Anyone knows more porn stars like Alyssa Hart or Lucie Bee?
Anyone knows more porn stars like Alyssa Hart or Lucie Bee?
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yes, your daughter, your daughters daughter, your daughters daughters daughter.
does that do it for you? how about your sister? your mother? your wife?
it happened to everyone, even you. so much abuse. does it make you happy? does it please you?
The fuck are you on about?
Can you describe specific scenarios, preferably in green text, so I see if I like it or not?
she was literally 22 at the time of the picture
and a pornstar
try cat goddess.
stop being so retarded
I'm trying to figure out if you're in kink shaming because these porn stars do incest porn (which would be weird, because how is it you knew they do incest porn unless you're a fan of incest porn?), or if it's zanier than that and you're so anti-pedo you're offended by legal adults that look young? Or maybe you're anti-porn and are on Yea Forums because reasons?
Dying to know what particular brand of crazy you are.
last night you were raped, and so was everyone you have ever known or loved.
>Lucie Bee
Absolutely based.
OP asked for pornstars like pic related. Everyone you know was in that position at some point. There's really not that much difference.
She's a nice girl. So is your mother, your sister, your daughter.
Yea Forums is not an expert porn board. Go to a fucking board where they literally have dedicated topics for that and can assist you the way you need, and also they won't report you because they will recognise the performer as being legal.
Oh that was nice, I definately loved it.
stfu i can post whatever i want on b newfag
You are aware Lucie Bee and Alyssa Hart can be very easily googled right? How the fuck would a widely known pornstar that's done many shoots legally with different public companies that you can find on the surface web be underage? Are you a retard?
I would be interested in that one just from a logistical standpoint. Like, did we each get our own rapist, one-for-one like the sentinels in the Matrix trilogy coming for the survivors in Zion? Or like did we have to rape each other? Did we pair off and take turns, or was there like a phone tree situation so everybody except tge first guy experiences getting raped *before* getting a turn being rapist? Plus, how do you make sure nobody gets fucked by somebody they want to fuck? There's a lot of girls out there with low standards and a rape fetish who would be excited for this plan, does that still count as rape?
So many questions.
This should be screencaped as the perfect response to yellowfags.
I mean, if youre into pornstars that look and roleplay underage you should know about the allstars by now
there are lesser known ones that did like 1-2 scenes that only go by a first time but i cant be bothered giving you sauce
Bro I'm on your side, but you're the retard in that exchange. Read what he typed again. If you don't figure it out, read it again again.
So what topics do we talk about here that aren't covered in one of the *50* SFW/blue boards? Simply curious.
This is why the yellowfags are autistic
They think that a diagram meme is the height of insult. They actually think drawing something on paint that looks like they drew it IRL with their underdeveloped thumbs makes someone other than themselves look utterly disabled
you are a fucking idiot then because its also a perfect response to pornfags
Alyssa Hart is great!
Everything and nothing.
no you mcnugget. i'm saying that dedicated boards will get confused less, less troll reports, less newfags making mistakes all round. ITS FOR YOUR BENEFIT TO GO TO A SPECIAL PLACE FOR THAT
why not ask all the people who ran away to other boards.
they could have contributed. now Yea Forums has to build a userbase back from being destroyed by incessant porn-wank-posting
I stopped coming to Yea Forums for anything besides porn years ago, and yes, I do use those other boards for their designated purposes, I go to /aco/ for aco shit, I go to /gif/ for webms and video links, and I go to the torrents board for torrents, all very different kinds of porn than you would find on Yea Forums which is sharing amateur nudes, tributes, cuck threads, etc. Just like those other boards, Yea Forums has it's own kind of porn that doesn't really fit anywhere else. Also, Yea Forums is a much, much faster board than any of those, this place is different hour to hour whereas on /aco/ you need to wait several days for the board to be significantly different.
I'm assuming you're a newfag, zoomer, female, or all 3. Can't wait until this yellow shit blows over and you guys fuck off.
Pornfags aren't trying to tell you what not to post so you are a complete retard but that's to be expected from a tRumptard.
I've been here more than 10 years.
Dsfargeg and desu desu times. Hbu?
@@L0Links ToP@@
And endless empty yellow threads will attract all those users with their OC again. Pfft.
This. All of my this.
This basically summarizes the current situation on Yea Forums
I keep telling them that they'll get bored and that people jerking off by its very nature is not something they get bored of.
I don't think they understand much
they're not trying to tell people what to post but they are setting a standard, cultivating a norm and the once cradle of meme-manity is reduced to a gibbering circle jerk with no humour and nothing constructive.
when your garden is overgrown with weeds, you can't pull them up without hurting the crop.
But when the crop is dying its better to pull up everything and start again.
The Autismus is strong with this triggered faggot.
eat shiy yoi dumb trol !!BRRRAAP
Not the guy you were talking to but I started coming here at the height of the boxy war when I was 13.
Confusing times hahaha.
These yellowfags think they're making waves, that's because none of them saw the fallout from boxxy or jessie hahaha (2 legendary Yea Forums debacles that were motivated by people's attraction to women. Go figure)
Ooooo so edgy
Post her pics and become edgelord 6000
Can you faggots stop jerking each other and actually give me some new names I asked about
Bro it hasn't been about the lulz for about 7 years. Any btard who wanted that moved on to pol years ago. And now that's gone stale too. Just let it die. Moot has made his money.
yeah you're sure going to get something useful and definitely not troll from Yea Forums!
relia/b/le as always
fuck you. memes never die. they just get reborn.
about porn Yea Forums was always quite reliable. But I hate it in every fucking thread they start flaming each other about this fucking yellow bullshit
how about her videos?
Or Masha?
Nahhh you don't want em.
that was always the case? other places (boards) have always been more reliable.
Who would consider Yea Forums to be reliable, compared to other places?
/r/ was by far the most trustworthy
whats cat goddess btw?
Kitty Jung or Kitty Katsu if you're into young looking asians.
Would you like to ride my anus? Bcs I am hard from your words like kite
A kid who got a lot of CP made out of her and then got called Cat Goddess.
The Asian one... Amai Liu? If you're looking for girls who look potentially underage (who aren't)
I personaly find her disgusting, bu Amai liu #1
It's because she miaows like a cat in quite a few of the videos. Or so I've been told. Lol
vicky you fucking pedo
theres that one blonde chick who looks strung out... cant remember the video for the life of me though.
i think you guys would like it
Tifanny Walker...
Vicky who? You understand most porn stars use 2 names to make them easier to find?
Kiss Promise (ebony)
Are you just looking for "petite"?
try searching for it or "tiny tits" or even "flat chested" its surprisingly acceptable and common nowadays and there are more porn stars who represent this genre/diversity nowadays
inb4 being put on a list
Phoebe Phoebe Phoebe Phoebe Phoebe Phoebe Phoebe Phoebe Phoebe Phoebe Phoebe Phoebe Phoebe Phoebe Phoebe Phoebe Phoebe Phoebe Phoebe Phoebe Phoebe Phoebe Phoebe Phoebe Phoebe Phoebe Phoebe Phoebe Phoebe Phoebe Phoebe Phoebe Phoebe Phoebe Phoebe Phoebe Phoebe Phoebe Phoebe Phoebe
On the Andy six Richter scale they barely measure a .05 log
Lol the steam cream dream team
too obvious troll
vicky hussyfan
alyssa hates cum in her mouth even though she started her porn career on gloryholegirlz. just a fun fact.
Wew wonder what these terms mean. I have no clue!
yea such i shame, i have a thing for oral creampies
>Alyssa Hart
She now work at Subway.
what do they mean tho?
wtf is gollum doing behind her
it calls the party v&
bump 4 porn bump
back to page 1 w you
No. You fuck off. Clearly new here.
Looks like shes still making foot longs
Melissa Ashley
you're hilarious. does being a little bitch please you? girls are shoving giant things in their cunts years before boys find their dick. they're whores by 10 and boys are still innocent. females are played out and middle-aged in soul by 17, and males don't mature till 40.
reee pornfags
keep up the porn
Isn't because she used to wear a tiger mask?
>no one's mentioned Dolly Little yet
Get your act together Yea Forums
Beautiful thanks
im just asking you to deal with it. not to pass judgement on it.