I am unironically a flat earther

I am unironically a flat earther


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Y tho

Do you just reject the idea of science, or just the specific premise of Earth being the same shape as mars?

did u eat mercuery when u were young?

Does feeling dumb make you special? Think your are better than me, well!?

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Fake nasa moon landing, footage is very suspicious. look at for yourself. Werner Von Braun, head of Nasa chose a bible quote on his that mentioned flat earth. Inconsistent images of earth, fake rock given by neil armstrong to president

I believe that earth is the center, everything revolves off earth. The sun revolves in a circle on the disk of earth.

Flat earthing is fun because most people take for granted what they know about the earth and don't actually know how to prove that it's round, and for some reason even entertaining the idea infuriates some people. It's a pretty great troll game.

Why don't you just sail to the edge and prove your retarded idea, faggot?

I want scientific proof that it is round, I don't care about any of that cgi crap presented to me. There's no way you nor I can verify if it's real

If the earth is flat then there's no way to actually reach mercury and eat it, dumbass.

The world is not as small as you think, it is very huge. We are being hidden what is out there

do you understand perspective?

the world's filled with dipshits, what's one more?

CGI since what, fucking Sputnik in 1957?!? Come on


Yeah but everything you can see in the sky is round. And we can see the Earth’s round shadow on the moon. Explain moon phases and eclipses with a flat earth.

>keepin it at 3d for the plebes

>everything revolves off earth
Retard confirmed

flat earthers are commonly those who want to feel special but have no talents/skills, therefor they use a belief such as "the world is flat and the government is hiding it from us" so that they can feel like they inhabit an exclusive special club.
it feels good to feel oppressed doesnt it?

How can you verify if any of the images are fucking real? How can you verify that they did not have CGI back in 1957? Stalin had a team of professional that could remove anyone from photos

wtf are you talking about, my grandfather in 2nd Army div took von Braun into Allied custody and no I am not shitting you they almost killed him in a field because he was part of the V2 program and GIs don't give a fuck about the bigger picture
>he survived

far away objects appear smaller
close up objects appear larger

you retard

All that other shit is round, just not the earth. The round shadows are just an illusion because they're cast from an odd angle.

>>Wants scientific proof before believing in a round earth(there’s tons of it)
>>Believes in flat earth of which there’s absolutely no scientific proof

Troll detected

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Of course it looks flat from your mom's basement. Get on a plane you fucking moron

do you trust a GPS?

Show us a picture of the edge.

Why flat? Why not shaped like a mobius strip?

>trusting JewPS

Why no flat sun, moon, or mars?

he can't, UN has ships patrolling the entire antarctic wall.
well that's their excuse anyways

so do you use paper maps?

A gps could exist on flat earth, we believe that earth has a magnetic pull and it is the reason why the sun and moon revolves around us.

Only flat ones.


What, and every single person on the team that worked on CGI in both USSR and the US, that's thousands of people, kept the secret? Wouldn't it be actually perfect if the US discredited the Soviet photos of round earth by showing the "real" flat earth? Be real.

so why dont non-ferro magnetic metals revolve around magnets? why don't ferro magnetic metals revolve around magnets?

Explain then.

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Actually no flights are allowed in the south pole nor north pole because these entities do not belong to anyone. Also look at this flightradar24.com/-22.7,-23.66/2
Why aren't any flight going thru the indian or pacific ocean? The fastest route from round earth would in the pacific from Argentina to Australia

You really think the cold war was a real conflict and not just the two superpowers conspiring to dominate the entire world together?

Hey op in all seriousness though, are you aware that you’re an idiot? Or is it kind of like how crazy people don’t know they’re crazy?

Even if someone spilled the beans, you think they wouldn't have predicted it and try to kill anyone that knew about it? Who says thousands word on the Earth cgi project, it would be only a select few which could be easily monitored. Threaten their families if they were to release such info

OK, lets say the earth flat. What has changed in your life? How does it affect you?

I refuse to believe a real person would be that retarded, I call bullshit, fucken troll

>e that you’re an idiot? Or is it kind of like how crazy people don’t know they’re crazy?
Can you explain why the earth is round smartass?

>it's the fastest route
but it isn't, clearly, if it was they would be doing that.
do you really think airlines would sacrifice fuel cost for secret keeping?

How can I verify that you are real? That any of this is real?

Nigger have you seen a 1957 computer?

Not all knowledge needs to be acted upon

For someone who requested scientific proof, this is pretty unscientific.
My favourite bit about flat earthers is how you're so dogmatic until someone presents you with something you can't explain, and out comes the line I've heard repeatedly "WELL, I'M NOT AN EXPERT..."

Nigger have you ever seen what kind of CGI stalin team did back then? Who knows what kind of secret tech they were hiding

so nothing will change, so why is this secret kept?
suddenly we all find out the earth is flat but nothing changes, life continues, why spend time, effort and money on a secret that doesnt matter?

we have photos of it from space


Yes. Gravity compacts everything together into dense round objects. Planets, stars, black holes, all round. We can look into space and see thousands of other round planets. Our blue and green one isn’t special.

Now can you explain why on earth there would be any actual reason for NASA and thousands of astronauts and government officials to lie about the shape of the earth? To sell globes?

you do know we only had mechanical/chemical photo manipulation techniques back then right?
that's not an answer

>we have photos therefore the earth is round
are you retarded? have you never thought that it could be cgi or do you always trust authority?

This assumes Flat-Earthers actually believe and aren't just shitters looking to piss off science autists. The level of anger in these threads is always so high, it's no wonder trolls love the idea.

so all flat earth models are real then? not CGI?

if they dont belong to any one, how can it be disallowed?

THe soviets couldn't do scientific progress if they fucking tried, especially not under Stalin. Also, Stalin died in 1953 dumbass

>cast from an odd angle
so at every point in the lunar cycle, which includes a plethora of different angles, you want to tell me that each and every angle involved is cast in an “odd” way so that it looks not flat? even at the fucking horizon, where we should just be seeing a line across the moon? bruh.

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Despite the fact you made little sense, they do fly there. It's an infrequent path to take. The first time i ever looked at that website there was a plane right where flat earthers claim no one ever flies. But i guess, the website was lying or im a shill right?
You cunts never fail to amuse me.

whats your iq

>if knowledge doesn't require to act upon then we don't have any reason to question it!

they are models you idiot. do you not know the meaning of model?

you can send your own rocket high enough up to see the curvature. the photos are real. every single "flat earth" diagram is computer generated though.

One simple picture of the edge of the earth would clear this all up. Go take one, we'll all wait here.

Ive built models of dinosaurs too, doesn't mean they're real bro.

what do you gain from exposing this "lie"?
you know what i mean retard.
we have pics of round earth, yet you say is CGI, so where are the pics of flat earth?

that's u get for believing things (hand wave motion)

The sun comes up, the sun goes down. Flat earth can't explain that.

Why don't you go take one if you're so invested in proving us wrong? I'm secure enough in my knowledge that I don't feel the need to prove it to you.

your argument was: we have photos of round earth therefore its round

why are you straw manning so hard? go take a basic argumentative course

Stalin?I thought he died in 1953. Or are the Soviets lying about that as well. Is he still alive in the Siberian tundra somewhere with Kennedy and Janis Joplin? Retard?

>Eratosthenes, living 200 years before christ, shitting in holes and wiping his ass with leaves: yeah here's some math, pretty sure the earth is a sphere and i can calculate the correct value with a 2% margin of error
>Issac Newton, an idiot, a fool: Yeah Earth's a sphere bro, that dude is right
>you galactic brain genius with comfort and convenience of modern technology at your finger tips: it's a conspiracy, if world is sphere explain why ball don't roll

Actually it does, we see earth as a huge room and if you put a lightbulb in a huge room what happens? Only an area is covered, that what happen on earth except the lightbulb is constantly revolving

this is CGI isnt it?

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In this thread: op finally gets attention by making ridiculous claims. It’s cheap attention. But for a split moment of his life, people are actually caring what he has to say.

we have photo evidence of a round earth, where's your photo evidence of a flat earth?
and dont dodge my question kid

Your argument is shit, >stalin died before sputnik photos therefore it must be real

Why would a sloping cliff be cgi?

the light is on in my room right now, in fact it's a lamp, behind my TV, yet my whole room is lit

how can you verify its real? please tell me

>hurr durr because nasa told me so!

I don't need to. Thousands of people we trust already have. We have the proof, we've had it for thousands of years. You have no proof, no knowledge. All you have in conspiracy theory bunk and being a contrarian jackass.

If the earth was flat, the horizon would reach eye level in all directions because of trig. As a goes towards infinity, A will go towards ninety. Explain this.

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you wanted photo proof of our "edge" so that's the antarctic shelf

No it doesn't.

>((people)) We trust

how can you verify it isn't? you have no contrary photographs
>>hurr durr everything im told is a lie so i can be a contrarian

yes, we send men into space to take the pictures. millions of people watched it live. how the fuck do you live a normal life?

>the light is on in my room right now, in fact it's a lamp, behind my TV, yet my whole room is lit
did you forgot the part where i said huge room, like humongous

go through some mental gymnastics and imagine what would happen if you put a light bulb in a huge room. would it illuminate everything? no, only a part

so how can you trust your own flat earth community?

yes, that's how a society functions.

There is zero scientific evidence to support a flat earth. How did you draw your conclusion?

What is it like to openly talk about your own stupidity?

a single light in a warehouse will light up all the surroundings until the photons lose energy and die off after a certain range.
your point?

That's a dude jumping over a crack, not an edge. Either post the edge of the world or stick to tasks your simple mind is best suited for.

see, as I said before neither I nor you can disprove it so therefore it's false

thank you for proving my point

question, do you flat earthers have a disproval scenario?
"(insert counter flat earth proof here), i no longer believe in flat earth because of this evidence"
i have a scenario for my religion. you should for your belief as well.

you finally got my point

same thing with flat earth, it will illuminate a part of earth but not the whole earth, it revolve in a cycle

if the earth flat, how is only a part of it illuminated at a time from a point light source so far away?

Why would you need to? Self-evident truths don't rely on popular opinion.

nope, that's my round earth, that's a pic of antarctica, deny it all you want.

so did ur mum do a lot of drinkin while she was pregnant or???

So does light curve in your fucked reality. If I got a ball of light in a foot ball feild and revolved it around the track, everyone on the track can see it clear as day

That picture could be anywhere, you can't prove it was taken on a round earth.

but something that close that radiates that much energy, the photons would shine through the whole planet.
photons go every direction from a source of light, not just a directed beam.

yippie, the earth is flat, vaccines are scary magic and donald trump is bestest jenius on the planet. this must be what it was like to live in the dark ages.

flat earther believe in geocentric, the sun revolves around us closely

i have my proof of round earth, ive seen "proof" of flat earth, the evidence jus tisnt good enough for me to believe in flat earth.
not sit down child, adults are debating.

Light isn't a ball, that's as crazy as saying the earth is a ball.

so anictodal evidence holds ground then?
because one person has (X) happens to them, everyone will have (x) happen to them as well.


tell me where else could have a shelf of ice that big, and north pole is not a valid answer since no one can go there either

wow, that's dumb

Show us a picture of the flat earth.

light travels in every direction from a source, in a wall it is a ball, a sphere is more accurate.
this is why (even in a bog room) you can see a light bulb even if you arent directly under it.

in a way it's a ball*

I never said you couldn't go to the north pole, obviously there's a North pole. That's not it though. That's simply a forced-perspective shot to make it look bigger than it actually is.

(OP) #
are you braindead

how does a flat earth have poles?

kek what an ass pull of an answer.
>be scientific research team
>want to take silly picture
>wait shit, we have to get the angle right, we have to make sure everyone is standing just right too!
>we cant let those flat earthers know they're right!
seems like a lot of work for a simple picture

god its tiring to explain this everytime for the flat earth theory, the sun is very close to us and the earth is very huge, the sun isn't as big as you think. the light from the sun doesn't reach out everywhere just like in the scenerio of the lightbulb in the warehouse you said except make that warehouse 10x bigger and keep the light bulb the same. the sun is not in the upper middle for the warehouse, it would be spinning in a cycle in the ware house like this

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so how does the sun emit enough energy to burn things (in a magnifying glass), power solar cells, evaporate water, etc?

being that close would eviscerate earth

Yeah maybe, but I can say whatever shit pops into my head for cheap laughs and you dumb fucks are autistic enough to bother responding seriously, so I hardly feel like an idiot here.

kek, thanks for admitting this is a troll thread, had fun wasting your time.

I'm not even OP, but same to you.

it is in the right spot to be hot enough but not as hot to make life not feasible. remember it goes in a circle in the warehouse

its just in the right spot

we dont think of the sun as the same, its not 5,778 K

that image is showing light reaching exactly every where. the only place would be on the other side.

well then what is the temperature?

but why can't parts of the earth that arent in sun light see it?
doesnt matter how big the flat earth is, we'd be able to see it at any point.
show me a to-scale model of the flat earth
you have to, if the sun was that close and still putting out that much energy, the earth would be burned to a crisp.
if you dialed down the energy of the sun in accordance to it's distance from flat earth, it would be really, even for those right under it.

why do i need to repeat myself a milion times, what would happen if you were in 10x warehouse size and you stood from all the way to the right and there was a right all the way at the right? you wouldnt be able to notice it

really dim*
the flat tards are destroying my IQ atm

terrible picture to make an example out of, do what i said and get me a to scale picture of flat earth faggot.

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holy fuck you are more retarded than I thought, you are really going to stick to the
>there is a picture of round earth therefore its real

you might aswell say
>i saw a picture of spiderman therefore he is real

I think believing the Earth is flat also means you have no concept of gravity. Is the sun a sphere? What about all of the planets in our solar system? Gravity. Loves. Spheres. It’s just what it do bitches.

can you prove gravity?

The sun is a flat disc and the other plane(t)s are infinite, flat dimensions that our brain perceives as round.

>you have to
we don't believe in the same models, yours believe that the sun is in the middle mine believe the earth is in the middle with the sun cycling on the top and the sun is much smaller than we think and its also not as hot as we think

as i said earlier, if you were in a ware 10x the size would you be able to see the light bulb from the other end if you were standing the furthest distance? no. same thing with flat earth a part is illuminated and the further the light goes the less bright is

are you one of the assholes, or no?

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you people who don't care are the worst. you wouldn't care about the truth on anything. the subversion is working quite well

That wall would be easily scaled or flown over though? I don't get it.



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>Big Cartography is spoon feeding us bullshit.

>Yes. Gravity compacts everything together into dense round objects.

It's been known since BC that the Earth was round. I am sorry if I don't understand what you mean by 'CGI' since I am older than CGI is.

You just need to measure the shadow of the sun at two distant points on the earth at the same time. The difference will show you the angle, and the calculations to pi will give you the radius.

you can choose which 2 point. It would change if it was a flat surface and the sun was above, but like a light on a table, you can see the light source across the entire table AT ALL TIMES.

Beyond that if you don't believe the ISS livestream
or the high aircraft pictures (commercial aircrafts do not go high enough) or the path the planes take

or the visual distortion of distant objects along the horizon (ships leaving port dipped down over the horizon even in medieval times before the creation of youtube or CGI)

or the lunar eclipses, because someone has to be casting that shadow

or the different stars visible at different places on the planet at different times of the year (again like any flat plane all the stars would be visible at the same time to everyone) but that the stars appear fixed because of diurnal parallax that they're so far away they look like a still image something even the ancient greeks understood) showing that it's not just they are very close why we don't see the same stars

Then why is the length of the day different? Explain that. On a flat earth an omnidirectional sun you would get the same daylight EVERY DAY. Not longer and shorter depending on where you were.

There's also the ability to see the sun set twice by just standing up, or even going up a building in an elevator quickly, something that wouldn't happen on a flat earth, the horizon is the horizon.

>When the supersonic Concorde took off not long after sunset from London and flew westward to New York, the aircraft outran the sun's apparent motion westward, and therefore the sun rising again.

There's even weather systems that spin counterclockwise north of the equator but clockwise south of the equator, just like toilets. That's not possible on a flat earth.

It would be the same.

Also on a flat earth gravity would bend towards the center, and the closer to the edge the more at an angle you would be, towards the center.

Observation of Foucault pendulums, popular in science museums around the world, demonstrate both that the world is spherical and that it rotates (not that the stars are rotating around it).

The mathematics of navigation by GPS assume that satellites are moving in known orbits around an approximately spherical surface. The accuracy of GPS navigation in determining latitude and longitude and the way these numbers map onto locations on the ground show that these assumptions are correct. The same is true for the operational GLONASS system run by Russia, and the in-development European Galileo, Chinese BeiDou, and Indian IRNSS.

Satellites, including communications satellites used for television, telephone, and Internet connections, would not stay in orbit unless the modern theory of gravitation were correct. The details of which satellites are visible from which places on the ground at which times prove an approximately spherical shape of the Earth. (Undersea cables are also used for intercontinental communications.)

Radio transmitters are mounted on tall towers because they generally rely on line-of-sight propagation. The distance to the horizon is further at higher altitude, so mounting them higher significantly increases the area they can serve.[33] Some signals can be transmitted at much longer distances, but only if they are at frequencies where they can use groundwave propagation, tropospheric propagation, tropospheric scatter, or ionospheric propagation to reflect or refract signals around the curve of the Earth.

>go through mental gymnastics and imagine a lightbulb in a huge room
>mental gymnastics
>lightbulb in big room

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The design of some large structures needs to take the shape of the Earth into account. For example, the towers of the Humber Bridge, although both vertical with respect to gravity, are 36 mm (1.4 inches) farther apart at the top than the bottom due to the local curvature.

You have Plato, Aristotle, Archimedes, Eratosthenes, Seleucus of Seleucia, Posidonius, Claudius Ptolemy, talk about not if but WHY the earth was round.

measuring the shadow of two distant points would only prove that some parts of the earth are more illuminated. this would work on a sun where the earth revolves earth but it would also work on a flat earth where the sun revolve on top of it in a circle. Imagine a warehouse 10x the size of an original and now put a light bulb in the end and stand the most furthest distance away, you wouldn't be able to see it. The more you approach it the more the warehouse gets illuminated smaller and smaller. Same concept with flat earth. ISS is filmed underwater and again they used cgi. the earth is flat circle, the moon on top of earth perfect so eclipses would appear to be circular. If you zoom into the boat you could see them. Again, another misconception by globe earthers we do not have the same, we think that the earth is the center and everything revolves around it on top, my warehouse scenario would explain it is light and dark in some places of the world.

what's it like being retarded?

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Can you explain any of their points instead of using argument of authority fallacy?

drop anything a short distance from the ground and see which way it falls you dense fuck

the reason why things fall is because of their density you retard? anything less dense than air will go up

>nobody gives a fuck about your opinions, so do you scream your bullshit in the secrets like gospel or something? i guess so...

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