Anyone else voting for this man again in 2020?
Anyone else voting for this man again in 2020?
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Didn't vote for him in 2016 but probably will in 2020
No. He fucking appointed John Bolton, Steve Mnuchin, and a shitload of other GOP establishment shills.
Unironically, Sleepy Joe is better.
Same here. MAGA
I'm down to meme his way to presidency again
For a start...
No, he's an actual moron who has fucked this country over and is pro-censorship.
>Americans don't vote Dem anymore
Are you retarded?
Only braindead retards who believe his lies.
The guy literally never stops lying.
The only people who like him are racists who were brainwashed from an early age and went didn't pay attention in history class.
Why? He's a failure, and his only major policy that's passed the senate was the tax cut. Now he's trying to false flag us into a war with Iran, that began from tensions he escalated.
Reminder that a Republican has won the popular vote for president once in the past 30 years.
Nope, he’s incompetent.
Our first nigger president is currently in office.
I dislike Trump, but I don't think he wants war with Iran.
I think he's trying to do the same thing to Iran he did with North Korea. Ramp up tensions, get on the brink of war, solve it with diplomacy, and claim you're the master negotiator who prevented disastrous war.
Dudes too stupid to keep a casino running
I love how much people take their lives so lightly. At least you guys know you're lives are just a joke. No wonder trump is prez. I don't care either way though. My middle class ass is still doin just fine.
2nd term is where shit really gets started because they're no longer doing shit just to get reelected. I'm voting Trump just to see what fucked up shit he does now that he's free to do what he wants.
lol no, the guy is an imbecile and he's supported by the extremely cynical and fellow imbeciles
Don't casinos usually pay for themselves?
I see you regurgitate the line well. Good job, you're a usable monkey.
He syphoned every bit of profit it made for a quick buck, and let it die. I'd say that was a smart short term money grab scene, but super greasy.
In 828 days of office he has told 10,111 lies. Yeah
Literally the only good things he's done as president was lob a few missiles at empty air bases in Syria and put pressure on China. Biden would probably do both of those, so I'm probably just gonna vote for Biden if he stays anti-China.
Facts aren’t lines. You really need to learn the difference, eventually.
>I don't think he wants war with Iran
He's starving the country of food, medicine, trying to crash the economy, pushing for yet another failed regime change. This is going to be disastrous for our future with Middle East relations, and he never gave a sufficient reason to pull out of the Iran Deal in the first place.
If he's so interested in peace, then why is he trying to pin the Japan tanker incident on them, in spite of Iran having no reason to attack Japan and the japanese who were on the tankers contradicting the narrative?
> Ramp up tensions, get on the brink of war, solve it with diplomacy
That's produced fuck all with North Korea, and is a pretty retarded strategy. It's basically a child playing chicken, like he is with China, and there's no contingency if it fails.
He ran 2 of his casinos out of business by building a 3rd to compete with them, then ran that one under. That’s not good business, it’s sheer retardation.
if I get to be american I will vote for this great leader
Commander-in-chief, yeah right. More like liar-in-lying
only memers and literal retards
put someone in charge of department of energy who wanted to get rid of the department, also didn't know it controlled our nukes
put a private school hooker who makes crazy bank off of shit like fucking with local schools to make a profit, also gives 0 shits about public schools. More than happy to write hers a big fat check
You shouldn't want a president who can be accused of committing crimes. Generally speaking. It's bad for global politics, which regardless of how much /pol/ either doesn't understand or just doesn't care, is still a very important subject.
It's like you didn't even read my comment.
We should dox Trump supporters and flood ICE with anonymous tips about them.
Please continue to post yellow instead of this trash thanks nazifags
Do it then retard. Oh that's right, edgy 15 year olds dont know how.
do you guys think trump is worse than bill clinton? as president, he could not control his urges, lies on public television.
and probably way worse stuff than just lying.
It makes me happy, when liberals are sad.
Only reason.
Trump is definitely worse than Clinton. Clinton was the last president where we had a surplus instead of a deficit. Plus, intervention in Kosovo is widely regarded as one of the best moves in his foreign policy. Sure, he fucked up with the Rwandan genocide and did some pretty creepy stuff in private, but he was a better president than Trump is.
Didn’t vote for him or Hillary. He lies whenever he opens his mouth. Not that I’m dumb enough to trust any politician. He’s done some good shit though. Not sure who I’ll vote for. Theme will tell.
No can do, sorry. My vote is going to a resl American who loves his country.
>his country
based and agreed
No I did. He gets zero credit. He’s a fool, not a bright scumbag.
I liked Clinton. The low point was when I was sitting in my room with my gf watching people being burned alive in Waco. That was on him. Otherwise, he did a great job.
Nope I’m voting Yang and you can’t stop me
>That was on him
I'm pretty sure that's now what happened at all with Waco
Short answer, yes. Another short answer, you are a dipshit.
You would vote against the countries best interests just to get back at people you don’t like. How very trumpian of you.
Realistically he probably can't vote
You're not smart enough to pull off the same thing, and that's why you'll stay poor and angry while he sleeps on a pile of money in the Whitehouse. Stay mad libtard.
Most assuredly. MAGA
Yang is a cuck; he said he was against circumcision and then said he was okay with it for (((religious))) and cultural reasons.
yes clearly
If you want to help Americans vote Yang
To be fair, Reno has stated she accepts responsibility for it and regrets her decision to storm the compound. She also made the decision based on faulty FBI information, so I would say that it's not *entirely* her fault.
That’s because he’s running to win the democratic primaries first
Once he gets to the general it’s bye bye to the snip
I’m not poor enough or smart enough to declare bankruptcy? You need to work on your insults, try basing them off of reality first. They might be less laughable then.
Voting for Bernie for the gibs.
Whoops, *stated, not "has stated". Keep forgetting she died
A shill for corporate lobbyist, a guy who has said that millennials have it easy, a guy that for the war with Iraq, a guy that doesn't want universal Healthcare. A guy that until the other days supported the hyde amendment. You are just voting for a tiger instead of a leapord.
Congrats on your no change corporate whore candidate. Let the face eating begin again.
I wouldn't really blame anyone except for who was directly involved on the scene. Waco was pretty cray.
Then why haven't you poorfag? Stay mad
Unironically, I think Yang could beat Trump.
The only way Trump wins is by making his opponent lose. People fucking hated Hillary, and Trump used that to his advantage. He can take people's records and pasts and use it against them.
Yang has no policy background, he's a literal who-turned-meme with business experience. There's nothing in his past to pull out like Benghazi or Clinton's perversion or emails to use against him.
>a surplus instead of a deficit
He stole from SS and played accounting tricks and lied to make it look like a surplus. He left a deficit just like every other scumbag and you believed his lies.
Because I’m not retarded, like the president. Stay dumb.
>he did a great job
He was the most scandalous president until Obama. What exactly did he accomplish that benefited the people?
Lazy poorfag detected
>That guy who is richer than me, more influential than me, and won the presidency is retarded
Stay mad libfag
You do know that most left wingers/socialists disagree with Maslow. The highest goal is the needs of the group. Screw self-actualization. Or anything of the individual.
His idea of give people 1000 a month because of robots just isny a solution. He's just pissing on a forest fire. So we can have 6 oligarchs who own all the robot factories and everyone else barely surviving on 12k a year. His solution is a bandade to a gushing wound.
Yes. Rabble rousing the most retarded people in this country and scamming everyone you do business with, with the backing of daddies money, is not an accomplishment. It’s morally bankrupt and the man is a semi-functional retard that slips further into dementia each day.
Trump has money, wemon, a family, a college degree, the presidency, several multi-million dollar businesses, and your mom's pussy juice on his fingers. Even if the businesses failed it's still more than anything you've accomplished, so who's the retard here mister Yea Forums poster?
Trips of truth
If Trump's "semi-functional" what would that make you?
...and had a TV show
lmao he's a bigger nigger than the previous pres
And banged super models.
>scamming everyone you do business with
So who's the idiot? The one who scams or the one who repeatedly gets scammed by the same guy.
Your entire comment is as homosexual as this whole thread.
he hasnt done shit. legalize drugs or gtfo
This. trump is using emergency executive order powers to circumvent the role of congress to regulate arms deals. If he is allowed to do so, Saudi Arabia will be given technology that allows them to manufacture smart bombs. You trumptards want Saudi Arabi having that capability? Do you really want that?
A contract to let Saudi Arabia build weapons for the U.S. are you kidding me what is wrong with you trumptards. Literally the worst U.S. president ever.
You and him.
Fully functional. Any other retarded questions?
>legalize drugs
Are you high right now? Look how well it's done for all the states in the west. Fucking disaster. The answer is decriminalization, not legalization. Big government will never help you, loadie.
Let’s see, no American banks will do business with him... so it sounds like everyone who isn’t a fool has gotten the message loud and clear.
Here it is gentleman, the voice of a jealous libtard
Of course, I enjoy that the left has been triggered so hard these past 3 years.
>So who's the idiot?
You for acting like there isn't a problem with a scammed thar It's the victims fault. You fucking piece of garbage.
>fully functional
>I only larp as a retarded lib
>the lulz
Um, Colorado kicks ass. I don’t know what the fuck you are babbling out of your shitchute about.
i will attempt to vote against again. but i again expect to be dropped from the voting rolls for reasons....again.
>implying american will still exist three decades from now
lmaoing at your life fatass
So then it's problem solved, correct? Then what are you bitching about?
>"He's retard"
>"He's badman for being smart enough to scam a nation full of people
How does it feel to be btfo like this?
You really can’t tell the difference between jealousy and scorn, eh? You must walk around thinking all the dirty looks you get are envious. lul @ you.
>a scammed thar It's the victims
You probably had a point in there...
Oh there’s some lulz going on, for sure.
Stating the obvious here, dearest user.
The middle class is fleeting.
If Don had just dumped his inheritance into mutual funds, done nothing else, and maintained exactly the same spending habits, he'd be a lot richer than he is now. It doesn't take a genius to do far worse than the market, only a psychopath's bad judgment, lack of foresight, impulsivity, and attention-whore instability of ego.
ITT: trumptards get triggered when the vast majority of Yea Forums says hell no to their god emperor.
>He's retarded for not being richer than he already is.
What's your networth smart guy?
I'm in cali. Even the cops can't figure out the rules. The taxes and the permits thing has tanked, people still go to jail for it. Some people are free to grow 99 plants, others go to jail for 1, some get busted for a few grams in their pocket... shitshow. Now they want to crack down on illegal shops (not permitted). So is it fucking legal or not?
The answer is decriminalize it. No laws for posession or usage, but still DUI for driving like shit while high and not in public places, same as alcohol.
>"I hate Trump hes so stupid"
>Well I may be wrong but he still bad man
>Haha I can't believe you all proved me wrong, ur so triggered lol
>Stating the obvious
>Triggered over something that isn't a thing
Got it.
>>You, for acting like there isn't a problem with the scammer, for saying that it's the victims fault. (you are blaming the victim) (insert name calling)
Hell yeah! I even switched parties.
Yes, I lived in Humboldt and was able to grow 99 plants per 215 I acquired. I remember it well. Cali hasn’t had long to figure out rec, it’s a complicated and factionalized state. It’ll get there. In the meantime Colorado is doing quite well and a good example of reasonable thought and prosperity.
>his inheritance
Why do you cucks keeps saying this? How do you get inheritance from someone who's still alive?
You seem to be the one who can’t let it go. Very symptomatic of being triggered. He’s a dumb cunt, I can leave it at that. Can you?
Quit lying on the internet.
It's already been stated that banks and investors don't trust him and won't work with him. It seems capitalism has limited itself from risk by cutting him off. Thank Jeebus this isn't s Socialist state or he would just continue to scam with the State's support and protection.
So what's the problem now?
FaEk NoOz! FaEK PolZ!
>can’t let it go
Let what go? I'm only replying to you this much because you can't stay on topic or you post illiterate shit.
So are you arguing that the state does a better job at regulation than just letting the whole thing go and letting the people do what they want?
yes, we need more angry NPC's and riots
Trump I'm sure has had some honest wins in his lifetime but his wealth was handed to him, actually he took it from his dying father against his wishes by selling off properties.
He also committed a ton of crimes to increase his wealth, and he has also had catastrophic losses.
The guy is a professional con man. So you are asking user to compare themselves to someone who was handed hundreds of millions of dollars and then proceeded to swindle more people?
K, go ahead and tell it all to someone who gives a squirt of piss about what you think, if you can find anyone.
Maybe I'll vote Patrick little
Red hats are the new red coats. Voting for FDR 2.0. Thx.
If I were American I'd certainly vote for him, not that I particularly fancy him, but I'd vote anyone in as long as the Democrat has no say in the matter.
nah, i'd rather not have a person who keeps giving israel gibs raises.
Aww hell yeah.
I haven't expressed any opinions here yet. It's been only your words and my questions.
You can't blame him for having brain worms. :(
Me, if he manages to revoke Scientology's tax exemption.
Oh look it's the Kenyan Racist who hates blacks and the pedo child rapist who forced a woman to blow him, and lost his presidency due to her... Yeah... Oh and the pedo is married to a chronic liar.
I guess idiots who have no point but just like to demagogue.
Until a party surfaces that actually has a hint of balls, this is also how I feel at the moment.
Good goy, make israel great again.
Not exactly. I agree with you, it should be legalized with minimal regulation and people who drive impaired or provide it for minors should be prosecuted. But as someone who grew for a good period of time, I will say that there should be oversight of quality control. You would be surprised how much nasty stuff can be included in a product you ingest without sufficient standards and accountability. I could list a lot of nasty stuff from fungus to pests to chemicals, that should be regulated in an ingested product. Much like we do with our food chain.
>What's the problem now?
Answer the question.
Good thing you are Serbian.
Self hating poor whites love the Trump and his grifts. Welfare for the rich, make the swamp great again.
Fuck no. I'm no liberal but I'm voting blue if it's that or him.
Only you Ivan sorry
If you don't agree with him, why to you imitate him by lying?
That's a ridiculous assumption, burger. I'm Crimean.
This guy knows.
Same shit, different pile.
>devil's advocate
Imagine how this would work without /any/ regulation...
How does it work now with coke/heroin/x/meth? There's absolutely zero regulation and those businesses keep thriving.
Wow, can't believe a lib is calling other countries shit holes.
>yfw people still don't get it that presidents are selected not elected
sure, i will i'm not into politics. i voted for him because of the anti trump commercials from Hilary
And people lace coke with phentanol (sp?), and people die. There is almost always a health balance between absolute anarchy and oversight.
I’m actually referring to you, personally.
We appreciate our useful idiots, folks. MIGA!
I did, it's you, you are the problem.
I wasn't going to but extreme leftists and ANTIFA have convinced me I probably need to. I'm a white male and the left has made it clear I don't belong there.
I fucking love this argument. Why don't you take your own advice user? Take the 100k you're gonna throw at college and just invest and sit on it. Since trump only got handed 1m, you should end up with 1/10th of his current wealth. Which is plenty.
lolno, only boot licking faggots vote for him.
I'm glad you're scared, pussy.
You will live.
LARP harder, Ivan.
This would be a good move. I think all religions are made up but they take it to a new level of dumb.
Lol, that's why he has a higher approval rating than almost any other Western leader.
He has set the economy on fire and unemployment is rock bottom, all while little babies like you cry. You sound like Krugman warning that Trump would "crash" the stock market if he got elected. Guess what? There's reality, and then there's what little bitches like you claiming "dementia" because orange man "bad".
Now let's say, with the coke/meth/etc, you have two choices:
1) "Legalize" it. Meaning set up more buerecracy and regulation and therefore limiting it's use. Sellers must be licensed and product must be screened. It's still illegal in some instances
2) Decriminalize it. Literally nothing happens except possession charges are no longer a thing.
There are other things that can kill you too. STDs. Should the state start regulating sex? You have to go in for a weekly checkup for screening? Prostitution is still a thing. "Free sex" is still a thing. Why not just remove the illegality of prostitution away and make the whole thing free? The behavior won't change, just the removal of some laws.
Of course, the only reason any of this is illegal or regulated is because money changed hands, which means taxes, which is what the states are truly upset about. They don't give a fuck about your health.
Sorry but I'm american. You just pushed me even further to the right. Good job comrade ;)
>you are the problem
I allowed Trump to scam more people?
not welcome and scared are 2 different things
You don’t read much, trump was funneled much more than 1 million. Hell, in one instance alone, daddy sent his personal lawyer to buy 3.5 million in poker chips to bail out one of juniors failing casinos. Freddy avoided taxes and funneled his children over 400 million (adjusted for current value), search engines are easy, go read facts.
You know what you did.
>pretty much voted for him just for the lulz
>tfw he actually delivered on more than half of his promises which is more than I can say for any other politician in my 28 years on this planet
You bet your ass I'm voting for him again.
Scared of this? No, I just don't want to be associated with soy and cuckoldry.
Sorry man, I'm not psychologist. Good day.
>that was after he invested the 1m, which you are saying he shouldn't have done.
Whatever you have to tell yourself to get through the day, pearl clutcher.
You were already shilling hard right, faggot. Pushing you would be getting you to read something that wasn’t propaganda, and we all know that won’t happen.
You like Israeli cock better?
I voted for Obama, retard.
im pretty sue the left has far more of those
Both our parties are super pro jew. No I don't support them but they have infiltrated the entire government, media and own the banks, which own the fed, so no politician on either side will stand against them.
Good job helping to erode our civil rights and continuing wars, bro.
One Man 2 Terms...
Boy you got a fat mouth on you
But in most cases, the supplier doesn't want his customers to die, and he certainly doesn't want everyone to catch wind of his shitty product. It still happens, but using drugs is a risky behavior. Just like buying e.coli lettuce or melamine-filled granola bars, just more extreme. You are playing a risk-reward game with everything you encounter, and you know damn well that drugs has a higher risk than shit like ladders and swimming pools.
lol, bullshit. All your media is FUD fodder.
I've got a fat dick for your mouth, cupcake.
You are willfully ignorant.
Well I was scared shitless about that dumb cunt and McCain. Not so much of McCain, although he badly wanted war with Iran, but he was so old and she was the dumbest person I have ever heard publicly speak.
And if you know anything about mormons you'd never vote for them. They would undermine america in their favor if they could.
Oh, and now your white identity is under attack? Fuck off, you are a clown if you fell for that stupid shit. But you aren’t, you are a translucent shill.
You won't. Cunt.
Romney should've won. Your anti-mormon sentiment is bigoted.
no...your moving goalposts. you said he should have just say on it an invested. and i said you should do the same.
Apparently you think I financed his busted casinos. Or did I stop him from securing funds for more casinos?
>What the problem?
Answer the question, rubberneck. You seem to think that dodging questions makes you smart.
You would be surprised what can be in cannabis that won’t kill you, and you don’t want in your body. Trust me.
We never have good choices for presidents. Sometimes we vote for the lesser of two evils. I voted against Hilary once I realized the left was instituting a spy network on americans and undermining our freedom.
And tbh I don't give a fuck what some random internet cunt thinks about me.
I meant to tag you on this.
>McCain, old and dumb
>vote for trump
Lying shillfag clearly identified. Up your game, faggot.
>I voted for Obama
Pretty much.
You are either mormon or do not live around them. They're worse than jews with nepotism.
lol, nice fear mongering, pussy. Destroy your body with liquor instead, it's great.
Quit trying to rationalize your bullshit, it’s clearly bullshit.
At least I know I'll be saved, but I'll pray for your soul, too.
Speaking of dumb, you didn't even read my post. I said his running mate was dumb you illiterate mongoloid.
And he didn't get that round mouth from eating square meals.
Nah, politics are fucking dumb
>I'm a white male
say no more
>I don't care about politics
lol, gg, NPC.
What's clear is if civil war hits, everyone is fair game. Are you practicing your shooting? I hope so.
i cant wait until he gets re-elected. RBG is gonna just have a heart attack and trump if gonna pick another super conservative for the court. And he will get confirmed cause the left right now is a bunch of extremists that they will lose the house again in 2020.
Libs BTFO for decades to come
>pro censorship
You mean like how facebook, twitter, google and every major media source in the country is actively trying to shut down and silence any voice that is even mildly conservative and doesn't fall in line with their leftist groupthink agenda? That kind of censorship? Ok, friend.
No one was even talking about any of them. Try harder faggot.
As much as I think it’s a good conversation to have about drug policy and regulation, this isn’t the best opportunity. I am sure we will cross in an appropriate thread, when the yellowfags run out of spergjuice.
Registered Democrats but didn’t vote in 2016 because I hated the candidates, especially trump. Shitty thing is, the democratic field has swung so far left, I’m leaning towards voting for trump in 2020. WTf has happened to my party?
Yes, definitely voting for him again.
I'm voting for him. I'm not even into his politics that much. I just think it's about time we get more positive political change and he's been doing fine so far.
>i am unable to conceive that other people have more money than me
Please expound on these lies.....we're waiting....
Not a big fan of his politics but I am s big fan of watching people riot so yes, yes I will be voteing for him in 2020 just for shits and giggles tho
You'd make a nice pillow biter.
lol look at this larping queer
fuck yes I am
Trump derangement syndrome duh
>let's regulate private businesses
Small gov, amirite boiz?
>You would be surprised
No, I wouldn't. Again, risky behavior.
>You wouldn't think you'd find AIDS in a high-dollar hooker's ass.
I would expect it.
>Mormon wanting Romney
I’m not judging anyone who puts anything in their body, that’s their choice and I know most of it has consequences, some are very detrimental. What I was saying, was that as someone who has seen large scale, uninspected crops of cannabis, I can tell you that you would be surprised about the content of mold, pests and pesticides that get into it without regulated quality control. Also, quit being such a mouthy faggot.
>I am unable to recognize that Trump is my President
the men now regularly get pegged in the ass, dont understand the scientific concept of male and female, love islamic jihad, and want to suck every last bit of money you earn to give to illegals
>Palin worse than trump
>I am unable to peel away the layer of emotions from the facts
Enjoy being on that FBI watch list, dumbass. You get what you deserve.
>I am unable to think for myself
>I am unable to pee standing up
I wonder what it's like to be terrified of everything. There's no reason we can't regulate and tax it like alcohol, but you big government libs hate liberty.
I can't wait to vote for him in 2024 after he signs an executive order removing term limits and another executive order giving all states equal electoral college votes.
Totally, so there’s reasonable regulation on cannabis and should be on hookers asses too.
K. I’m sure you fantasize about fucking other men (probably even me, for some reason), liberals can’t fight when they have beef with someone else’s opinions so they resort to homosexuality.
You’re all a bunch of disgusting faggots
>I am unable to figure out if this 58 year old tranny should be at the changing station in the women's room in Target.
Please give some examples
Tf are you talking about? The dem front runner is Biden and he's as establishment at they come. Center right at best.
>I am unable to change the channel from CNN
Just try it, you'll like it. I promise I'll be gentle.
Yiff in hell
>I am unable to reach my anus with the end of my penis.
>I am unable to meme
Yeah, it was much better when king nigger was sending literal planeloads of american cash money to Iran in the middle of the night like something out of a bad spy novel. And also lifting sanctions on them so they could continue being a terrorist-sponsoring state and grow more powerful by the day. Yeah, king nigger was a real buttercup.
Holy shit retard, I worked in the industry for years. No one is saying it shouldn’t be allowed. The meth you are clearly smoking though, watching your brain struggle, it’s hard to make any case other than imprisoning the lot of you.
Jesus Christ you’re nasty. When is the AIDS going to kick in so the world doesn’t have to deal with your nasty faggot face anymore?
trump may have failed in business some times but he beat a lot of politicians, became president, and still not started a new war
Go to /pol/ retard
>Washington Post article
You're such a tool lmao
And yet he's got this country running like a well oiled machine, enjoying levels of prosperity and success we haven't seen since the 1950"s
Yeah, that's nothing like what Dubya did and the CIA's hand in creating terrorists groups after assets go rogue, but are armed with American made weaponry. Or when Reagan slang cocaine to fund the contras. Quit supporting war mongers, faggots.
Don't be afraid of the gift.
Fuck you this is Yea Forums anything goes
>can't refute the claims therein
Weak ass smooth brain, nigga.
Yeah, his trade wars have been great for the rust belt and losing part of his admin every couple weeks or dealing with some new scandal daily really inspires confidence in the US.
see, not your not even looking anymore?
even that nigger van jones was praising trump for his prison reform. and soon after that van jones got moved to those segment bits cause he didnt tow the cnn line of hate trump on the air.
god i love cnn. just watching don lemon and chris cuomo foam at the mouth all day makes my day
Please name just one of those 10,111. can just keep repeating your brain dead party line.
Remember how he brought back coal lol? Or rolled back environmental protections?
Of course
His lies or their lies?
No thanks, I actually have common sense and use logic and hold people accountable to their bullshit.
You should try it sometime, retard.
Yep, everyone here is. The guys is a fuckn legend.
I didn't vote for him last time and I won't vote for him this time. I'll never vote for a Republican.
>msm article
This is why youre an out of touch retard
You say reasonable, I say invasive. Everyone should smoke what they want and fuck what they want. There's absolutely no need for taxes and bureaucracy here.
Awww, is someone afraid to confirm it for themselves cause it will throw their whole delicate reality into chaos when you actually see hes a lieing piece of shit who doesnt care about you? That must be so scary for you. Better go watch Fox News, they know what you want to hear.
Trump better deliver.
no...why are you lying. proof that its all rednecks and people who skipped class.
i didn't say trump did lie...i said YOU are lying, so what does your article have to do with my post?
Hes nkt really a repub. The establishment repubs generally dislike him. His policies more resemble a 90s democrat aka when the dems were still respectable and not insane
>Anyone else voting for this man again in 2020
"highlights" from the president’s 2018 record of false statements or exaggerations.
A "horrible law" requires that children be separated from their parents "once they cross the Border into the U.S."
False. There is no such law. Families were rarely separated before Trump's "zero tolerance" policy to prosecute all illegal border crossings. Mostly, they used to be kept together in family detention centers or released into the United States as they awaited deportation or court hearings.
Democrats let cop killer Luis Bracamontes "into our country," and "Democrats let him stay."
Pants on Fire. Bracamontes’ last illegal entry was under George W. Bush, a Republican president, and Republican and Democratic administrations had deported Bracamontes.
"The Democrats want to invite caravan after caravan of illegal aliens into our country. And they want to sign them up for free health care, free welfare, free education, and for the right to vote."
False. The claim mangles what some Democrats had said about allowing immigrants to make asylum claims. No one talked of giving them benefits beyond existing laws.
Says 3,000 people "did not die" in two hurricanes that hit Puerto Rico.
False. Trump refused to accept a dramatic uptick of 2017 hurricane deaths in Puerto Rico by researchers at George Washington University’s Milken Institute. He dismissed as "magic" the work of researchers’ estimates of "excess deaths," based on scientific methods, which is now generally accepted. Their estimate did not include, as he claimed, anyone who died after the storm from reasons such as old age.
>Holocaust didn't happen
Who's lies, faggot?
People "went out in their boats to watch" Hurricane Harvey.
Pants on Fire. President Trump criticized people for recklessly taking to their boats to see the storm, forcing the Coast Guard to rescue them. In reality, people went out on boats to evacuate flooded homes and neighborhoods.
"California wildfires are being magnified & made so much worse by the bad environmental laws which aren’t allowing massive amounts of readily available water to be properly utilized. It is being diverted into the Pacific Ocean."
False. The state’s firefighting agency said it had no complications accessing water, and fire experts faulted hot, dry and windy conditions for the infernos.
"In many places, like California, the same person votes many times. You probably heard about that. They always like to say 'oh that's a conspiracy theory.' Not a conspiracy theory, folks. Millions and millions of people."
Pants on Fire. It is a conspiracy theory, one Trump lamented all year without evidence. National experts have said that voter fraud is isolated and rare.
"The ice caps were going to melt, they were going to be gone by now, but now they’re setting records, so okay, they’re at a record level."
Pants on Fire. Trump got it backwards. The numbers show that the extent of the ice at both poles is smaller than it was decades ago, particularly in the Arctic.
"U.S. Steel just announced that they are building six new steel mills."
False, no matter how many times Trump brought it up during the midterm campaign. U.S. Steel, which owns four of the country’s steel-making facilities, announced it would restart two shuttered mills.
He'll deliver bullshit and disappointment, just like any other lieing politician. Stop acting like hes different.
Saudi Arabia has ordered $450 billion from the United States, "$110 billion of which is a military order," producing "over a million jobs."
Pants on Fire. Trump’s rhetoric, which he used as justification for not more forcefully condemning the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, doesn’t match the facts. There are no orders totaling $450 billion or $110 billion, and no 1 million U.S. jobs.
He said his inaguration had the biggest turnout in American history.
Not only did he say it, he had Sean Spicer and Kelleyanne Conway repeat it over, and over.
He had his doctor write him a letter of health that said he was the healthiest candidate ever.
He said he knew nothing about the $100,000 given to Stormy Daniels.
Wow. What a well-thought and intelligent choice. ANYBODY but the man who has this country running like a top? People like you should not have a vote or a say-so in anything related to the well being of others.
Yeah, your fear peddling millionaire pundits financed by billionaires are really giving you the straight of things.
>No one reads my post
>I'll read it to them
It's still bullshit WaPo, MSM, libporn.
>running like a top
Wow. Someones fucking delusional.
How is pointing out trump's lies with supporting evidence lying? MIGA
Disprove the article's claims, buddy. I'll wait.
Donald Trump has said 5276 false things as U.S. president.
He has repeated these 5276 lies hundreds of times.
Hell no.
>believes in the holohoax and is a MIGA queer
Good goy.
>People like you
Check out the fascist on this guy.
Refute it with evidence, faggot.
Donald Trump has said 5276 false things as U.S. president.
He has repeated these 5276 lies hundreds of times.
Donald Trump has said 5276 false things as U.S. president.
He has repeated these 5276 lies hundreds of times.
fuck, summer really is coming.
Yeah, the country is running so well. Gov shut downs and trade wars killing farmers livelihoods is very cash money.
Not one lib has ever answered a question on Yea Forums before. Why should I do any of your homework, or even give your media overlords' speculation any thought at all?
They don't even try to hide their hatred and contempt for white males anymore. It's absolutely smothered over every bit of media in this country.
Ftfy, bud.
Donald Trump has said 5276 false things as U.S. president.
He has repeated these 5276 lies hundreds of times.
>dismisses evidence thats easily findable
>other people are summer fags
lmao, retard.
>Gov shut downs
Shut downs are good. It's shut down right now, in fact.
>trade wars killing farmers
Trade wars and tariffs are fucking retarded, but you act like the farmers didn't enter into the game themselves.
You can keep waffling, but you've been presented with evidence and can't refute it because you're a smooth brained boot licker.
He still can't refute it with evidence. Trump lovers ignore facts and vote with their feelings. The true snowflakes.
You queers love big gov, quit playing. Fiscal conservatism is dead.
Donald Trump has said 5276 false things as U.S. president.
He has repeated these 5276 lies hundreds of times.
Get a load of this guy. He think's he's no at the center of the echo chamber.
Voting is for plebeians
everyone can see that Fox News lies and perhaps even worse than other outlets
but Trump tweets or retweets them multiple times a day
Love small government, yes, but when these tech media giants become absolute monopolies like google, they definitely need to be regulated.
Cuckservative BTFO, can't even make a counter argument. lol.
>keep waffling
Waffling about what? I never even picked a side, or a position. Keep going with the insults though, that'll prove you right.
"The Wall is under construction and moving along quickly, despite all of the Radical Liberal Democrat lawsuits."
Source: Twitter
In Fact: No new wall was under construction at the time, though one stretch, in Texas's Rio Grande Valley, was close to starting construction. What Trump showed the media in Calexico, California earlier in the year was a replacement fence, a steel-bollard barrier that improved upon the previous barrier made out of metal scraps and Vietnam-era airplane landing mats. While the bollard fence is indeed new, we and others have always used "new wall" to describe Trump's proposals for concrete border barriers in places where there have not previously been barriers. Trump recently began making a case for why he believes replacement fencing should also be considered new wall rather than simply asserting that it was new wall, but we still disagree. (Trump deserves some flexibility on the matter of what material was used, we say, but not on the question of whether there were pre-existing barriers.)
>Shut downs are good
>You queers love big gov,
How did you even get pas the Captcha, motherfucker?
>he's not lying
presented with evidence of lying
>I don't believe he's lying because muh feels, stop being mean
Shh, habibi. It'll be okay.
>counter argument
>nothing to argue
>washington post
You couldn't come up with a less biased source, like the young turks or huffpo?
"Hard to believe that with the Crisis on the Border, the Dems won't do the quick and easy fix. Would solve the problem but they want Open Borders, which equals crime!"
IN FACT: The Democrats do not support open borders. They have endorsed, and approved billions in funding for, various border security measures that are not Trump's wall.