So, I need some help /bros...

So, I need some help /bros. About 6 months ago this guy blew this dust in my face and I didn't think anything of it but the other guy standing there with him laughed(memory too stronk) About 3 days later the guy that blew the dust came up to me and told me I was going to have heart problems and skin problems and a whole bunch of other problems and walked off in a rush. I knew he was a 'fortune teller' (fake) so i blew off the 'diagnosis' like it was just more bull shit spewing out of his mouth. Then about a week later from that, my heart starts hurting like really bad and I had these cuts on my hands from work and my nose itched so I itched it with my finger. The next day I had a dime sized hole in my finger where I had a small cut the day before and exactly where I itched my nose(memory way too stronk) I waited a few days to see if my heart was feeling any better and it wasnt. About a week later after that an old man mentioned to me that the sores on my hand didnt look right and something starting clicking in my brain. I immediately left work and rushed to the hospital where they diagnosed me with MRSA and gave me antibiotics. My heart stopper hurting after a week or so after that and the sores started healing on my hand. Relieved I continued about my daily business. Then about 2 weeks goes by and more cuts on my hand from work and more nose itching later and well you get the idea. Over the past 6 months I have been searching my memory for other clues leading to what could have been the cause and I finally remembered back to that day where he blew the dust in my face and the other guy laughed. I believe that my life was attempted to be taken by these two and I have no idea what to do. Please help, I think I might die and I dont want this guy to hurt anyone else.

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wall of text

TL;DR Some guy blew staph dust into my nose and I know hes doing it to other people. need help on what to do

TL;DR I also haven’t showered long before that event even took place.

tldr: user gets breathed on by some gays and is slowly dying due to heart failure

showering doesnt kill staph btw

probably kill him

You gote lovers weren't funny in 2005. You're still not.

Go be stupid elsewhere, sickfucks.

You sound like someone who's been on a meth high for a week.

but like this is real. im debating if to go to homeland security or cdc in the morning as i have discovered enough potential evidence to send him to jail

8/10 would be a good movie.

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If you are truly concerned about it, discuss it with your doctor. Tell them about the dust, and maybe they will run tests, or at least be able to ease your mind.

Either this or schizo for sure

Now im no WebMD buuuut showering and decent hygiene in general reduce the likelihood of contracting staph.

Probably separate issues. If this is real, they probably blew scopolamine at u, which would basically make u a robot. U would do whatever they asked. Which could have been something that would cause problems.

FBI already on it

yea thats the thing i tried that and the doc actually told me to go somewhere else. doctors are actually shit at solving staph. they barely ran any tests when i was in the hospital

not when an extremely high dosage is blown directly into ur sinuses. 100% if they look at my insides they will see traces where it was inhaled by my nose

Dude got crop dusted on

What kind of cum box of MRSA did this dust wizard collect such copuous amounts of disease from?

where do you live?

ur guess is as good as mine but did mention something about having his own embalming studio where he stuffs dead people maybe from the dead people?


Surely this is a high level achnemist flexing his power after having upgraded from distributing pink eye by wafting farts into people’s eyes, to now crop dusting their sinuses with MRSA

likely just a form of control by inducing the staph and telling the person they will have heart problems and when they do they believe the fortune teller and give him money