I don't know why I came here for help...

I don't know why I came here for help, but my dad is currently sitting at the foot of his bed drunk as fuck crying and and babbling on and on to no one about everything hates in the world with a loaded gun in his hand and I don't know what to do. He is a felon and will go to prison if I call the cops and I'd have nowhere to go. I have no family except him. He's never done anything like this before. Has anyone talked anyone like this down? I don't even know what set him off.

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"Happy Father's day!!!"

He's been doing it for about 30 minutes. He keeps going back and forth weather he wants to start killing everyone or just kill himself. I don't want to intervene until I have a game plan and I don't want to get shot. I'm 14 btw and 160 lbs. I've never fought him before but as drunk as he is I think I could get the gun from him. Any advice from anyone?

Just ask him what happened. I mean, literally-
"Dad? What happened?"

Yeah, uh, better leave this guy alone. Let him shoot himself. Don't go near him. Happy father's day.

He keeps bringing up his ex-wife. I think he's upset that she doesn't let him see or talk to my younger siblings. They are 3 and 5. He keeps screaming and when I tried to talk to him he told me to shut the door and leave the house. I told him I'm not going anywhere... but I don't even have anyone to call. I really think I should try to get the gun away from him then I'll leave him alone to have a meltdown or whatever this is.

Whatever you do, don't leave. He won't hurt you. Maybe himself but not you.

Also if that bitch of an ex wife is your mom, I'd call her and ask if the kids can pick up the phone to call their dad. Their little voices and i love yous might be enough.

I think he's hiding a bottle of alcohol from me because he seems to be getting more drunk but I can't see anything. I can't even understand what he's saying at this point. How long does it take alcohol to effect you agree you drink it?

She was my step mom. Hey and I didn't get along and she changed her number after she left my dad. I wish I could tell her how hard this is on him but I doubt she'd listen.

Get a bat knock out him out tie him up til hes sober

Okay so option 2 is get him so drunk he passes out. Get him fucked and let him sleep and vomit for a day or 2. Talk to him about it after that.

After you drink it*

Do you want us to report your post?

I don't think very highly of your dad honestly with a loaded gun building up his courage to go on a shooting spree.

There really is nothing you can do as far as beating his ass and disarming him. As a mixed martial arts expert you will be shot. And as him being a failure as a father you will drive a wedge between your relationship with him. The punk will hate you.

go walk to a corner store or something

Ok update. He dropped the gun and started crying again. I got the gun and unloaded it. He didn't have one chambered so I assume he is just having a breakdown and not planning to actually shoot anyone. Holy fuck this is a crazy day. I'm shaking so bad. Thanks for the advice. I don't have a baseball bat but I do have a cast iron skillet. If this ever happens again I probably will just knock him out, hide the gun, then call an ambulance. I think he needs therapy or something. He's usually a really happy guy. This is so fucked up.

I would leave for my own safety. A punk like that has to be abandoned.

If OP is kill he will go back to prison with the death of his son in his conscience

It's apparent he doesn't value his freedom.

Fuck her when you get older.

I would live with someone else or do something about the gun ASAP

Please do not report anything. I got the gun away from him. I'm going to try to get him help. I'm going to try to contact my guidance counselor and see if she can recommend someone he can talk to. I only reached out because I was so stressed. Thank you for your concern.

I'm going to have a serious discussion with him about the gun. He's not supposed to have it anyways. I never would have thought in a million years he'd be a threat with a gun. His felony charges are for breaking a guys nose in a bar brawl. He's honestly a really responsible person other than this incident. He taught me hunters safety when I was like 5 or 6. This whole thing was so out if the blue... I'm shocked to my core. But I think he needs to give it to someone until he works out whatever has him so tilted. He is a really reasonable person. I think if I tell him I don't feel safe he'll listen.


Kid your dad is a failure and a faggot. Haven't you ever heard of rebelling against your parents because of shit like this? What is wrong with you.

The ONLY help anybody is ever getting is jail. Your guidance counselor is a stupid bitch. I feel as though you need a talking to here. Anybody sane will tell you the gun is too much, think about yourself and think about number one.

Either you get the gun away from this motherfucker gir good so you can beat his bitchass, or you call the police.

It's that simple. It's about you and the person that needs a talking to is you. Fuck him.

He's a wine-o loser. There is no serious discussion about the gun and there is no counselor help.

You either rebel against your dad and live with someone else or he gets himself locked up again. A drunk with a gun, you don't put up with that shit. Over what his bitch? Pathetic.

Fuck his ex when you get older. You will understand your own pain and why you hate him.

You could be hitting the back of her throat right now.

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My dad has been my rock my entire life. Here's my best friend and my hero. I can't explain how out of character this whole ordeal has been. My dad is a self employed engineer and volunteers at the food bank. He makes good money. My step mom cheated on him with her ex husband and threw him and I out of the house when he caught her. The divorce was in January and he's been taking it really hard. I think it just set him off that it was father's day and my little sister birthday was last week and the wouldn't let him see the kids then either. He loves all of his kids and we all love him. I just want to help him be his old self again.

Tell him you love him, and he is scaring you, and you dont want to lose him. Give him a hug and tell him everything is going to be alright. Dads are humans too, he needs consoling.

He's asleep now by the way. Also he never drinks unless he's out with friends and that's only a few times a month.

Is your step mom hot? Think for yourself.

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Just saying

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I plan to have a talk with him when he wakes up. He and I talk about everything. Has anyone else experienced something like this with their father or an elder? I've never had to cheer him up before. I was always the one with emotional problems...

Lol no. She's like 50 and fat.

40* not 50

Seek for help for your dad and yourself

This is her.

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Don't listen to this bitch just get rid of the gun. Tell his bitchass he's free, bet you he didn't like prison.

Report for under age

Tell him that stupid. You either fight for your dad or you rebel against him.

As far as help goes guaranteed everyone will call the police. That's the help you get.

For self defense and as far as beating his ass you might get locked up yourself or shot. A gun is so serious I should have reported your shit in case he decides to shoot up a movie or something because I don't go to the premiere of good movies.

I remind you you're talking to strangers.