What is better for suicide,00 Buckshot or a Slug

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i would assume buckshot
but maybe wait until winter and freeze yourself
if you look up the biochemistry of it.. it's very unique and the enzymes for the pain chemicals don't work when you're so cold, so it's very little pain
it's also less rude to the people who clean up your corspe

My dad told me the most peaceful way to die is ice cold water. Jump into a lake in the dead of winter. You basically just fall asleep.

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Neither pls, u'll die an when u die ur ded

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Jump, but like backwards

idk i think you'd start drowning before you died from freezing and drowning is probably one of the worst ways to die

00 buckshot definitely


Don't shoot yourself. You might not KYS and you'll end up looking like a bigger disfigured retard

Would .50 AE work? serious question.

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people die from all sortsa things, we're pretty fragile sometimes...
if you need to die immediately it's probably best to drive a motorcycle or small car and ram into an oncoming truck at the last second so they can't steer away, or jump in front of a train
but odds are you don't need to die immediately and you should learn how to manage whatever has you wanting to die. Even if a scar is left, you can still heal from most things, or fashion an emotional prosthetic.

Livestream it and do a flip, faggot

Yes shotgun to the head is good 50 Cal will blow you brains out like a mother fucker just make sure to aim behind your ear

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That's kind of the point isn't it

wuts wid dese replys????
s*icide is neber da answer! dat shud b obious. u onlely hab 1 life ann u shudnt thing abou throeign away da onlely g*d-bless'd life u were giben. ur mama ann papa workd hard tto bring u intto dis worlde.. dond throw dere hard worke away... ebery1 goes thru hardships. EBERY1. but ids up tto us tto obercome ann grow stronker ann butter ourslelbes insted ob gibby up!!! ids bury possiblel tto b happy u jus hab tto taek da steps 2 id!

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみドッカ~ン! 第38話「ついに再婚!?あいこの決意」(DVD (640x480, 161K)


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Eating a slug is probably going to be super gross and have very low chance of killing.
Shooting yourself is a lot better at killing you but make sure to aim for vital parts of your body like the head or the heart.

Apparently after the panic subsides, drowning is very peaceful. Basically, once the water has filled your lungs, your body just gives up. I imagine the point of the cold water is to make your body go into shock so that the panic is gone quicker and you'll allow the water into your lungs.

Fire on the other hand. You feel that shit the whole time, and it burns up oxygen before it gets to your lungs, so you suffocate too, on fire.

easy slug

Dont do it user ill be ur fren
