420 blaze it phaggots. Show off your stash

420 blaze it phaggots. Show off your stash.

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thats not weed noob

Awe ye nigs got that cali shit

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I'm actually super-de-duper out of CONTROL HIGH absolutely BLASTED out of my god damn fucking MIND on weed right now guys holy CHRIST!!

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Bitch that's some oregano. Or some really shitty leaf trimmings.

Just a lil of what I got in my jar. I think it’s call vortex or sum shit close to it

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fuck off met je boerenkool, pisnicht!

maybe its just because I live in SoCal but any weed that isnt top shelf looks like shit to me.

Looks like outdoor....meh...

looks like some good shit nigga

Hope you didn't pay much for that trim....doesn't look like it's even worth cooking with....

80 bucks seemed like a good deal, gets me high as fuck.. I hallucinate for a few hours and then pass out for a few more.


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Wow, just wow.

You seriously got owned.

Unless you're a cop doing some form of online entrapment. =P

just a normal fellow stoner

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Not in a legal state? I can get an Oz of decent quality greenhouse/depo for $80

Auto Colorado Cookies

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like I said its good shit

OR and WA are way more than that. Where do you live?

that's in CA. I've seen it even cheaper in OR. You looking in the right places?

Alll around portland is typically ~150 an oz depending on quality. Other parts of oregon can be 200-300 an oz.

How do you do blades on a glasstop stove?

Hmm....I pay 150 for really good indoor. but never over 100 for outdoor/greenhouse/depo. I've seen indoor go for $80 just across the border in Grants Pass. This was maybe 6 months ago

I've never seen shops differentiate between indoor and outdoor?

Really? There's a huge quality difference! Don't get me wrong, I've seen some amazing flower come off of an outdoor. But you just can't compete with the environmental control of a well run indoor grow. The bud tenders can tell you which is which. They probably price according to indo/outdo but they may not advertise it.

I know the outdoor stuff has been known to have harsh pesticides in it. I don't smoke and only make edible oil. Sometimes cheap stuff gives me a better experience.

Ever made hash oil?
You'll need 5g of keef and a Tbsp of Coconut oil (optional- 1tsp lecithin)
Heat oven to 250, decarb keef in small mason jar for 30 minutes.
Remove, add coconut oil and lecithin if used, mix thoroughly
Return to oven for 20 more minutes
stir and allow to cool.
It should stay liquid, unless it gets really cold.
serving starts at just 1-2 drops. 1/2 tsp will wreck most folks.
You can take it streight, add it to coffee(my favorite option), cook with it or make caps

Sort of what I do with standard weed, except I don't decarb. I found it didn't change the intensity. I grind finely into a coffee grinder then cook in coconut oil at about 200-210 F for 90-120 mins. I let it slightly cool and slowly poor into a glass container so the particulate is left at the bottom of the pan.

dont have pic bc to high to take one but im smoking on some frosty animal mints

with the hash oil, you leave the keef in. it's 100% extraction. You need to decarb if you want the effects of the THC. it's locked to a carboxyl group in the form of THCA if you don't decarb.


I feel absolutely no difference in the high I get when I decarb. Cooking at 200-220 degrees does the same thing. I tried decarbing at 240 for about 40 mins and it was literally the same thing.

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that police station can get high for years off that

Ah, yes. If you cook it, that'll decarb it. I take the oil by itself, so I need to decarb.

Gonna be a long summer

I mean I cook in the oil at usually right around 210 for a couple hours. It's a simpler process that yields the same results.

Neither is OPs nigger


Kys nigger

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you had to reverse search to learn this was a troll thread?

fucking kek
see ya fbi

Sure OP whatever

This is a bag of NOT oregano....... looks pretty similar.....

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damn is that guy rich?

those look like lawn trimmings

My own trim, home grown. About 5 plants worth

for the flower, see