The yellow threads are a raid by the Internet Research Agency

The yellow threads are a raid by the Internet Research Agency.

The idea is to create a Pavlovian association of the color yellow with diminished sexual interest.

The origin of their use of the color yellow is this Soviet children's movie:

Pic Related: Death to russia

Attached: russia.jpg (1756x1904, 1.2M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Well their tactic isn't working for me, in fact, complete opposite.

the level of cope in this thread is unreal

Attached: pepeyellow.png (300x250, 39K)

Keep an eye out for that forced clown meme.
Where ever it pops up, they're there.

Attached: RussianClown.jpg (680x680, 51K)

I guess you're trying to normalize jaundice, considering your nation's level of alcoholism.

All yellow threads are just russian liver-failure threads.

Attached: RussianHistory.jpg (892x960, 113K)

Hичeгo пeндocы мы в вaши выбopы вмeшaлиcь тeпepь мы в вaши хyйцы вмeшaeмcя
Пyтин нaвceгдa и цapь миpa
Tpaмп cocaть
CШA cocaть

Russian art is true art

? im british

Why is your tsar so small?

Attached: PutinSmall2.jpg (1000x665, 202K)

Sure you are, Fedya.

Attached: EnlightenedKatsap.jpg (427x604, 34K)

Congratulations on unleashing comedy gold this night

i didnt even read OP properly. just the first line, so im not sure what you think i am

All russian art is just copypasted European art.

russian state history is that of being a Cargo Cult of European imperialism.
>A cargo cult is a belief system among members of a relatively undeveloped society in which adherents practise superstitious rituals hoping to bring modern goods supplied by a more technologically advanced society.

Like Tyrion Lannister
For his benis is big to fuck your bitch ass president

There's a lot more where that came from.

Attached: putinseagal.jpg (960x538, 61K)

Attached: 1559511468684.jpg (1024x1022, 411K)

Okay, Sergei.

Attached: PutinSmall.jpg (920x618, 74K)

>when the russians panic, they activate Nazi Mode

Whatever happened to DEDI VOYEVALI? What would they think of you?

Attached: RussianMasterRace.jpg (677x640, 240K)

The truth about the russians:

They're serfs to an oligarchy that keeps its children in the civilized world: The West, while sucking russian resources dry to fund theatrically wealthy lifestyles (at which international old money scoffs and rolls its eyes).

Meanwhile, those of them who can speak English earn embarrassing scraps working for the Internet Research Agency, engaging in treason against the interests of their own oppressed population.

Enjoy your retirement fund, if you manage to live that long.

Attached: RussianCoatofArms.jpg (500x490, 46K)

>international old money
That's a funny way of saying Jewry

cyкa блять.

German, French, Italian, and Scandinavian royalty is jewish?

Attached: RussiaNeverChanges.jpg (3064x688, 587K)