For the past SIX MONTHS my next door neighbor has been having some major construction done on his house...

For the past SIX MONTHS my next door neighbor has been having some major construction done on his house. At first I thought they were just putting in a pool, but now it seems they're doing other construction, building a fire pit, etc.

There are often a lot of trucks blocking the cul-de-sac, but the most annoying thing is the port-o-potty. They keep this port-o-potty right on the front yard, in view of the entire neighborhood, for the contractors to use. Why not trust the people you're inviting into your home to use your bathroom? I don't know. Why not put it out back where they're actually working, rather than the front yard so they have to walk through the house both ways each time and we have to see it? Don't ask me, but it pisses me off.

So now I want to piss IN it, maybe take a dump too, out of curiosity and revenge for the past months of nuisance. I don't want to get in trouble though. I could get in and out really quickly (his house is right next to mine), but if he does call the police, are there any charges I could be brought up on, besides trespassing? Crapping in a portable crapper hardly seems like vandalism or destruction of private property. And maybe a good lawyer could get me off on the trespassing charge if I argue it was a medical emergency or plead ignorance that it was a private bathroom.

Anyway, if there are no other witnesses, could they do DNA testing on a dump, or would it be unlikely because of the rest of the crap in there from the workmen?

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its common practice, you basement dwelling sperg lord, for contractors to bring their own portopotty.

not everyone wants illegal mexicans shitting in the same room their daughter brushes her teeth.

What would this accomplish though? You're just using a porta potty.

I sure hope this copy pasta, if not, sort your life out faggot

You're going to use a portapotty? You sick fuck. Go upstairs and ask your mom first.

They have a two story house. I assume they have a bathroom upstairs, probably multiple, and one downstairs. I'm suggesting they have the workers use the downstairs bathroom instead of a public eyesore and crapping on the front lawn like a dog.

what would using the porta potty even do ? who the fuck would even care or realize? if you're angry then tip the fucker over all across his front yard

buy an extremely hot hotsauce.
wipe it on the rim of the seat

DAMN. You rebel.

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Could you explain what is so unsorted about my thinking? Do you like coming home and seeing a toilet out on the front lawn next to yours? It's garish and gross.

I guess it's more about defiance, shocking him into considering the ramifications of keeping a port-o-potty out on his front lawn like this. Without a lock, anybody could just come right up and use it, and I would be proving that.

I dont want random people walking in my house. Next thing you know he tells a guy he knows about some of the valuable stuff i have laying around my living room that he passes by to take a piss and i get robbed 2 weeks-month later while im at work

Random though? These are men you're trusting in or around your residence for months. They don't deserve the right to poop indoors? They have to do it outside like an animal? And why not the backyard at least? Why put them on display to the neighbors like they're in a show?

Just shit in it already. They mix the waste together before they DNA test it. It is then analyzed to test for race and age. They are looking for the diversity of workforce in construction.

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you are a pathetic retard. You just want to go in there to smell other guy's shits, don't you? you're a disgusting motherfucker

true story:
a house was being built next door to my aunt. the houses are pretty close together. the guys working were going in the woods behind her house and shitting on the ground. my aunt went to their shitting spot and took pictures of the shit. she called the building company and the workers had to come back and clean up their shit

>Why not trust the people you're inviting into your home to use your bathroom?
because if you can afford large home renovations, chances are you own things of value, and I don't know about you, but I don't want someone dragging dirt and shit through my house while opening up myself to being a victim.

>Why not put it out back where they're actually working, rather than the front yard so they have to walk through the house both ways each time and we have to see it?
probably because they're working back there, and they need the space (assuming they walk AROUND the house, and not through it to get to it)

go ahead and fuck some shit up, OP. I'm sure none of your neighbors have any security cameras recording you fucking it up, or anything.

>imagine calling using something for its intended purpose 'revenge'
>imagine being this afraid to use the restroom
Just. Imagine.

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most contractors hire people off the street, and hardly vet their background.


You're such a faggot. Grow up and get a life.

Not trying to fuck it up, just do, you know, "my business". I hadn't thought about security cameras though. I don't see any, but they could be hidden of course.

I guess I could drive around the block, out of sight, put on a ski-mask, walk back to the neighborhood, take a dump, and run back to my car. He'd probably know it was me, but that'd be harder to prove in court. It'd be a lot of work though, and kinda creepy to go running through the suburbs in a ski-mask like that.

Nice response after I refuted the daughter's bathroom argument.

Kill yourself

Faggot op, is there a back alley? If not that would explain why they put the shitterino in front. Also keeping it out of the way of work is a concern. Finally, I don't think you have ever done real work because then you'd understand how dirty you get. You are at a point where you can't pass through a clean house without leaving a trail of dirt clods and hand prints behind you. You fucking little pussy bitch.

you're autistic, aren't you?

there was a webm of a guy taking shit out of a portapotty with a plastic bag and he took it home and ate it. it was probably op

Just admit you were wrong about the daughter brushing her teeth. I'm asking them to use the bottom* floor toilet, which is often for guests anyway.

(*first/ground floor, not butt)

Only illegal Venezuelians use the porto, you can’t possibly honestly think you’re gonna get into legal trouble for taking a shit lmfao. Your mind baffles me. Simply do it when no ones looking and a dna test? Are you out of your mind imagine the amount of dna in that fuckin porto dumbwipe.

you do realize that you can rent your own port-a-john and shit in it. they're not that expensive. I'm sure if you ask they can deliver one that already has shit in it

these things are bigger on the inside

If you use that potty then your neighbors are going to wonder why some fucking retard wants to leave his own home to go shit outside in someone else's yard

Literally no one will care if you crap in a porta potty. That's what it's there for.

It's common practice for contractors to bring these to a job site, and they probably won't keep it in the back yard because it's the actual work site and theres little room.

They dont use the inside washroom for a number of reasons, ranging from causing unneeded mess inside the house, to water being shut off for whatever it is that they're working on, to maybe they are and the porta potty is a back up.

So again, go ahead, no one will care. All you're doing is forcing yourself to go through the relatively unpleasant experience of using a ports potty.

How fucking hard is this to do?
"Hey, I'm your neighbor next door. Would it be possible to move your porto potty to your backyard?"

So if he's wondering that, maybe he'll be shocked and disgusted into reconsidering the error of his ways?

Also, retard, dude? Really? No sympathy? You would like coming home and having to look at that, a big stinky toilet next door?

This. I would never let them inside. You would be robbed that night.

It's in the front by the street so the truck can get to it to clean it weekly. Also it isn't your neighbor's property, it's property of the owning company, and unless your neighbor put a padlock on the door it's probably fine to use it and you're over thinking everything in your life.

If your neighbor doesn't completely suck he'll probably invite you over when it's done.

Then the next day theres 2 portashitters in the front yard, both closer to the property line than the single one was before.

You're right, I may have overreacted with the retard comment. But people rarely enjoy reflecting internally on things that bother them. Realistically, I believe your neighbor is more likely to believe that you have a mental illness rather than jump through all the mental hoops required to discern that you are unhappy with the potty.

If you're that paranoid, maybe it's a bad idea to invite them onto your property in the first place.

knock it over, pussy

>over thinking everything in your life
You now have the answer you came for, now delete this thread you sperg

Yeah, you're right. I have been trying to check my paranoia and prejudice. They're just ordinary guys doing a hard job. I can see how having to putt up with that potty out front could be annoying, OP, but the job will be finished soon enough, and maybe they'll have a neighborhood pool party when it's done :)

industry standard, you're probably not even supposed to use client facilities. It's their property, and you can quit bitching.

This almost describes my neighbors work right now. Unfortunately, they are not putting in a pool so it’s not here.

People who get upset about these things need more hobbies. If you have time to moan about a porta potty and some construction then get a life.