Do yellow posters love animu?

Do yellow posters love animu?

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of course dumby

any questions?

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Objectively wrong, have you seen the first wave Yellitors? They are against anime lolis and delay everything associate with pedophiles wanting to fuck real children.

>implying i want to fuck kids

we love fagnime

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Then make some threads about it. Do the thing you said you were gonna do and post good content. Still waiting on that.

Yes even though I don't watch it too much.

user. They can't. It'll get swallowed up and pruned cause they're posting yellow on the side.

where did we said we are going to make good content? we are just here to remove the trash

Several posts have stated that. It's cute how all of you aren't even on the same page.

cool story bro im not here to make good content

>me am not capable of original thought
>polly wan cracker

if your such an smartass why dont you make og content?

Cause it gets pruned cause you're busy flooding cunt.

make more og content

Anime QTs can be a force for good as well as evil

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they keep flooding loli threads. I think that should give you your answer. I would've unironically joined the yellowfags if it wasn't for that.

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It's literally not worth it cause even threads with replies are getting pruned in the flood. Which is what it is. You're not making a difference, you're pissing people off till you and your buddies get tired and everything goes back to exactly how it was last week.