Post only things I like and want to see. Or I will whine

Post only things I like and want to see. Or I will whine.

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death to yellow fags

is this what Yea Forums has come to?


Sorry but Yea Forums is only for random things I like. NOT random things I dont like.

OH no please don't whine I'll suck your dick

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>Porn people butthurt that some threads don't have porn in them
dang dude chill

Pornsters only like and want childblackedwwyd, so Radom

Whining about shit is the national past time now, thanks to dear leader.

It's sad and pathetic.

Waaaaay! Stop liking things I dont like!

Whining about our dear leader like you're the only place in the world is the new pastime

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>Waaaaay! Stop liking things I dont like!
Waaaay! We shouldnt post on porn boards when we can shit the same things on /b

Super cool story bro

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I've seen someone say those more than once. Its repetative thus doesnt belong on b. I'm the only person here. Never post something i dont like twice

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Autism has been used here before. Therefore it's not random. Please stop being an autistic. I dont like it

I feel your pain brother. I too am incapable of ignoring things I dont like

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I like this bit shrimp needs more clothes fag

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This yellow shit is just a revenge raid from 8cham. It's already losing steam because their site got raided by the FBI and half their users are shitting their pants.

8ch actually thought they could get Yea Forums shut down when so many others have tried to raid us in the past and failed.

And how long is your trench coat agent dick of the Yea Forums CIA. Every person here is an insignificant faggot with no personality. This place is a hive mind for the drooling masses of faggots and wannabe shitstains.

So many edges.

No edge. I'm as bad as anyone else. I hope this yellow shit kills Yea Forums dead.

How many of you faggots use hive mind terms like "edgy, normie, summer at etc." This place turned all of us into a shared brain attention seeking replica that pretends its special or clever in some way