Approximately 24 hours ago,I lost my virginity

Approximately 24 hours ago,I lost my virginity

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Losing your virginity doesn't change you. Being able to lose it does.

Is it ok sitting down?

How old are you?

Are you in any pain?


I aint no fag


Will you see him again?

with your monitor? you know that doesn't count, don't you

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>I ain't no fag
Lol, sure

Was you raped?

pussy or gay ass ?

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>Imagine losing your virginity and boasting about it on Yea Forums

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What's your mothers maiden name?

Did she take plastic?

what took you so long?

How big is your dads cock?

Nah, she gave it up

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Pussy all the way

Approximately big

Social retardation

What's tour favourite pizza topping?

Fair enough

I meant

Shawarma or diavolo

Yeah man.
Welcome to the "it's not a big deal" club.
Now you can tell the incels too.

If you was to put your whole life savings on the spin of a roulette wheel, what colour would you choose red or black and why?

Do you know the way yo Amarillo?

All 12 inches

OP here. Of course black, that's because I love niggers cocks

Fair enough