How come everytime there is an incel attack is a white dude?

How come everytime there is an incel attack is a white dude?

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I mean it's not like you can have a non-white incel

Ah yes. I see you too hail from the land where everyone is remarkably beautiful. Free from baboon faced blacks, squish faced Asians, and fat pencil stashed Latinos

It's your perception. Eliot Roger was king of the incels for a time.

Who is dumb enough to post something like that?
What the fuck did he think was going to happen

Probably was just trying to get attention before he did something fucking stupid like open fire on an unarmed crowd. It's actually probably the smartest thing a retard like him could do

I'm guessing their frustration turned into a deep burning anger


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If anything something like this is a cry for help

Because media use a different word or say it in a different way, or not even report it at all. You perception is flawed if you consume all the junk they put up on their site.

Niggers aren't usually incels. They're usually deranged, emotionless apes. Both kill, though statistically, niggers kill more.

> "All I wanted was to be loved"
> plans to shoot a bunch of people

can anyone explain the logic here? "i'll shoot some people.. and THEN they'll love me."

what's the missing step? does it involve the underpants gnomes?

Pretty much yeah. Which like okay good on them for trying to notify someone before they go off the deep end, even if it's on some subconscious level.

"HELP" is a cry for help.

"IMA SHOOT A WHOLE BUNCH OF PEOPLE" is a cry for attention.

there is a difference.

Because niggers just rape instead

>Nerd stops posting on Yea Forums for a day
>Does this

Probably more like "nobody pays attention to me anyways so I'll do something to get any form of attention right now." Or "I'll make them pay for not loving me" kinda thing.

Go to doesn't belong here no random

Sure thing thanks for the clarification you can go back to your Legos now big guy

>How come everytime there is an incel attack is a white dude?
Because black dudes will just bang fat black/mexican women that no one else will touch or voluntarily go near.
IE, they are willing to lower their standards

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Oh fuck off

Do incels not fucking know what tinder is? i mean like cmon now thats like pussy central smh