Im quite the alpha male you know

Im quite the alpha male you know

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send me pics of you dressed up like a cute girl

kik: Swoppy


I dunno user... Sounds kinda gay...

That's because it is.

Now do it, faggot.

Dont insult me!

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I would marry this dude for that face.

But gay marriage is against Christianity user ..

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Then call me a heretic. Worth it.

Degenerates like us should be nailed to a cross

Very gender neutral i approve as lord of the cucks

I has born on a pagan fertility holiday, so maybe Christianity isnt for me

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Im an alpha male!
Didnt you read the op

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You could be a practicing pagan, and it wouldn't matter. I want to see that face's reaction on Yule morning opening a present with a puppy in it.

Then give us chad tits and timestamp

I do like pups...
Especially samoyeds

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It does look like a fluffy and fun dog. Would do anything to see those eyes filled with happiness and joy.

I want to pet this creature

You are extremely beautiful.

trannies are mentally ill



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Sammies are too pure for this world and they fill me with joy!

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If i don't pass then how come people keep trying to "correct" me when i try to enter the mens locker room?

I would get you an army of them if that's what it took. I don't even like traps, and I fell hard. No words to describe it.

I feel ashamed of the fact that I smoke and can't have a dog

they dont want to be rude. your an ugly women with a man face. you almost look female but people can tell your bone structure is clearly male. You will never be able to fix that


Kill your self tranny freak

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Seethe more

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That's the first pic I saw. Saved it.

I love her face.

>that jaw
>that shoulder width

you should have been on trt sooner tranny freak then you might have had a chance.



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Post nudes

Pretty hard not to.