Okay anons. I know this is a pretty retarded idea but it's a what if scenario...

Okay anons. I know this is a pretty retarded idea but it's a what if scenario. What if we uploaded a video of Ben Shapiro to PornHub and got it to be the most popular porn video. Theoretically, wouldn't he be considered the most popular porn star of all time?

Attached: 9890890.jpg (696x929, 78K)

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No but I would want that stupid kike on pornhub.
Maybe he wouldn’t like it.
Maybe people jerking off wouldn’t like it

Either way it’s cool.

While the idea of putting a Ben Shapiro video on PornHub and making it viral on their site sounds fun, no he wouldn't.

Bump for potential.

Attached: 1856B77A-A047-4DDD-9168-A3F5F60FAC7A.jpg (633x738, 85K)

What video would you use though?

Attached: 1543446590450.png (203x254, 76K)

aha gonna be hard user

but I'll noy be far

Attached: 462200733.jpg (2400x3200, 572K)


I was considering getting some form of video editing software to edit a video where every time Ben Shaprio speaks, the woman he's debating lets out a loud orgasming sound. For now though we need to focus on the title. But the thing is, what makes a Ben Shapiro video great isn't just the video itself, but the title such as shown in this picture.

Attached: 1ym27revw8611.jpg (866x614, 71K)

Update: Maybe instead of a woman it would be a man and the title would be "Ben Shapiro roasts Libtard Cuck with FACTS so hard that he gets converted to Judaism and Dumps his body into a grave of LOGIC.

I like this one.

On second thought, what about this?

Does my title here seem good enough or should I try to come up with something else?

No but don't let that stop you from doing it. It's a funny idea.

Might be fun to try. What would the title be?

Ben Shap isn't logical or correct all that often. He's just fast talking and confusing, and argues in bad faith.

Honestly I think a regular video would be better.
Modified ones only had someone's attention for a minute.
But if it's a legit video, people are more likely to interact with it. And that interaction bumps it on their site. Then more people see it, and either comment, share or sometimes both.
Hell, if his point in what ever video is used starts a debate in the comments, it'll skyrocket to the top, and he's bound to hear about it, and look into it.
THAT'S when you hit him with something like this.

You should have stopped mentally after a few words, and never typed any of them.

Ya, I like your idea more, I was just asking about the title.

Something like this, OP?

Attached: 1547959966064.jpg (865x1039, 130K)

What if we left it as a normal title (maybe something like a debate he never had to get him curious) and let the video itself rape his brain?

What if we make a deepfake of him getting railed by Larry King, and call it, "Ben Shapiro Debates Larry King"
We'd need a normal looking thumbnail to bait him into clicking it though.

Ya, something along those lines, especially like the last one.

I was actually considering a deepfake but wasn't sure about it. I think you anons should decide on what to do. I feel like you guys know what you're doing more.

I'm not sure how to do it exactly, but if we can find a video of an old man and young guy, we should be able to make a deepfake.

We'd also need to figure out how PornHub's thumbnail system works because it gives you an option of I think 6 frames from the video you uploaded as you can't post your own thumbnail as far as I know. We need to figure out how it decides which part of the video it uses the frames from and then insert a frame of our thumbnail at that moment.

We can probably use one of these two.



Ben Shapiro FUCKS a hippie girl's BRAIN with a DILDO of LOGIC

or "horny jewish boy submits to the israeli overlords"


I'm still not sure what video to use so I thought I'd let you anons vote on it.


Bump for the deepfake.

Shitty title suggestion,


good idea here's my bump

Alright, it seems like the deepfake is going to win. Get me which ever video you want me to ddepfake but expect it to take me a little while to get it done because I'm trying to figure out how to do it.