Yellow fags"Yea Forums iS inVaDed wiTh poRn,aT tHiS pOinT tHEy'Re sPamMiNG"

Yellow fags"Yea Forums iS inVaDed wiTh poRn,aT tHiS pOinT tHEy'Re sPamMiNG"
Also yellow fags *proceed to spam threads with yellow power and shit,or "stop the porn fag"*
Seriously guys,i know we are all some kind of retard here but still,you're all delusional if you think you are doing Yea Forums a favor,you're making it worse than ever before,the porn threads are bearable because we see boobs there,but your yellow shit is making me want to do a flip.

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but muh yellow

Do a flip faggot

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weak bait

a sacrifice must be made retard

Sadly the only thing the yellow fags have accomplished is now instead of actually being random, b/ is just porn & yellow

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They're not trying to fix anything, it's literally a group of sjws trying to stir shit up between boards. Why do you think they're pushing /pol/ shit so hard?

These autismo have short attention span anyway.

>a sacrifice must be made
>not realizing thats killing "OC content"
>instead of making OC lets just spam
>shiggy diggy

delete the porn then

delete the yellow man

Yeah,but it's a nsfw board so adult images are allowed ,but the yellow shit movement does nothing

How much of a fag are you? "Sacrifice must be made",you know that nothing substantial was made no?

Oh,i forgot to say smth
>The porn thread work as a repeller to the 12 years old shats.

delete yourself

Death to porn


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You're the minority, death to the pornniggers

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Your goal is to censor the internet. just let that sink in. this is what you've become

The numbers don't matter in a war with someone stupid,exemple the Vietnam war.

>youre the minority
>porn threads still on board
>porn even posted in yellow threads and then abandoned
>shiggy diggy

Lmao do you think at all before you post? Or are you just getting the standard 5 dollars an hour from George Soros to post literal shit on here?

If you think the amount of pornniggers, is anywhere near the amount of casual yellow crusaders, then lool

just have some self control faggot
don''t need 5 fb ig threads going at all times

>even with "inferior numbers" porn is. Still. Being. Posted.
>yellow threads get abandoned
>thinking theres a point other than spamming
>shiggy diggy

>thinking its porn crazed retards that cause this and not a lack of content
Bet youre one of the retards that doesnt use the catalog and only looks at the first few pages

So porn is bad, because it serves a smaller audience - the 'minority', right.
So you choose to fight it with content that NOBODY can enjoy - yellow nothingness - even you can agree that yellow is basically spam.
The thing is, though, not only are you replacing something 'bad' (porn) with something worse (yellow), you're also destroying the good (the non porn threads), because Yea Forums doesn't allow you to selectively kill off unwanted threads.

So you've decided to fight the bad with the worse. Why not fight the bad content with GOOD content? The answer is obvious, because building is HARD, destroying is easy, and this is the way you chose - the easy, shitty way. Because that's what you are.

You demand better content, but since you're too shitty to make it yourself, you resort to kicking and screaming like a toddler, DEMANDING someone else hand you the good stuff on a platter, while you shit all over everything like a down syndrome retard, too incompetent to do anything constructive yourself.

Peace, bruh.

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There are a few incels that are deeply ingrained in their autistic lifestyle, that are spam posting everywhere. That's why you see no retort, just spam posting BBC, and other porn shit just trying to anger others because they were outcasts in high school.

They’re saying they’ll stop as soon as there’s no more porn but the second they stop no matter what it’s gonna full back up. Also they are not gonna ban porn just like they still haven’t banned yellowfags.

Nice,call me a minority when clearly your "forces" are young boys that makes "No porn thread" spam,can't keep their focus cause you are abandoning that kind of threads in a couple of minutes and all you are good at is shit talks,and i can't say you're average at that,maximum a 2/10 insults.You are saying that the porn will disappear,and let's say you antipornfag win,slowly the oc content disappear too,then you leave this board just for it to revive itself back to the porn threads and oc content,because all it matter here it's persistence and after you perish the natural order will come back to it's original state.

Exactly. It's simply too much and makes me (and any moderately well-adjusted adult) sick. Sex should be confined to IRL situations, not 2d and definitely not centered around beating your dick to loli/shota. It's pathetic

Tl:dr, you're autistic posting something that long and expecting others to read. Obviously a butthurt pornnigger

I mean it can all be solved with creating content but sadly it will never happen. All the more creative anons left and im nothing more than a slightly above average shit poster

>let's say you antipornfag win,slowly the oc content disappear too,then you leave this board just for it to revive itself back to the porn threads and oc content
That won't happen because if they win, every single sponsor will see that the most popular section of this website by orders of magnitude has no porn and they will all leave, and this site will have no funding.

Not a porn dude, just anti-yellow, but nice trips, though.

>moderately well adjusted adult
>gets mad at porn on a korean fishing forum
Pick one and only one

If you can't understand somthing that has more than 10 words in it doesn't everyone does that too.Go back to school kids,it's a nice place,i can say it's Yea Forums in real life,a lot of retards ,butthurt "chads",boobs and so on

I could give a single shit whether there is or isnt porn on b/. what we want is good content, but now all the non porn threads are killed off instantly while the porn remains.
you want good non porn content? fucking create some instead of screeching like an autistic child.

>LiTtErLy UsInG Fb MeMe

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>the most popular section of this website
but that's not Yea Forums

Of course it's annoying, that's the fucking point.

It's a protest, spam enough that you force people to pay attention to the issue. On top of that, it's a pretty fair point. Porn threads are so frequent and so low effort they really disserve their own board.

/pb/ - Random Pornography
/ab/ - Alternative Pornography

Would cut the daily "Let's post FULLY CLOTHED RANDOM WOMEN" garbage in half overnight.

All you're doing is making it worse than it was. Nobody is being motivated to make good content by you spamming shit.

You're dumb and your strategy is dumb.

Because it's not for the users, it's the mods. Random Yea Forums yards won't change jack, but the admins and mods could if they're aware of that fact there is a problem in the first place.

Keep spamming yellow till the mods HAVE to step in, then you force them to take a stance and maybe fix the problem.

Its not the mods responsibility to enforce sjw censorship because they cried enough. if the porn bothers you then be an adult and take some initiative to produce good content. but you're not going to do that are you? because being a producer is hard, and you sjw's want it all done for you.