More whites have been killed by blacks within the past 10 years than whites have killed blacks in the past 100 years.
More whites have been killed by blacks within the past 10 years than whites have killed blacks in the past 100 years
and that matters because
Blacks are the number one cause of death of blacks.
By murder
>and that matters because
So you think it doesn't matter?
Because they’re always screaming about “fuck whitey an shiet niggga”
op where do you get these statistics? post them
no, that's demonstrably false
>op posts statistics
>"Yyyyeeaahh, but..."
We all know this game
youre not very smart are you?
That's why their neighborhoods have only blacks.
but the statistics haven't been posted
Watch the news.
Blacks contribute more murder, theft, and STDs to society than any other race by far. When a fellow black man gets murdered by a white guy, they ape out, and destroy/loot their communities. The young ones encourage each other to perform poorly in school, as not to act white, and perpetuate this cycle of ignorance, eventually passing it down to their many children, whom they cannot support. They're loud, obnoxious, and have a trashy culture, yet they still wonder why whites are fucking fed up with them. Niggers gonna nig.
It doesn't matter. They don't need to be because people already know this shit. And you and we both know that posting them will simply elicit a changes in tactics with you ultimately declaring they aren't valid statistics, or it doesn't matter anyway because _____.
faggot with the damn pussy ass nigger grill
Found the kike
you know that's fucking retarded right. OP made a specific claim, it's not wrong to want to see the actual numbers. Otherwise you could say literally anything and defend it with your "people already know this shit".
E.G Did you know that in the last year more whites have been killed by blacks than blacks killed by whites in the last 10
Found the dummy that swallows mainstream media piss
how dare anyone criticize the validity of statistics and research. That's why I don't vaccinate my kids, that paper back in the 2000's was completely logical and it doesn't matter that people disparage the results of the study, because it was a study. Therefore it is above criticism
ironically the news doesn't cover black on white crime like it covers white on black. So that wouldn't be a good source to support OP's claim, try again
Your message implies it doesn't.