Medfags, when I breath heavily I feel a sharp pain below left breast. Please diagnose

Medfags, when I breath heavily I feel a sharp pain below left breast. Please diagnose.

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When you're panting? (after doing exercise?)
When you take a DEEP breath? (in and hold?)

If it's a deep breath, we have a problem..

Do you smoke?

I know you haven't because this is/b/ but have you exercised/exerted yourself beyond normal in the last few days?

Non smoker

Deep breath and hold in.

Go to gym atleast four times a week. Cardio involved.

And it feels as if there's a bone shard on your lung/ribs that sometimes (not ALL the time), stings when you breathe too deep?


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That feels possible. Sharp pain localied to the area.

Post bob

Go to a real doctor. These fuckers are going to say the worst shit.

shit negro op has lung cancer

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even though it's known as "lung shard", it's not what you think.

I would but its 0111.

Not a medfag but have had this and asked a doctor...
It's probably muscle or anomolous. By all means ask a doctor but sometimes pain is just pain.
If it's consistent (as in doesn't stop. Not comes and goes) for a few weeks you should probably ask a doctor.
But it's been explained to me that random pain is a very very poor indicator of how severe something is.
The slightest ignorable ache can mean cancer and an unbearable chest pain could be nothing at all. Doesn't mean don't ask questions but you know what I mean.

Same doctor explained a fever is when you're probably in trouble.

Appericate the responce. Guess I'll sleep on it

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Also not a doctor, but I do have some expierence getting my ribs bruised. In the later stages of recover I'd only feel it by taking deep breaths or pushing on the specific spot which was bruised. Does pushing on that spot hurt for you?

Probably just your chest muscles that are fucked, i get that every now and then

Cancer. You have five months tops.


Cant seem to find a sore point on surface, when I breath in it feels like a sharp pain internally.

Let's hope so.

>Let's hope so.
I got it from running electricity through my dick and butthole, done anything like that?

Nah, felt it when I was sitting in chair. Lying in bed now testing threshold.

Medfag here
Any other symptoms?
Does the pain go anywhere? E.g. neck, shoulder or back?
How old are you?
Been sick with a virus lately?
Any shortness of breath?
Any surgeries?
Any bad lung infections in the past?
Get worse with exercise?

Probably leptomeningeal disease seeing as you used a noun instead of a verb.

Thank you medfag md.

Minor cold
No shortness in breath
No surgery
Had a bad lung infection about 8 years ago
Haven't had any problem with exercise
Non smoker

>Minor cold

Not the medfag but I'm like 97% sure this is the cause.

I've had that before. If it's rare and random it's literally nothing. Forgot what exactly but yeah nothing bad just sharp pain for a few breaths.

How long did it stick around for?

Minutes at most I think. Happens every few months maybe.

You been fucking?

I know it is unlikely as you are here, but I trapped a nerve in my chest, fucking. Thought I was having a heart attack, had to spend a night in hospital to be sure but in the end just a trapped nerve. It was painful if I took deep breaths, getting worse over time until even shallow breaths hurt.

Imma be honest here and say no.

Good signs then. If you develop shortness of breath, coughing up pink or night time shortness of breath definitely see a doctor cause the possible diagnoses are pretty grim.

Sounds like pleuricy as a result of a respiratory tract infection (your cold) infection. also you're at heightened risk of pleural adhesions due to your history of a bad lung infection which would also cause pleuricy.

Should go away, maybe take Ibuprofen if it's uncomfortable

Been feeling symptoms for last 40mins.

Thanks for your advice mate. Will take something now.

And by pleuricy I mean pleurisy it's 2am at the hospital and my phone is not cooperating

You in aus too then?