Yellow Yea Forumsrethen. shall we type edgy stuff on Omegle and post the results?

yellow Yea Forumsrethen. shall we type edgy stuff on Omegle and post the results?

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I’m down user

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oh ok. I'll go get started then and take a screenshot

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Serious question, yellowfags. Why don't you just move to /r9k/? It's more suited to your idealized Yea Forums, and it's existed for many years.

Shalle we post to the news channels with evidence and factual stories with documentation of the real world we live in and the real laws we must obey in our countries.

this just looks like you're having a melt down

Not sure if it was a bot but eh

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tried doing the old switcheroo on kikfags, didn't work out as planned this time but eh

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Man, this cannot be real?
Are people really this fucking retarded?

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Forgot pic

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ok yellowfags. im gonna dox a groomer for you

Because pisscucks are newfags who only know Yea Forums.

this legit made me lol

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Not edgy but the stupidest convo I’ve ever had on that stupid fucking site

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this faggot was really expecting this to turn in his favor

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lol this is gold

>this legit made me lol
jesus, you’re young

tried to do some edgy trolling, but they were too nice. will keep trying

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ok this is the last kikfag I fuck with I think

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tried messing with the fags, it was futile

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hey let's come with something to write in the "spy question" mode. Like "are niggers people?" or something

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lol those faggots always think they’re getting some

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kek xDxD

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>plot twist
It was one of us

woah woah woah

did you hack the spy question thing with javascript??

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Bump Bump

lol. jews lose it when they realize the goyim know

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S2 has our back

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it's working brethren

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ugh, this was painful

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we got saturation, boys

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Stranger 2 is based

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This guy probably died

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proof you're all summerfags.

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lol dats me :P

you're a summerfag.

but I've been lurking for a year

what would you have done differently fren?

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you aint seen nothin boiiii

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jeeze, you actually made me feel bad, user

Trolling is a subtle art. You can't just start dropping racial slurs and expect them to rage. People are more inclined to rage on things they *deeply * disagree with.

ie: When the stranger said that we'll all be mixed in a few generations, you could have come off with some bullshit that you'd expect from tucker carlston. "Not if the great white hope (referring to DT) builds our wall!" is a good starting point. Get them pissed about something they're already pissed about. Keep lurking and troll more, you'll have your golden moments.

Was it one of you guys?

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well I think I recruited a new member to Yea Forums ;)

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kk I will take your advice

goddamn user, I'm trying to help you bro. Rules 1 and 2 bro. Rules 1 and 2.

sorry at first I thought it was one of us. I didn't explain what Yea Forums was though

You’re still a faggot nonetheless



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you'll learn user. Just gotta quit being a fag, you'll get there.


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Hahahaha what a fucking tard


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you're doing God's work user

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Is that a new Abigail Shapiro?

Bitch got mad

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yeah I think it's pretty new, I haven't checked her IG tho

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None of these are funny at all.
Tryhard pol children/10

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Fucking sneaky kikes

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This fucking guy
I fucking lol’d

3rd party faggot got rekt hard

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whats up op


