Why is anal so sought after? You're literally sticking your dick in poo. What's appealing about that...

Why is anal so sought after? You're literally sticking your dick in poo. What's appealing about that? Use the vagina faggots. Quit living your gay fantasies with a straight relationship.

You want anal you should get with another gay boy. If ya girl wants anal check him for a dick.

That's all. You're welcome.

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But vaginas look like the sarlac pit from mcdonalds

If ya girl has fucked before you're basically docking with all the bros she fucked, that mega gey

My girl likes anal but it’s not spontaneous. She cleans herself before we do it. I’ve never had shit on my dick, nor has there ever been a smell.

They're wet and deep and fit wieners perfectly. They don't cause UTI because you're not pushing poo into your peehole.

Vajayjays smell but poop is grosser.

Imagine her shits though with all that rotting semen. Gross. Put it in the honey pot you closet faggot.

Similar situation. My wife goes on streaks of wanting anal everyday for a week. She will beg for it.

That made zero sense

>cleaning the asshole isnt a thing
are you literally 12

Imma toss you around a bit.

Are you? Do you find poop funny?

You’re gonna toss user around? Sounds pretty gay dude



You wanna go a few rounds? I'll take ya! I got a motorcycle and a leather football. I'm ready.

Hang on honey let me empty my asshole out

That's appealing

You assume it's gay through all the anal intercourse you have most likely. Follow my easy steps above and you'll be swooning poon in no time.

This actually makes more sense than what the other user said

I feel the same way OP thank you for saying it
the only reason to have sex to have a baby and babys come from the pussy not the ass

Again, what the fuck?? Are you ten? Has your mommy not realized you’re still awake?

I'm a tough guy user. I'll knock your lights out dork wad.

Your mother and I will have to punish you for this bad behavior. I'll be tending to her PUSSY soon. I'm on my way.

Welcome to the next stage of the yellow campaign.

Thank you. Exit only amirite

Post all the vagina penatration you want. No anal stuff though. That's closet gay if you do it to a woman and it's also just gross.

It feels good, if there's a round of shit in the chamber it feels even better, adds texture

Why is the vagina not good enough!!!??

Gotta switch it up every now and then. Same hole every night gets old

My gf likes my cock in her pussy and a finger in her ass.

Do you know why men liek anal sex?

>because women hate it

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>use the vagina
Why not both? Obviously you take care and precautions when sexing the butt-- but you do this for vaginal sex too or you're fucking bad at it and nothing you do short of those preparations will make you good at it

Preparation is always part of sex

Texture, kek

Why is vaginal so sought out for? You're sticking your dick in where blood and piss used to be

>piss is stored in the vagina
you win

Nothing good comes out of any hole really. I vote we replace women with something more sanitary


Oh, okay. You know whats gay? You giving a shit about what other people like.

yup nothing hotter than when she suffers for my pleasure.

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Did anal one time with this chubby girl. Never again man

>what is menstruation
>what is vaginal fungus
>what is dried urine on vagina
>what is 'contamination and why does it effect everything in the underwear

im a fag and i find it gross when they don't wash their dick after you use the bathroom

hygene-wise, if you clean everything well, it doesn't matter where you stick it in, it will only matter if you don't keep yourself clean and if you don't, why the hell would you even do anything in the first place?

in fact, health-wise kissing is one of the most disgusting things that you can do

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shaking hands is worse

If you're thinking about dudes and cocks while you're having hetero sex, that says nothing about her and everything about you.


lol not fucking with piss and fungus.

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