Hi [s4s], do you support trans rights? I'm a trans guy!

Hi [s4s], do you support trans rights? I'm a trans guy!

Attached: trans rites.jpg (579x579, 100K)

- Transportation

captcha; cars

I support white genocide


trans rights don't exist so its a nonsense question

no i only support trans wrongs

I support your right to kill yourself

their dads

posting in le rudeniggers get pissed the hell off at copypizza thread

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

wot did that reply say? i mised it!

fag kys

im not a fag im st8

i'm a detransitioner. i understand that you won't be convinced but please do a lot of introspection before you make a decision to take hormones etc. they have a permanent effect on the body.

also, taking T daily or whatever, even if it's chemically bioidentical, is not the same as gonads releasing hormones based on a complicated messaging system on a minute-by-minute scale. you can open yourself up to health complications (source: life experience)

please get a therapist - and not one who is blindly following neo-identity bullshit - to help you stay grounded and find out what you really want for yourself. your concerns are valid, but a lot of people make some very wrong decisions here.

>I'm a detransitoner
>Taking T daily
lmao nice try bub, you don't even know the basics of FtM transition. Anyhow, I've been on T for about 2.5 years now so a bit late for that

its a copypizza redard

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

>I've been on T for about 2.5 years now so a bit late for that
eugh an actual disgusting tranny faggot is in this thread

I'm not a faggot just a tranny

no ur faget

no faget. just trannie

sorry lol, i'm a dude and therefore would've been taking E

but yeah i mean good luck or whatever

>i completely fucked my life up but you are the dumb one for not knowing how to do it

>>i completely fucked my life up but you are the dumb one for not knowing how to do it
op didn't completely fuck his/her life up, i did a retard moment by thinking that a guy transing to a girl would be doing the same shit as a a girl transing to a guy. but like, all i'm saying is, it's a permanent decision and you really should think hard about it. if you're there now, you're there now, i mean i guess more power to you

there's no point making someone feel bad for a point in the past that they can no longer control. if someone's been on T for 2.5 years they've got to have some shit happen, just assumed since they're on Yea Forums they're young enough to not have been on anything for any long period of time

>Was miserable and suicidal before transition
>Takes doctor regulated hormone therapy
>Life gets dramatically better and now I'm happier than I even thought was possible
>Somehow my life has been fucked up though

I have no idea what your logic is here, that user is dumb, they were trying to school me without even knowing the basics of what they're on about

I'm a guy you moron

>I'm a guy you moron

some ppl ree and say "you're a fag u just called this girl a guy" and i wanted to satisfy all preferences

that's gay, you're gay

That's fucking retarded but you know you could have sounded a lot less retarded if you just said "their", right?

bro we're all gay here this is literally the gayest website on the internet

anyways, i'm sorry for being a little bit confrontational and getting my facts wrong with the whole T thing - i have not had any experience at all with FtM transition and there's a big pattern of young people on the chans feeling like nobody likes them because x reason and they try to transition to get out of it, that's what I did and that's what i thought you were doing. if you're happier, that's great! i hope everything goes well and again i apologize for acting authoritative and condescending

Boys, I found some dubs in this thread and I'm going to check them

Attached: patrolman.jpg (1209x1403, 149K)

It's ok user all is forgiven. I am living my best life and it's very epic. It's not that unreasonable you'd be confused, I know trans girls do take pills once a day. I personally however take a 1000mg injection once every 3 months (I believe a lower dose, weekly injection is most common in North America though).

yeah you're totally right

what happens when you get injected with testosterone

Slowly but surely go through male puberty desu. Voice deepens, facial hair, muscle gain, body fat moves from feminine places to masculine places (eg, fat moves from my hips to my stomach).
Also other stuff, research more if you wanna find out all the details