Which part of Germany is most based?

Which part of Germany is most based?

Attached: germanstates.jpg (800x798, 143K)


schleswig-holstein rightfully belongs to Denmark.

Attached: 1536344495573.jpg (654x541, 49K)

Is the vibe similar to Denmark?


no, all germans are autists, but slesvig belonged to Denmark up until 1864.

then it was robbed from us by the farmboyfucker Otto Von Bitchmark

I'm thinking about going to Denmark next year (when it gets warm)
Probably spending all of my time in Copenhagen. Anything you recommend? I really like drinking and eating

eating is pretty expensive for the most part, but our oubs and taverns are my love. When in Copenhagen, walk up and down Norrebrogade and the sidestreets to that a couple of times, best drinking places in town, in my opinion.

Also, check out Christiania, a lot of people go there mostly to get high, you can get any kind of weed anywhere there, but the vibe and the jazzclub called Borneteatret (childrens theater) is my favorite musicplace in town.

*but our pubs

All of Prussia belonged to us until 1945


The nasi part

It's cheaper to drink there compared to the rest of Scandinavia, right?
But the pubs seem cool, I do want to check a lot out. I like clubs too but the grittier, non pretentious ones.

oh and are Danish girls easy to get along with?

yeah, swedes and norwegians flok here just to get hammered and forget how to get home.
you could check out kodbyen, i think its called the meat packing districkt in english. its used to be what the name implies, but the entire area was converted into clubs - its a cool enough place if youre in the mood for that sort of thing, all the clubs still look like butchershops and everyone is either rolling or horny as fuck or both. i usually steer clear of the place, too many lines and to much hassle. its in Vesterbro, another part of town you definetly should check out

id say so. where are you from though? might make a difference

that's funny because NYC has a Meatpacking District that is also a former meatpacking district now known for clubs. But mostly pretentious ones that rich girls go to, with tough doors.

I'm American but not a stereotypical dumb American guy.

then youre probably good, but be ready for people shitting on your laws, president and healthcare.

I don't care. I'm politically moderate I'd say.

you'll be fine. Danes are not the most social of people until we get drunk, and even after that we tend to close our selfs up in groups. Dont expect people to strike up random conversations, but dont be afraid to do so yourself. Most danes find it kind of charming

Bayern. They know how to party, and have fewer sticks up their asses. And they make a great car.

Bayern but unironically

I thought North Germany had better partying. Especially Berlin and Hamburg

Munch those freaking Danish hot dogs all day long. Worth it, trust me.

yeah I'm not expecting them to have random conversations with me. But sometimes I'll randomly talk to people after giving them a cigarette or vice versa, that's often how I meet people.
When I went to Ireland I went off by myself to a pub and chatted with some strangers. I kind of budded into their conversation but we actually ended up talking all night


Bavaria is only cool for Oktoberfest. Rest of the time they're stuck up overly conservative bitches (except Munich).

What other foods are noteworthy? Is it one of those places like England where the highlight of the restaurant scene is all foreign food?

What's wrong with being conservative?

>but not a stereotypical dumb American guy.
quote from a dumb american guy

Nothing. I should have put more emphasis on "overly" probably.

I'm not dumb


You don't know anything about me, faggot

I'm moving to Thuringia in september. Almost nothing there other than a fuck load of forests. People there are quite chilled and always BBQ which is great. Good beer too.

Saxony is full of nazis if that's your thing

All 3 of the Saxonies are filled with Nazis?
And is it Erfurt you're moving to?

Somewhere nearby yeah. I just mean Saxony, I'm not sure about the other two.

I think Saxony Anhalt has the same reputation but not Lower Saxony.
I hope you enjoy your time there user! Get some cute German girls with big milky butts


I want to sniff a German girl's ass