Anyone else kind of feel bad for Yellow bois? Instead of using their numbers to amass something more fun for the luls...

Anyone else kind of feel bad for Yellow bois? Instead of using their numbers to amass something more fun for the luls, they choose to raid their own home. Imagine an ant hill and thousands of ants are bringing food home to the colony. Then there is that one retarded ant that spent a little too much time under a magnifying glass by little timmy's hand at the picnic. This ant is just spinning in circles trying to clog the door whilst biting at its own ass. That brain fried ant is the yellow boy. He's confused, wants to belong, and do something unique. But he is stuck in a loop in a broken hive mind state. Feels fucking bad man. Post on, yellow boys. If juggling five threads, bumping others, and photoshopping images yellow makes you happy then go for it. But just know the rest of the colony is getting the content they've always had, and wanted, regardless.
>pic related

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I see it as pissing in an ocean of piss. Totally useless effort by newfags.


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That's a solid TL:DR

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rate my wife you fucking newfag

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Can som1 tl;dr this homo?

TLDR - Yellow boys are stuck in a hive mind loop. It's disappointing because generally the effort is admirable. But kind of waste of momentum.

Implying that we're not having fun

Implying that there weren't a whole bunch of creative, fun yellow threads over the course of the last days

Implying that Yea Forums always consisted of 99% porn, repetitively every day all day

Claiming not to realize that we are fighting fire with fire

what you don't get is that if we really don't succeed with this then people will be frustrated so, some of us will leave, some of us won't stop spaming. if you idiots don't listen to us this place will suffer and you will end up with a porn only board.

>some of us will leave
And nothing of value was lost

>some of us won't stop spaming
Almost no impact, could even filter out "yellow" in the settings

>you will end up with a porn only board
This is a porn board. And loli.

>And nothing of value was lost
in other words we yellowfags are the ones who care about this board and you fuckers are the spamers, who are destroying it

>Implying that we're not having fun
I fully believe you're having some sort of fun. It is fun to be a part of a momentous hive mind. But the momentum is kind of wasted when you're raiding your own home with bad content.

>Implying that there weren't a whole bunch of creative, fun, yellow threads over the course of the last days
I have seen some. But a lot are more or less copy paste templates and poor and borderline cringy photoshops of flags and other poor images.

>Implying that Yea Forums always consisted of 99% porn, repetitively every day all day
I won't argue this. I've been here for a long time but the majority of this boards users clearly prefer the threads they get otherwise they wouldn't bump so much. It seems kind of silly to say "You can't like that because I can't like that, go to a porn board," when boards like /bant/ and Yea Forums exist. It's pretty hypocritical.

>Claiming not to realize that we're fighting fire with fire
You claim you want a better Yea Forums. But you shitpost. This is why the board actually has had more porn, and less OC since your posting. People will spite you because you aren't looking too hot. At least when anons back in the day did fucked up shit, it was done with at least some finesse. We never threw each other under the bus though. That's just cancer.

>This is a porn board. And loli.
I wonder what the actual consensus is on this. Strawpoll? Is Yea Forums a porn board- y/n. Nice, simple, easy to understand.

>could even filter out "yellow" in the settings
doesn't work for the porn, so it doesn't work for most of the yellow threads

No you don't care about this board. You're fucking newfags that don't get what is going on here. This is sad in a certain sense, but it's fucking summer so I get it.

Yeah it does you fucking cunt. Just use some good regex

holy fuck, can you imagine identifying with this garbage?! dude you are such a sad loser it's made my day. thank you and fight on "soldier"

please please (you) me with your tough guy reponse

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Brothers shouldn't fight.

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lolwut. Most porn threads start with the same phrases, words, etc. They're recognizable key words that people will gravitate to. Most people with a smidge of an IQ can figure out how to filter the majority, if not all of it from the catalog where they will never see it. Imagine being triggered by seeing a thread you don't like though. Kind of silly.

Daily reminder

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When they got buy into nofap bullshit, they gotta take that rage out somewhere.

i do get what is going on here. your constant stream of one fg/ig/celeb/VSCO/trap/wwyd/tribute/shouldn't share/rate this rate that thread after another is killing a lot of good threads. people don't concentrate on the good threads because porn is easy. you can have porn on those other boards you fucking idiot.

Can't argue with yo u there. I was just chatting with a guy who was here for chanology.

>don't get what is going on here
Of course I get what's happening here. I'm moving in a three months and am shitposting on Yea Forums instead of preparing.

>but it's fucking summer so I get it
I work year round, your argument is invalid.

show me a regex that makes this board porn free! show me a regex to recognize if an image is porn or not.

We just disagree on many things.

In fact, I think Yea Forums hasn't been this much fun in years.


You are projecting

Those boards haven't gone anywhere since you guys started spamming the board. Everyone still posts in their favorite porn threads. It's really silly to play the content police card. I'd suggest lurking moar. You sound new.

And what "good threads" would be left?
"Hey guys tell me what to insert in my anus?"
"I'm sad Yea Forums, my parents said it was not OK to be gay, post nice pictures"
C'mon you fucking fag

>feel bad for Yellow
they're neonazis, fuck 'em

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You angry?

Yellow spammers are prolly antifa/extreme-left/commies. Don't see what neonazis would have against porn.

If you say this about OP then I think you’ve pretty much hit the nail on the head

You're posting a yellow thread, faggot. You already lost.

OPs shit is OC, nigger. Yellow has been more or less cringy reposts of dead memes and forced hive mind.

You’re a faggot


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Lurk moar, newfag

This isn’t “””O””” “””C””” it’s a dumb faggot

you obviously have never been to other boards have you? threads there live a lot longer. people can think about them. we could have interesting discussions. nothing good comes out of /b anymore because the only thing we do is posting and looking at porn

>porn is food
hahaha the absolute state of porncels

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>Lurk moar, newfag
is that your response when you can't come up with an answer? show me your regex that filters everything out? SHOW IT TO ME!

The threads live longer because there's no one posting to 404 the bad threads. Because those boards fucking suck, unlike Yea Forums where the good posts (aka porn) dominates naturally because that's why people are here.

>show me your regex that filters everything out

>what "good threads" would be left?
>"Hey guys tell me what to insert in my anus?"
advice threads go on Making Yea Forums only for threads that don't fit on other boards basically means nothing is allowed on Yea Forums.

feelsgood to pee

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>the good posts (aka porn)
so you would like a porn only board? why not go to /s or to /gif you fucking faggot?

got me on that one! but you know what i mean, faggot

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>This is a porn board. And loli.
no it isn't it's a RANDOM board

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>prolly antifa/extreme-left/commies
>blabbering about porn being a jewish conspiracy
>yellow swastika flags
>prolly antifa
Really, nigga?
God damn right, I am.

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he post here so he can tell his school friends that he's a cool btard.

Why not go to ?

It's not a "porn only" board, it's a "everything is allowed" board. If porn dominates, it just means it's what people want to see. Other shit threads just 404 naturally

Hey yellow fags.

If you think getting rid of porn will bring quality threads back, then why not just spam Yea Forums with quality threads?


I am waiting. But let's be real. None of you yellow fags will have a legit response. You are just pathetic incels that can't have a healthy relationship with porn and think its the root of all your problems.

Yea Forums sucks now and it will always suck. The internet has changed and moved on. so should you. Grow up already.


Not the same user, but I happen to like a little wwyd, gore, occasional ylyl, and political rage threads mixed into my porn board. You seem to be the unhappy one. Everyone else seems a-okay which is why there is more porn content today then there was four days ago. You tell us to leave, but we love it here. Even with your autistic spamming. We still love it. You don't? Not our problem tbh.

i would if they disabled flags and ids

No. Imagine an ant hill and thousands of ants are fapping. Then there are a few ants who say "hey, why don't we take it easy on the fapping and set up a space for doing other things again? We can still have a dedicated fapping room or two, more than enough for everyone, but this has gotten ridiculous. I miss the old days. We have accomplished so much more in the past. Now it's just fapping rooms as far as the eye can see." Then some idiots who just came to the hill for the summer say "LOL ITS BEE RETARD FUCKING DEAL WITH TI HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH YAS LEEJUN XD EPIN!" and they build a dozen more fapping rooms. That's what you niggers have been doing to this board and we, the yellowmen, have had ENOUGH.

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So basically you just want to be able to make all the rules for everyone.
Start your own site, then. It's easy.

this it's just tripfagging otherwise

poo in the loo kumar

Amongst the yellow threads there were more quality threads in a few days than there were quality threads on Yea Forums in years.

I'm sure you were to busy with tranny images to notice.

yes, i don't like it any longer. maybe its really time to leave. fuck this place!

Bye. You'll be missed.

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didnt read lol

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Such as?

No. Imagine an ant hil land thousands of ants are fapping. Then there are a few ants who say "hey, why don't we drink your yellow fluids instead of your white this time?" and thus the yellow ants ran in circles as everyone went back to their favorite nooks to eat their food and occasionally poke fun at, or bait for the luls at the piss ants.

Sorry, i don't speak nazi and my racist-to-english dictionary is in my other pants. Care to put that into coherent speech?

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>We never threw each other under the bus though. That's just cancer.
Things got pretty fucking bad, its just a matter of who gets bored first. I know fappers don't wanna look at yellow for the rest of the month. They must like fapping in threads with other men more than looking at better porn? Why else would they stay?

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>They must like fapping in threads with other men more than looking at better porn? Why else would they stay?
To post porn in your yellow threads and watch you cry helplessly.

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When you beat your dick to pornhub videos do you imagine yourself in a room with the hundreds of people who commented on that video in a massive orgy? See how autistic that sounds, my guy. Why would we ever get bored. Yea Forums has entertained me for almost a decade now. Even you boys entertain me. It must be exhausting trying to prove a point no one will buy into predominantly. Feelsbadman