceeded to fuck her older work colleague.
At least E cup, don't remember the number before.
I’m 24... I’m sure by the time she’s legal she’ll forget about me.
Best friend’s girlfriend is into me. Always flirting and touching me when we’re drunk and he’s not looking.
She’s hot but not worth ruining my friendship over. Wondering if I should tell him...
Would love to pay a 13 year old princess to pound her doggystyle
She knows that all asian massage places give happy endings. Duh.
also see
Been planning my suicide for awhile, just trying to finish a will secretly and find a way too make it look legit accident
Isn't it past your bedtime, summerfag?
Am a cashier, I do my best to ruin those fuckers day too. Screw customers.
That's not true. Most of the "Thai massage" shops don't, while most of the "Chinese massage" shops do.
Pretty sure the only cases in which you are not allowed to use your POA authority are to get a debit card (no signature record for purchases) and to change things that you would directly benefit from
>Go to Google
>Type in underage porn
I accidentally killed my dad.
>Be me several years ago
>Angsty teen
>Just got a car
>Dad bought me the car
>My dad was awesome
>My scout leader
>My baseball coach
>My assistant soccer coach
>Volunteered for my debate tournaments
>Gave me every chance imaginable to grow as person
>When he got me the car he told me that it was on the condition that I start running errands
>Angsty teen me didn’t like that
>I didn’t appreciate what I had
>After several months of running errands I get snarky
>One day I’m home early
>Decide to watch some porn and jack off
>Dad comes home and calls upstairs to me
>Asks me to go get some milk
>It escalates into a huge argument
>I tell him I hate him
>He stops talking
>Says “I hope you think long and hard about what you just said to me”
>He turns around and leaves
>Go back upstairs
>Feel like complete shit
>Wait for him to come home so I can apologize
>My aunt came and got me an hour later
>Met my mom at the hospital
>My dad went to go get the milk
>On the way home another car cut him off and ran him off the road
>He lost control and hit one of the supports of the bridge by our house
>Didn’t even live long enough for me to apologize at the hospital
If I had just fucking gotten the milk. If I had just said “okay” and gotten the fucking milk my dad would still be alive. My coach, my scout master, my sister’s coach, my mothers husband, my dad would still be alive and I’d have put my Father’s Day card in his hand instead of on his grave.
All because I was too much of an ungrateful piece of shit to go fucking get a goddamn gallon of milk. My last words to the person I loved most in this world were “I hate you. Leave me alone.” I would give my life to take that back. He was a better person than I will ever be. All I did all day was think long and hard about those words.
“I hate you. Leave me alone.”
Tell him. Hormonal tendencies are temporal but brotherhood is eternal.
If everybody treated each other as if they were about to lose everything, most of Yea Forums would evaporate.
Plot twist: we're all, always a minute from not being here.
Damn dude. I’m sorry.
I can't take a shit with my shirt on. It's a weird pavolv thing. When I was younger, I used to take my shirt off when I was on the toilet, and now that's the only way I can shit. It's all I know.
Green text?
Damn how did you get to the meeting part?
Just luck that you both live in the same area?
I can get really far, but meeting from omegle never. Luck of the draw?
I lost my virginity to a (legal) prostitute in Europe when I was 21.
I am addicted to getting HJs from massage parlors.
Just fuck her. Nothing is gonna happen to you.
How often do you get massage with a happy ending? I get one every couple of months.
Just fuck her. She's not going to tell him and neither are you.
James Bond post
Luck of the draw mainly, then talking a lot before meeting.
We messaged a lot, we'd video chat and she'd show me her tits and pussy, etc. Like I said, she was shy so took a while to get there
>be 18
>Nan is getting re married
>Me and my little cousin getting changed in the same room
>Cousin is bit of a hog but still worth a squirt
>She catches me watching here
>Im playing PS2
>She removes the control and sticks it down her top
>Tells me if I want it back I have to fish for it
>Realise cousin is a slut
>Stick my hand down her top and have a grab of her ample Tories
>She starts playing with my cock through my trousers
>Nan walks in
> Ruin her wedding day
>Later that same cousin slept with a girl I was seeing
>At the time I was heartbroken but as I got older I wish I had asked to join in.
Have you gotten sex without paying for it since then?
Not going to change what his wife thinks.
Yes. But the next time I went back to Europe, I went and saw a couple of more (legal) prostitutes.
Well because, I um, returned the attention a few times (no sex though), telling him would probably sabotage our friendship, and fuck my own relationship up too. It’s a real dilemma
Sorry to hear that. Whores aren't nearly as good as free sex.
The truth will come out eventually as long as she’s pursuing you. It would be better for you to confess to your friend rather than he find out or the problem gets out of control.
The next gen is gonna be so fucked up entering the internet thinking everyone's out to fuck their moms dressed as lolis.
So fucked up.
Basically what it comes down to is that if I tell my boy the truth, it will come out , sabotaging my relationship with my wonderful girlfriend.
So it seems I either let my best friend get increasingly serious with this potentially disloyal girl(he wants to marry her) or I ruin my own relationship.
Any evidence of your willing participation?
If not, then by getting in first you can spin it in your favour.
She's a sexual predator, after all...
I'm a pretty open book, but there are just a few things that I can not let people know, ever.
Some of these require some context so lemme give you the run down:
I am an 18 year old white American trans-female
Starting from least important to most, it goes:
1 - I suck my thumb and pick my nose, I don't eat the boogers because that's gross. It's honestly just a kinda of self comforter turned habit. Can't stop.
2 - I'm Xenophobic, I really cant stand cultures other than common american. Honestly trying to fix this, but most of any other nation or nationality I just see as inferior.
3 - I frequent Yea Forums.
you did the right thing. revengefucking that voodoo doll helped you move on with your life, might've even scored you a chance roll down the life road
You mean your a man who dresses like a girl?
I am honor bound and cannot lie to my SO and best friend
The truth is his gf and I have a mutual attraction and I cannot tell such a lie without a terribly guilty conscious
See a doctor and get your conscience removed immediately. Otherwise, it will cause you problems for the rest of your life.
This is awful advice
Jesus Christ, a feature length film could be made out of this.
I really enjoy hearing other incest stories, since I have my own experiences
Green text
Well this is the perfect thread. Greentext some.
Just fuck her you pussy
>15, fem cousin 14
>Very close to cousin already, lots of hugs, she hangs on me
>She is very cut, chubby but butt is big in the right ways
>Develop fantasies about her with horny 15 year old brain
>Sleeping over one night, on couch downstairs
>Hear movement late into night, decide to go talk with her
>No shirt, thing pajama bottoms
>She's wearing long short
>She can't sleep because thunderstorm
>Decide to stay with her to keep her company.
>End up cuddled close on couch
>Late night t.v., end up on erotic scene in a show
>I was already chubbing from holding her close, now I'm officially diamond
>Not long before she takes notice
>Position is I'm laying long ways, she was wrapped around my mid section
>She moves enough to feel my rock hard cock against her body
>She looks up at me and I freeze, heart beating as hard as my dick is
>She leans up and starts kissing me without saying anything
>Make out session is heavy, I'm grabbing her ass, fingering her and she's stroking my cock
>She lays on top of me, belly to belly, stands my dick up and slides it between her pussy lips and ass cheeks
>Starts very slightly girating her hips
>After a few seconds of this, making out and feeling every inch of her body, and suddenly cock slips very slightly into her pussy
>A brief pause in the action as we state at each other, unsure if we should continue
> I tell her to stop
>Asks why and tell her I didn't want to cum yet
>She sits up, cock still pinned under her amazing pussy and ass, throbbing hard and dripping pre
>Shirt comes off, she's completely nude under
>Almost cum on the spot but some how manage not to
>Lean up and start going to town on her tits
>She's moaning with her mouth closed lightly and wraps her arms around my head
>Stop that and get my pants off
>Her eyes are wide and I feel like a man
>She lays on her back and spreads for me and says to fuck her
>Waste no time and start sinking into her while holding her legs over my shoulders
>I'm Xenophobic, I really cant stand cultures other than common american. Honestly trying to fix this, but most of any other nation or nationality I just see as inferior.
And having lived in America for a few years, I can’t stand Americans. Everyone is the same way to a degree.
>Learn the meaning of "agonizing pleasure very quickly"
>After an eternity, I finally completely bottom out in her
>She's squirming and her face is a mixture of pain and pleasure the whole time
>Bring her legs down to my hips and lay over her
>Make out resumes and I am unable to move, her tightness is crippling.
>"I love you"s all over, cringey dirty talk, then she says "cum deep inside of me, I want to feel your babies being pumped into me"
>I start shaking back as I fight back a huge orgasm, I really don't want to stop now
>Balls are hurting bad now, tell her to not say that
>"Because I told you I didn't wanna finish yet and you saying that almost made me cum really hard
>Bitch completely wraps her legs around my hips and pulls me in hard, her pussy mashed against my mound
>She leans into my ear
>"So it turns you on to know that I really, really want you to fire a huge load into my womb with your big dick and impregnate me with a lot of your babies"
>I'm almost blacking out from pleasure as I being dumping several ropes of cum into her deepest parts, can barely hear her as she fights to suppress a load moan/shout
Fuck at least post her nonnudes user
Over the last 3 years ive raped 3 girls (all of which ive threatened i would kill their families if they ever told)
The first one was blonde haired, blue eyed, 6 years old (from what her birth certificate says)
The second was asian, 4 years old (by far the easiest to have my way with)
The third struggled the most, 13 years old, black hair, green eyes
Ive been thinking about going back to one of them and actually having my way with them once more, and ending their pathetic life...only time will tell suppose ;)
>My orgasm lasts for eternity as I am flooding her with my seed, she's squeezing my hips even harder to get me deeper and her hips are grinding against mine as her tight pussy quivers and milks my cock
>I start tongue kissing with her as we moan and orgasm
>I finally stop firing loads after what seemed like forever (probably a few seconds) and my nuts and cock and sore but the most satisfied I've ever had them
>We are both shaking hard against each other
>She whispers "oh god, it's so hot and deep in me"
>Mini orgasm triggered, a bit more cum
>"Fuck user, keep pumping baby juice into me, I need your babies"
>Almost crying from the overload of the experience, learn that now we both know I have a strong fetish for impregnation
>Keep grinding against each other and kissing for awhile
>We finally calm down enough to relax
>Still buriend balls deep in her but hips aren't being squeezed anymore as we're both mostly limp
>Dick is still raging and throbbing inside
>"user, I can feel your heart beat inside of my pussy"
>Don't know why but this pulls some strong loving emotions from me, "I love you so much" and begin kissing her
>She says she loves me as well, make out session comes back on
>After a while we realize we might have been loud and look around and listen for noise from the stairs
>Nothing, I think we both thanked God we didn't wake anyone
>We just lay against each other and stare into each other's eyes, I'm stroking her hair and pressing my forehead against hers, she is lightly rubbing my ass and lower back
>Occasional kisses and pecks on her neck
>My cock isn't sore anymore but my balls feel like they've squeezed through a vice, the pleasure of her pussy squeezing me still overrides it
>I pull out slowly, and she begins to look disappointed
>I spam pack in with a big stupid grin and bring out a moan from her
>She looks back at me in a playfully angry way and round two starts
>Pleasure is amazing, I'm in full on love mode at this point as I fuck my "newly announced" fuck toy
>We don't go as hard but if the door wasn't closed and t.v. wasn't on, you would surely hear flesh slapping as we fucked the night away
>Fuck I miss my youthful vigor
>She finally passes out when the sun starts coming up and my nuts and cock are equally pained
>I manage to not only pull out but get her cleaned with paper towels and cover her up
>Hide our shame smeared paper towels deep in the trash can
>I hobble to bed with pants in hand and pass out hard in my bed
>Next day we both wake up late
>I go downstairs to breakfast smells
>Parents are cooking and everything seems normal
>No one knows but us apparently
>We steal sexy eyes when we can while eating
Fucked like rabbits every chance we got for years, with condoms after that of course, health center gives them out to teens for free, so we had plenty of them. We got kinky with locations and once we fucked out in the tall grass (lived in country, nearest neighbor was a mile off).
Eventually we had to stop cold turkey, around the time I was seventeen and she was sixteen. Family began raising eye brows to how much we acted like boyfriend and girlfriend and the fact we weren't dating anyone, I think a few other cousins and maybe an aunt and uncle knew we were fucking each others brains out but they didn't care enough to make a stink about it. Yay West Virginia.
She moved on after highschool, didn't see her again for yeeeaars, and when I did she had blown up to full on land whale, with several kids. Husband was an absolute beta, I was kind of disappointed that she ended up with a sad sack like him but that's life I guess.
Unfortunately we grew distant and just don't talk anymore.
I want to confess my confession but I'm waiting for a new thread
That's funny. My wife's retarded cousin molested me in front of the whole extended family. I've greentexted it before.
but you dont have to shit on a woman when you fuck her do you?
I might be a touch schizo but I can't afford a therapist
My sister convinced her best friend to fuck me in front of her
>and once we fucked out in the tall grass
Greentext that one.
it needs to be done by everyone, dont sweat it.
That shits wack
Shits wack bro
i love to wear my stepmom's lingerie
I had a gf for more than a year (when I was 14 went on until I was 15) we started to do things like Handys and fingering, but I left her, and I still don’t know why I did it. If. I’m being honest I think I’m scared of people loving me because I don’t love myself. Aside from the sappy shit, I’ll share some story’s if you guys want to hear them
Eh, more of the same, she was in a skirt, we realize we aren't in sight of anyone and she tells me she went commando. Immediate erection, some making out, and I had her legs against her chest and pounding her pussy hard. Dump a huge load in her and make out more before heading back in.
Meh, we had fun, I never was one for socially enforced morals.
I don’t want to fuck my mom, but I’d give anything to watch her get absolutely destroyed sexually and I want her to watch me fuck a broad, too.
Nah that's either a trap, or a drag queen. The difference with me is that I have a mental disability that makes me believe that I'm female.
I'm pretty right sided even on this subject, you're right transgenders are weird, but it's an unfortunate illness.
Once I made a fake snapchat faking to be another dude to try get my halfsisters nudes. She didnt give it, only a video of her sucking on a hairbrush. I did send her a video of me jacking off and she said she liked my dick.
>Have a mental disability
And you just exposed yourself as a larpfag, good job
Was that the riskiest place you've ever done it?
Nice bait summerfag
Where did the men touch you? It's okay you can tell us.
Bathroom quickie with her when our families were visiting, she snuck off when I was brushing my teeth. Dumped a load in her on the toilet.
If you have are unfaithful to her and you don’t confess and beg her forgiveness,
No transgender person refers to themselves as mentally disabled dude, get real
I secretly love to secrete as the yellow faggots suck a niggers cock...or something
One time we had a potluck at work and I cooked a dessert and brought it in, but I came in it while making it. All of it was eaten quickly and people told me how good it was.
When I would sleepover at a close friends house, with her in the room asleep I used to take a pair of her panties and fap with them. Once stole a pair and kept for ages before binning.
Worst thing I've done that I'd never tell anyone
I hope you all pay for your sins one day
I have a 24/7 migraine and fake being functional
I attract girls by acting witty, charming and intelligent at first but once they've taken the bait I start to expose my dark side. I'll be mean, cruel and somewhat abusive in very small doses. I don't do it on purpose, I think it's some kind of personality disorder because once I've freaked them out, I'll go back to being sweet and even tender.
It's really fucked up every girl I've dated emotionally and had negative consequences on their future relationships.
Oh and I raeped an ex grillfriend once.
I'm not over my first love and it's been 9 years
it's okay, you're not alone, i'm on year 8
Fake and gay.
I'm a man child with and unnecessarily large collection of comics and toys and I don't wanna get rid of them in case I'll regret it. Son of a hoarder fag. What do b
don't know if it's a secret because it's gotten out by now, but I've slept with several best friends in committed relationships and ruined several friendships.
One one hand, lost friends and broke up relationships, but on the other, got to eat out attractive good friends
Would you do stuff with her she showed interest?
open to hearing any secrets, kik: ExaltVita4
Would you show us a pic of your daughter too?
I'm the same way and I hate it. I've somehow maintained a relationship for 3 years now but I still just go in full shit stain mode whenever I get mad. I'm surprised she hasn't left me yet
Just lay off the porn for awhile, user. You'll be fine. Vid related.
A few years ago
One day my cousin and I were just sitting and he started to touch me, I was with the phone and he told me like "hey let me show you something" and he grabbed my phone from the bottom (it was near my y know) I was so uncomfortable, I wasn't able to do something I was a little shocked because we were 13 years old.
Just Don't get rid of them
Tellem. These hoes ain’t loyal. Bros for life.
Don’t be gay. You’re going to die anyways.
So you’re vegan now right?
I'm planning/waiting on breaking into my dad's old suitcase to get access to his old .22 pistol and the ammunition. I may or may not try to clean the pistol and will hope that when I fire it into my forehead, it doesn't blow up my hand or face and leave me alive in terrible pain.
i have a vibrating butt plug in right now. feels good man
Today at work I let my paranoia get the better of me
I perpetrate as fully straight but I act gay
I act feminine
My voice sounds like a bitxhes voice
I am not a man but I was born one
I'm not tranny though
I just am not what you'd call a real man
I get extremely nervous over everything
For some reason a gay dude at work doesn't like me
He cooked my food
I was paranoid he put something in it
I didn't eat
It was made into a big deal
I didn't do anything to him
If you don't do anything to anyone why would they be fucked with?
I just want to mind my own business
I don't talk
I don't flirt
I don't laugh or smile
I'm here to work
I got so nervous when a coworker asked me why I wouldn't eat
In a nervous stutter all I could say was no no no no no no no no no
Damn man
I wish I could, as a man, stand on my own two feet
Don't do it, not worth the paranoia of being vanned
Anymore pics?
I have bought nudes from multiple random girls on the internet.
One girl I found on Reddit would only sell me snaps, and told me that I couldn't screenshot them. I saved them all, including a bj video that ended a guy coming on her face. I think she now considers herself a lesbian?
Another girl I found on Reddit because she posted many times on gonewild under different names and I found her social media and convinced her that I just stumbled upon her on Tumblr.
Another girl I connected with on Tumblr is actually the younger sister of a friend's friend who I also have nudes of, including a video of her getting fucked in the ass. Currently trying to get more from little sister.
I am happily married and my wife would leave me if she knew.
dump the vids in a vola for us?
I used to hook up with a friend's girlfriend while I was in high school and they were still together. We would get naked in the hottub at my house and fool around. She was the first girl I ever had oral sex with and I think about her every time I have it, even 10+ years later. She said she liked it better with me because it felt better and because I had a bigger dick
I fake being functional, too. That's nothing special.