What if I were to tell you the porn spam is carried out by a team of Jewish shills because fapping distracts Anonymous...

What if I were to tell you the porn spam is carried out by a team of Jewish shills because fapping distracts Anonymous from the sociopolitical climate, and that (((they))) fear your power?

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makes me think

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Wow, imagine my shock!

I am thinking about this for a long time but I don't reveal my thoughts in the public
What do?

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i would believe you.

What if I tell you, that when you call yourself superior but constantly tricked by, in your opinion, inferior races, you are the subhuman and don't deserve any better.


Outlaw porn production, distribution and promotion.
Make death by torture and public execution the penalty for the production distribution and promotion of porn.
Legalize and regulate prostitution but outlaw pimping of any form.
Publicly humiliate and execute porn producers, distributors and enablers.

Porn is evil.

That's like saying a magician who tricks an audience full of rocket scientists with sleight of hand is more intelligent. You confuse deception with intelligence, because you're an inferior race.

If the magician has a cute pure wife and kids and a family he is much much much much more intelligent that a virgin childless scientist nerd.

Imagine being as fucking stupid and fucked as these “yellow anti-porn” fuckheads. Been in here since 05-06, and porn has ALWAYS been a thing here.

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that's a fair argument

>dude it's green
Matrix was a mistake

what if I were to tell you that at least Yea Forums keeps its cancer contained inside its own board
as opposed to /pol/shit obsessed with crying about the jews on literally every other board like a bunch of little faggots

So you saying the world is run by trickster Jews, but the master race just let this happen cause the illusion is so good? What's your point?
BTW I'm 100% German. Won't get any more pure than me, you American mudblood. Bet you have like Irish, English, Italian and some Indian ancestor but yet claim to be aryan.


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makes sense

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I would say you're right and it makes a pleasant change to see someone other than me trying to expose and explain this to people.

yeah its pretty obvious porn are done by bots or dedicated teams, its literally non stop and 24/7

What if I told you that porn has always been a part of Yea Forums. From its humble beginnings, rise to fame and notoriety, fall from power, and the current cesspool it has become. The porn has always been here.

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In fact, at one point it was totally un-policed pizza porn. Where were all the moralfags then?

Oh wow

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>Porn is evil so we need to act like a shit stain middle Eastern country
and I'm supposed to be the Jewish shill

I'd laugh


Yeah it’s funny how triggered they get when you tell them the truth

You just proved that you’re the retarded inferior race anyways

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This triggers you because deep down you know pol is right

Porn has always been here, true. But it was never more than about 25% of threads. Until very recently, it was easily 90% of all threads on Yea Forums and had been for years. There's no way such a jarring and sudden cultural change occurred naturally.

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This thread explicitly breaks the rules of this board. This is an organised raid thread.

Reported to mods.

Please do the same for any other “yellow spam” that you see.

Let’s get these faggots banned

>What if I were to tell you the porn spam is carried out by a team of Jewish shills because fapping distracts Anonymous from the sociopolitical climate, and that (((they))) fear your power?
I'd point out that we've been jerking it to pics since we invented cave paintings.

Anonymous forgot. They are not legion. The Jews don't expect them.

At no point in this thread has anyone called for a read. Abusing the reporting feature is against the rules. So is announcing that you've reported a post/thread.

Reread the rules and kindly fuck off.

That's not the point, retard. It was never mostly porn until a couple of years ago.

We are Anonymous, and we do not forgive. We are void of human restraints, such as pity and mercy. All those who break this pact will be eliminated without hesitation. Those who perform reckless actions or wish to harm the Anonymous will be eliminated without hesitation. Failure is not tolerated. Enemies of the Anonymous include anyone who is not an Anonymous. Our enemies are to be eliminated swiftly and without incident. Anonymous must work as one. No Anonymous knows everything. Betrayal of Anonymous is both impossible and unaccepted. Manipulation of the weak and innocent is an Anonymous specialty. Once a victim is no longer commodious, they are to be eliminated. REPRODUCE. REPRODUCE. REPRODUCE. No man-made or natural occurrence can harm the Anonymous. Under no circumstances are Anonymous human. We are above humans and mortality. Anonymous are not to partake in meaningless tasks. Those who do are to be either reformed or eliminated. We are legion, for we are many. Anonymous is everywhere at all times. All have the potential to be Anonymous until they choose not to. Anonymous has no weakness or flaw(except dogs and counting to 10) Laws of Nature and Man cannot restrain the Anonymous. Anonymous is one. Feuding and argument amongst the Anonymous is both impossible and unaccepted. Anonymous is in control at all times. Anonymous has no identity. Anonymous cannot be contained by mere restraints. Anonymous are all equal. No one is more or less important than Anonymous. Anonymous must obey the Code. Those who do not are to be reformed or eliminated. Anonymous worships nothing. Anonymous cares for nothing but Anonymous. (Note: although part of the Code, Anonymous has occasionally disregarded this rule) Humanity is the virus; Anonymous is the cure. We are Anonymous, and we do not forgive.

This isn't about morality. This is about every fucking thread being the same derivative bullshit porn threads. When it takes up 90% of the board at any given time, it's time for its own board.

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Sociopolitical climate you say? You must know what you're talking about. Not a big 'ol faggot at all

this guy is a jew-brainwashed porncel