Got blackmailed into eating shit. AMA.
Got blackmailed into eating shit. AMA
Other urls found in this thread:
wtf is this real
dude.... what the fuck...
I jokingly asked a 12 yo girl for some nude pictures. She showed the conversation to her 15 yo brother and he threatened to beat me up and go to the police if I don't eat shit.
he should go to the police anyway there’s no such thing as
>jokingly asking for nude picture of a 12 year old
i hope you get v&
I can't stop fapping and thinking about hentai
I love hentai and ecchi
so far several GB worth of hentai images,gifs and webms
also dozens of images I've printed
Bump for le revolt
hows the taste
bump, where did op go?
c'mon guys, i've lietrally seen this same bullshit thread in the catalog about 5 times in the last couple of days, you're all better than this.
it's always "I was blackmailed into eating shit AMA" with the same fucking picture atleast twice a day.
sage this shit don't bump it
How fitting that you used a photo of a boomer, this is literally one of the only few legit threads on Yea Forums right now and here you are fucking it up.
Guess you gave up on the other thread, then? Lest you forget that you not only post this everyday but currently have 2 threads open with the same exact opener? Still waiting on that screenshot proving you aren't OP. I gave you ample time to switch your IP. It isn't rocket science.
Not him, but he doesn't even have to change IP to prove he's not OP. When you reply to OP's post, it doesn't show (you)
First week on Yea Forums I see?
>got blackmailed into eating shit. AMA
>is this your first week, retard? Ha ha, i bet you don't even fall for the same bait threads posted every single day ha ha. What are you, fucking new? Ha ha
Hello again, OP.
not the boomer user, but seen this thread before, OP is a faggot
Don't worry. You'll grow out of this teenage phase. Happened to all of us.
Not the person you are responding to but
Wow dude totally gotten you are so smart and clever here take this internet pay on the back totally epic
>making this thread 300x per day just to attention whore
You are worse then a woman. You thrive on attention.
Dare i say, you are a faggot OP?
This thread was just recently pruned about 2 minutes ago, btw. He literally had two of the same thread open yet still denies that it's posted every day.
Are you retarded? This shit is posted every fucking day. Begone, newfag.
Wait wtf this has to be fake
Just imagine, how much of a summerfag you have to be, to think that this shit is new. This guys been posting it FOR MONTHS. It really is summer already
Proof it isn't posted every day? Because i just posted mine.
>not the same guy
Sure, OP. Keep it up. This is probably the most attention you've had all week in terms of this thread.
Hi, OP.
Yeah op here, sadly this is real
Hello, OP.
Ah. I see you’re now using Ray Pist and logposter-type tactics to generate replies and prolong the threads.
Fuck, what's the story man? Sorry about all these summerfag trolls btw
Nope. At least 4 variants posted constantly
You’re going to need to be smarter than that, which is going to be a stretch for you.
Doubt it...
tbh he should of made you eat shit and then called the police on your pedophile ass, reporting this to the cyber hotline just incase
His other thread which is open right now. Yes, there are two threads open right now. He's trying so hard.
>View of a chin
>View down onto a middle aged guy
>Guy from the rear squatting over something like a plate
>Middle aged guy’s torso in the background with a turd on a table
>Middle aged guy’s torso but picture cut off at the eyes
Ring any bells?
still better than fb ig, cock and wwyd threads
And there you’re wrong, OP
It's not.
This is the sad part....
2 fk ez
5 gu bg ftd
Hi op!
Only one is. The other is me fucking with him. Again
R-right, yeah you totally aren't op or anything
>this is literally one of the only few legit threads on Yea Forums right now
It's posted periodically throughout the day. The OP uses various different men to lure in faggots like you. Lurk more idiot.