Disprove this Yea Forumsetas

disprove this Yea Forumsetas

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>eating literal shit only because it used to be Cheerios at some point in time

Don't have to, you cuck.

>I'm ready to settle down

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Exclusivity = value
Being a slot = not exclusive
Not exclusive = little market value

1) Human beings are not cereal, conflating the two in an example is dishonest and embarrassing, human beings have emotions and connect with one another cereal does not.
2) Women are held to a different standard to men because a woman can be a slut simply by existing. If you don't honestly believe this, go be a catfish for roughly one hour, and in your profile post any picture of any girl, and say you are simply looking for sex. You will get multiple responses even if you are a homely nerd. Doing the same as a man will get you nowhere, you need to be attractive charming and make a lot of money, which is a fact. For a man to be a slut, it takes immense effort, for women it takes willingness.
3) There are emotions to sex, and the more of it you have, the less special it becomes. If you have sex with one person, it shows to them that you truly care, unquestionably. Because you saved yourself, you showed the restraint and waited for the right one. To be a slut diminishes all of this. Rather than being anything special, you're simply another dick for her to ride. Promiscuity also leads to unfaithfulness, risk for STD's, and higher divorce rates.
Now you call me an incel because you dislike what I've said, and we can both move on from this stupid thread.

Women are less likely to pair bond when they've slept around alot. Its like how a virgin is clingy, it wears off after a slew of dicks. Women like that have higher dovorce rates. Hmm.

Did OP's pic related actually say this dumb shit? Quite a stretch to compare eating food to loose bitches.

This is true and the roasties thing is a myth perpetuated by incels who have never seen a vagina, let alone know how one works.

I fucking wish incels would just kill themselves already.

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What do you call a key that can open all the locks? A Master key
What do you call a lock that can be opened by any key?

A Slut

Every now and then that person will have a cheat day and enjoy some sugary cereal.

Why do so many hard core pornstars have disgusting busted pussies?
Why do pornstars start off with attractive pussies that become darker over time?
Because a myth?

The problem is that women take on some of the genetic material from each man that has fucked them.

I see this posted every now and then, and let me just say it is completely untrue in the context you are thinking. Her vagina does not absorb dna, dna from sperm is broken down by the acidic environment and lysosomes, and converted into useful amino acids. This is similar to what happens in digestion, but you wouldn't say eating a steak makes you a cow. I don't even understand what you think "take on" even means. Like is she becoming a man? You think her vagina becomes her favorite ex's dick or something? Just what

Wait, pussies actually EAT cum! Holy shit!

I'll take on the second panel. Jim Jefferies did a halarious bit on this sluts vs studs bullshit pic related. It's easy to be a slut. Just be there. It's fucking hard to be a stud.

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Ok, let's make a deal: we can stop judging women by how many sexual partners they've had if we also agree to stop judging men on their income. Deal?

>start off with attractive pussies that become darker over time
I'mma need some proof of this. Srsly would like to know. There is such a thing as "saliva staining" for dogs, but I don't know if there's an equivalent for humans. And cum.

>thinks women are felines.

Not OP, but I'll one-up your proposal.

Women shall go on dates, no longer wearing makeup or push-up bras or high heels or sexy skirts. Just like men. These things only devalue a woman as a person and should be considered fraudulent.

Well in all fairness most guys brag about their hookups to their friends, and usually exaggerate. Can't really recall many situations outside of media where bragging about how many people you've fucked and it's a turn-on.

>Exclusivity = value
Spot the sonynigger

Tbf Cheerios has advertisers whose sole purpose is to get you eating that cereal and only that cereal.
They do care if your eating other cereal they spend millions of dollars specifically so you don't eat other cereal.

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I don't advertise that to women, that's something you talk about with other men, the only point of which is to benefit from each other's experience. You creepy sociologist types can stop messing with our male-male relationships, yes they're important to us, yes we have feelings - just not for or about your ass. People who think they can do better than naturally evolved systems are just baby tyrants anyway, fuck off with your soylent green bullshit and just let things happen, stop fantasizing that you have a hand in history and just live.

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>believes loose women are more valuable
>hard-to-get celebs are undesirable

Man I'm just trying to fuck Bloodborne okay leave me be

>> women
> valuable
Pick one

yes a womans sanctity has the same value as a cheerio

What do you think your mom has been doing this whole time?

Valuable enough to pay for sex...

I have seen the reason people say this, and it is because they literally believe that the DNA from the other men's sperm fuses with the female's DNA or something and makes that female slightly more genetically similar to the man they've fucked, so the more cum they receive, the more diluted the actual female's DNA is with other men's.

I have no reason why people believe this so please don't ask. Yes, it is retarded.

the whole "double standard" thing is a trap. Society needs you to reproduce and protect your children. So men traditionally are denigrated for not being able to get laid, and praised for fucking around, since it shows they are actively seeking partners. There is another standard however that doesn't get talked about, which is when a man does get a woman pregnant, historically he is pressured into marrying her. So there is the game, you promote promiscuity to avoid incels, then you hammer down on people once they've knocked someone up, and your society is better off for it. Now however we have stopped both encouraging boys to go out and get laid, and abortion/welfare are more promoted by society than marriage. The result is hyper-Chads doing %95 of the fucking, tons of vidya players/Yea Forums users/porn watchers, and everyone being raised without a dad which has a massive effect on our society

lol jesus

anyway women become like the men they're fucking on purpose, i can only speculate how automated it is or isn't but it serves a clear social mechanism for pair bonding, this is especially clear in chinese culture where a woman will defend "her man" against outsiders absolutely regardless of what he's done to be attacked by outsiders, dude could kidnap a baby and eat it and a chinese girl would be like BUT THAT'S MY MAN

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Things like this really put into perspective how many mud monkeys use this site that they'll believe shit like this. DNA transfer? Too many capeshit movies if they're from the states ffs

This. The JJ perspective is perfect.

>mud monkeys
They believe raping virgins cures the AIDS.

>If everyone has AIDS its almost like no one has AIDS
Kangs indeed

I liek this. Saved.

This is deep if you think about it. Take HPV for example. How many times have you heard, "Uh, everyone has HPV."? It's this normalization that's truly harmful. It's why no country should compare itself to other countries.

It's both psychological and physiological. Women are the gatekeepers of human reproduction. They are looking for the best physiological specimen to reproduce with.

A woman who has fucked a bunch of dudes is broken.

I was about to reply with one thing, then though about it, now replying with this...

Think of male deer, clashing horns to dominate over weaker males. Does the doe have much choice after that? Is she truly the gatekeeper?

Or has society changed us so much to take away the physical struggle? You don't see many girls swooning over the drunk dude who threw the first punch.

I get your point though. Intelligent females can definitely definitely separate the weak from the powerful within like 4 minutes. But what makes the others sluts? Is it reduced to females that are concerned with pleasure vs. the long game of prosperity?

Sorry for redditposting. I wanted to delineate my points.

if you're too retarded to get it for free

If a key opens many locks it is a master key, but a lock that has many keys that open it is a shitty lock

i remember saying this when i was 14

I've never paid for it. At least with money.
but you can't deny the value of women. There are entire industries built around it. There are thousands of sites where men pay to just /look/ at them.

Holy shit. Yeah, like playground shit.

>but you can't deny the value of women
Get a load of this cuck

>I don't feel special
It's not about feeling special. It's about not sticking my dick in a hole where the entire tri-state area has already been

this thread is like a bunch of basement neets with no drivers licence snortling to themselves about how gross it is that other people buy used cars which may have been farded in by someone else

their value is inflated that's for sure

>beer ads
>superhero movies
>tampon ads
>anti-feminist PSAs
>those boxing "round 2" girls
>underwear ads
>the shape of many cars/bikes
>sex dolls
>any kind of apparel ads
You must be fucking dense if you deny the drive for men to create most of what they do.

His history videos are decent, but everything else about this dude is so frail I don't know how he made it to adulthood

How does he not understand (for women or men) that fucking a lot means you'll inherently find each individual act less meaningful and that being someone who fucks a lot means there's a lower barrier to entry (ie it means less to a person that you would be willing to fuck them).

Guess that's what you get from an adult male that writes saccharine fiction for adolescent girls

Who tf is that dude? Did he actually say such retarded shit?

I don't know if it's real, but he's John Green. He wrote that sappy preteen girl shit like The Fault in Our Stars and a bunch of other mid 2000s bullshit. He's kinda known for that half-thought beta shit when he starts talking about social issues. I do admit, however, that he does a fair job (or did, I think he is no longer involved with the project) with the Crash Course series

>actually enjoying cheerios