Yellow threads are an attempt by discord trannies to make /pol/ and Yea Forums fight each other. Don't fall for it lads

Yellow threads are an attempt by discord trannies to make /pol/ and Yea Forums fight each other. Don't fall for it lads.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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These trannies are desperate because their home forum was exposed as a den of pedos

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They are doing damage control all over the internet

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Don't let yourselves get tricked by pedos lads

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Here's your bump

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wow the funny Yea Forums tranny man got some out of context screenshots from himself to make it look like the yellow tide is controlled oppostion

dont you have some HRT to be taking, faggot?

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t. Desperate tranny


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fight each other? those retards are going to unite all the boards again doing this shit lmfao

why are trannies so retarded

>goyim is the discord trannies

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Do you know where you are?
/pol/ is for retards and alex jones

Outright lies /pol/ supports you faggots being driven out of this board now fuck off

Also fuck thwt new fag, /pol/ or old news whatever you wanna call it was always a scapegoat but that's because the faggots spouting off nonsense were always from there. At least in a post stormfront universe

>trannies invading the thread to cover it up

Hmm yes I wonder where I have seen this before... no wait that's impossible it can't be...

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>the discord trannies want to delete tranny porn
Is this the iq 70 thread?

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>le epic discord trannies are starting an epic meme war between Yea Forums and /pol/ by getting porn off Yea Forums

maybe they need some more people to blackmail




Here the proof

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honestly not much has changed still lol

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It's all so tiresome

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>a guy literally typing “tranny faggot” is a discord tranny

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that picture is a cope image by porncels saying how they can try to coopt yellow, which you're attempting right now

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>all people who use discord are trannies

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they're just trying to spin this on /pol/ idgaf also you're probably the discordtranny here.

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dude, it’s not like I’m the only super smart here, I just don’t have the brain rotten by porn.

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that keyboard.. those colors..

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thanks doc

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go home newfag





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tanks doc

Yellowfags want the death of Yea Forums and in the end Yea Forums as a whole. Most of the income for Yea Forums is adverts. Most of the adverts on Yea Forums are porn. Only porn companies are degenrate enough to advertise here. They are trying to take down a bastion of free speech and expression because we won't all line up with a singular way of thinking. I know I sound like a hardcore /pol/tard right now but look at the evidence. A bunch of angry neckbeards that rarely agree on anything are now organized with a singular purpose. Dont buy into the lie anons.

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wrong blue boards make way more cash

>discord trannies won't use Yea Forums language to blend in
It's real brainlet hours.


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Yellow Varg

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Discord trannies in panic mode lmao

Maybe it's just that people are tired of seing tens of generic porn threads that could easily be merged on the front page. If it's trannies that had the initial idea (which i doubt) they have my support.
There really is no reason why "wwyd, wwyd [something] version, left or right, pics you shouldn't share, your wive/gf/mother/sister, creepshots, celeb, istagram, incest, cuck and some more" should coexist at all time. They have their audience and i really would not have a problem if it was like faggots and furries do it, who stay in their own gay thread instead of making several ones.
There are some people who make two or more threads on the exact same topic simultanously and for some reason they get away with their reckless faggotry.
Spamming threads should be an enforced bannable offense.

I never said Yea Forums made the most income. I said the most income on Yea Forums is porn. Yea Forums will be used as a foothold because it is the easiest to manipulate. Reading comprehension isn't your strong suit huh?

Nigga we have the discord screencaps ITT. Who're you trying to fool?

Well then discord trannies unintentionally lit the flame of revolution


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To prove my point: There are right now four (4) dick tribute threads.
Who the fuck wants this? What is there to gain besides reducing the overall quality of Yea Forums?

It doesnt matter who started it. It is keks will.

Your mom

Ok tranny

we just wanted pol in on it I told them no tho there was like 3 threads up like 2 days ago some came over it was cool

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I have been here for 12 years and this is the best thing that happened to Yea Forums for many years. You can fuck right off. I dont care if some retarded tranny thought they were being clever and instead experienced an ironic backfire of monumental proportions.

no u

Look, i know you've just admitted that you're gay and all, but i don't see how that is related to anything.

Screenshots or even posts are not valid proof anymore. They haven't been for years.

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>yellowfags are all pedos
color me surprised

I wouldn't say unintentional. Sad thing is your fighting their battle for them. Kill Yea Forums and you give them a foothold for the rest of Yea Forums. Get rid of porn, you get rid of porn advertisements. Get rid of that and Yea Forums falls closer to being completely irrelevant. Not to mention these yellowfags aren't going to revive the place with OC should they win. No really good OC but once in a blue moon and you want us to believe it will just start flooding in. You sound like some dirty commie. "Trust us it will all get better with us in charge," fuck off.

>I have been here for 12 years and this is the best thing that happened to Yea Forums for many years
Funny how you all say things like this to look like an oldfag.
You all seem to have forgotten this EXACT same raid happened last summer too. They called it the 'purge' and spammed just as many threads as you yellowcucks have this year, before petering out before the end of summer (exactly as your current 'revolution' will)
So either all you oldfags forgot about that, or you've been here less than a year.

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Ive been here since the beginning of Yea Forums. Dont lie, Yea Forums was once grand with more unique content then the reddit. These sweet innocent warriors for justice are fighting the Good Fight. Rally the yellow flag and march on. Porn is degeneracy and a symptom of the toxic masculinity that has plagued the board for too long. Shame all the furfags, celeb posters, and loli lovers. Pornography is the death of a nation. The undoing of the nuclear familial unit. The corruption behind our government. See now that your body is sacred and only to be shared with those you love. Not horny strangers on the internet. These poor women being taken advantage of by the incel. Shredding away her decency for all to see. The internet is ours. Porn and drugs are government mind control. All good thing should be spied with extreme caution. Leave now this wonderfilled cesspool. You are guilty and shall be purged. DOWN WITH THE PORN, DOWN WITH Yea Forums! ALL HAIL THE PORNOCALYPSE! VIVA LA YELLOWA REVOLUTIONO!

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>Ive been here since the beginning of Yea Forums.
>Yea Forums
Yes hello fellow oldfag,look at this fish meme,hahhaa bait Do I fit in

I've been here for AT LEAST twelve years, probably more like fifteen tbh but last summer my internet was down due to heat

>a symptom of the toxic masculinity

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no i hate fb ig threads i'm sorry

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>symptom of the toxic masculinit
go back to discord


kek nice bait

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>toxic masculinity
You're saying, "pol"?

That's the worst bait I've ever seen. Pornfags really are braindead

Go back to discord

poo in a loo


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diddle some kids, the feds know.
Hope your resetera and discord accounts aren't attached to your e-mail.
Expect knocking. :)

this is the gayest shit I've seen in a while, my friends
thank God this site is still the source of unfiltered autism

Jokes on them, because they went into surgery to become a joke. A living, walking, uncanny valley, unapproachable looking, suicidal mess.

I like porn, and yellow

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M-muh screencaps

hace fun in jail.

They have been given enough rope to hang themselves with, we just have to push them off the platform.

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Post that link in any yellow thread and watch how they chimp out kek

I've been in their telegram and discord since it started. You wouldn't believe the retards giving each other advice and giving personal details out in their safe space. I've found 4 people in the US so far. They're getting paranoid. Rightfully so.

You know what's really funny is a few of them have made terroristic threats against the US in their chats. Hilarious.

Hey there user, yellowfag here
Why do you assume we are pedophiles? Because we want to get rid of porn? I hope all the resetera fags get roped and I'd do it myself if I could
It's about purging pornography, not protecting pedophiles

Because your yellowshit is organised on a discord server filler with people who have never used Yea Forums before

t. newfag


That's false though, what makes you think that?
I would fucking rope neogaf and resetera myself if I could
The yellow thing is a coalition of people from different boards just trying to purge the porn off of Yea Forums and such
I give you my word I'd kill those pedos with my bare hands if I could

>The yellow thing is a coalition of people from different boards just trying to purge the porn off of Yea Forums and such
It's literally a discord raid you faggot, I took those ( and ) screenshots myself the other day. Just because some of you got might have gotten swept up and actually BELIEVED them doesn't mean it didn't start on discord.

Yes I know the planning takes place on Discord
It's a form of centralization and a useful tool
If the screenshots came from Riot, Skype, or an IRC you'd still cry foul
I genuinely despite Reiko and that whole shitstorm
The Yellow isn't about muh Discord, the sole purpose is purging porn off of the board, not to make everyone a tranny or to destroy Yea Forums

It's a raid from another website by people who have never been on Yea Forums before. If you help them you're either a liar or a cuck.

That's false though and you don't have proof of it
What do people who don't use Yea Forums have to gain from this (this being porn being purged)? If you can give me a valid explanation I'll believe you

>useful idiot


Like anyone else besides them even cares about this senseless yellow spamming kek.

In the short time I was in the server there were plenty of people asking how to sage and blaming the mods whenever a thread 404ed by itself