Any 25+ depressed anons here? I hope I'm not the only one. What's bothering you if you care to share?

Any 25+ depressed anons here? I hope I'm not the only one. What's bothering you if you care to share?

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All I can think about is the dark path that both humanity and society are on. It won't be long before we are all wage slaves to a tiny, tiny elite group of mega billionaires. Once they enhance their bodies and minds through technology they will rule over humanity for the indefinite future.

34 good career and no kids here

Even as my cute ex is sleeping in my bed I can not get this girl I knew right before her out of my head she loved me and I took it for granted and lost what could have been a great future with someone

Now I randomly hook up with my bipolar ex because she’s the only person who actually cares about me which is good because I fucking hate myself but then again she’s fucking crazy so what does she know?

I turn 34 on Sunday.
I have major medical issues.
I have two kids and their mom is a fuckup who I was stupid to have kids with.
So I'm a single dad and now live at my moms house. I have no friends to even chill with.
I can't even smoke weed to alleviate the loneliness and boredom.
I thought by now I would have something to show for my efforts in life.
Instead I'm broke, alone, friendless, sober, and hope I can get a kidney before I die.
I'm actually less depressed than you might think but I can't say that I'm really enjoying life to the fullest. Or even halfest

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I think the French revolution taught us a lot here, that freedom isn't free.

I can't believe it naturally is going back to tyranny from kings and dictators and social classes.

33, got out of five year relationship that was toxic in December. No kids which I suppose makes things easier but makes me sad.
I tried dating but I can't connect with anyone. Mostly I think guys just want to fuck me and don't really like me.
I feel like I'm running out of time. I'd like to start a family even if there isn't a guy around, but I feel like if I do I'll never find anyone.
I had to quit my job because of sexual harassment. This married guy was obsessed with me. He couldn't stop himself even after HR intervened.
I'm trying to work on a project that will help me be totally financially independent but I get so depressed I don't work on it. I know I should, and I do enjoy it when I get started but for some reason it's just so hard to start.

Well almost all of human history has been a tiny number of people controlling the majority. It used to at least be limited to a physical sphere of influence, but now the global reach of mega corporations ensures that limitation doesn't exist anymore. We're slaves to technology.

I'm sorry user. I hope that you get that kidney.

27 and I'm not depreswed anymore. Crawled my way out of that rut. Very few friends but I get by.

Was there something special about her? Maybe you're just looking for something in particular in a relationship. A certain trait or activity that you used to share.
For example, I realized I'm attracted to people that are knowledgable about literature and technology in particular, because that's how my parents were and how I connected with them. Call it Freudian if you will, but talking about those subjects is somehow familiar and comfortable for me.

26 here riding high at the moment but we'll see

I’m 31 and a raging alcoholic. I know rehab is inevitable. The bottle has been my only friend the last six years. I don’t want to lose my only friend.

42. Divorced, kids. Nothing specific, just no motivation to do anything in my life. Get up, go to work, work, go home, drink, maybe eat, sleep, repeat.

My cancer diagnosis.

I don't think I am ugly but women do not seem to be attracted to me and I feel like I will never finish college.

41 here and it hurts.
After a 10 year marriage I promised myself to never waste my time again with another woman. I was happy.

Of course I had to fall again. And now I'm remembering why I quit on first place.

Lost my job several months ago. Tried branching out to a new career field I've been studying for but the boss was a huge tool. I know most people feel that way, but the dude just straight started berating his wife in front of the whole office one day, would routinely throw shit when he was mad, and they went through 5 employees in 6 months. It was a small office of only 12 people and HR was his sister so nothing was ever done about his temper tantrums. I've been submitting resumes ever since, but have had 3 phone interviews with no follow up and one in person interview.

I'm married, and living on my wife's salary which is humiliating and makes me feel like shit watching her work her ass off while I stay home all day. Our debt has skyrocketed and we had to move out of our apartment and into a room in my grandparents house. She originally told me to be more selective in prospective employers and only take something close by that paid well, but I can tell she's gotten more and more resentful and is now pushing me to just get whatever part time work I can, even if it's not related to my field.

Shit sucks.

If by depression you mean lack of the right chemicals in the brain - yeah I probably have it. I really want to focus on my hobbies after work but every day I feel tired and can't be bothered. It wasn't like this before.

But if you're asking about life problems - I've got massive hemorrhoids, teeth falling apart, some kind of UTI and can't gain weight however much I eat. Also virgin, living with parent, no car, low wage job. 26 and doubt I'll be here at 30.

im doing well enough, I keep thinking about a girl same old shit her face makes my heart ache I know love is bs but damn she makes me feel crazy worst part is we've talked about it and nothing is going to happen and I hate it but I still think about her everyday. I cope much better than a year ago I was seriously depressed outside of being in love it just made it so much worse.

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Battled depression most of my life. All you folks have my sympathy. Just know you are loved, even when it doesn't feel like it.

Don't know when it's going to come back but for me what helped was:

1.) Got off all my scripts for chronic pain (Codeine, hydrocodone, morphine, Soma and gabapentin) some I was scripted some I bought or sold weed to cover it.
2.) Moved across the city with supportive people that love me and want to see my succeed. This wasn't my family (well they are my family but I picked them, which is the best family) but a friend and his wife that gave me an opportunity , I took it.
3.) Took a job I'm really great at, should have done it years ago (tech) instead of chasing "dreams"

Wasn't easy, I miss my family, it's been at times a bit lonely without the gang I grew up with but I wish I'd made changes in my life earlier.

I understand I have a privileged position and I'm grateful for it and that not everyone has a sick extra bedroom halfway across the country with very cheap rent but nothing is going to change unless you do something different.

But I will say as someone who loves drugs and I am not lecturing but if you can dry out, it can help alot. The man who looked out for me was a drunk mess who I had to tell his wife if he couldnt get his life together. Never turned my back (although I did have to call 911on his ass as I'd thought he'd stopped breathing on me) on him, just offered a hand; just like him and his wife did me.

Never thought I'd have money in the bank and not be thinking of getting fucked up on some train tracks with a death wish. Happened slowly but the key was simply trying to be better and take risks. I knew I'd need to withdrawl , I had been a legal drug addict for a decade , but I tapered and made the change.

I wish all those facing depression and addiction the best. It's a struggle but talk to love ones, and even strangers. Someone will have your back, but you've got to be determined to make a change.

Country not city. I realized I had to be in a city as the burbs were too soul sucking

There will be a lot of depressed 20 somethings here and everywhere else. Most likely, they were brought up by either single parents (angry mothers) or couples at war. They have no moral perspective on how to conduct themselves in society. Their values are based around a level of materialism that is forever out of their reach. They have no social skills, no real friends and not a clue how to relate to the opposite sex for future partnerships. They have been denoed their history and their education. They have no idea how the world works, how they came to be where they are today and no curiosity to find out. They passed through the education system with phony awards for participation and an attitude that the world owes them a living. They are now in employment, in a menial job and facing a bleak future.
So, yes. A lot of them about.

That's true, there is a lot of sad folks here. But I think some may be misguided or need to reframe it.

Life's short, precious and I wish I hadn spent years being miserable, part of it was choice, comfort and making excuses.

Everyone is different but I do truly believe folks need to make a step, any step. Whether it be drink less today, write down things you are thankful for, ask friends or family what they like about you, anything really. You just have to decide shit ain't working and what do you have to lose by doing one thing differently? It morphs into more and more stuff.

Like getting a good job that I'm phenomenal at really helped with my self esteem. Not feeling like a dead beat, to not be stressing about basic expenses or scheming to have to cover the bills gave me a bit of dignity and reinforcement of my value.

We all have value and something to offer.

25 asian gay guy here. I’m balding and going gray, gay death is upon me. No one wants me except for gross old grandpappies with herpes if I’m lucky. I met a tremendous guy three years younger than me, in the spring, handsome as hell, extremely intelligent (which I love) and for almost a month we got along great. I actually have never clicked so well with someone in terms of personality before. But I lied to him and told him I was a virgin, because he was and I just didn’t think. Eventually I had to tell him, and he said his abusive ex he was with for two years did the same thing. Then he basically said he can’t fault me because lying to please others is in the nature of the Filipino, but that he was done with asians anyway now because “We’ll all be happier if we stick to those like us, diversity is dead.”
Yeah I still don’t know what to think about that, but all I know is, I wish I hadn’t fucked it all up because somehow I really miss him.

My family has fucked my whole life over and the shit goes waaaaaayyyy back to my childhood
Now i’m constantly followed/harassed everywhere i go, i never had a fucking job where I wasn’t constantly dealing with some workplace mobbing or higher ups constantly trying to put more on my plate than they believe i can take
False rumours and lies amplifying the whole ordeal
My words and acts are always deformed as of to make me sound/come across a fucking mentally ill asshole
Just always getting dirty looks and treated like shit from everyone

I’m fucking fed up with this bullshit and i’m almost 28 with nothing higher than high school
It took me til 2014 to realize that all the suspicions i had for years that triggered a major depression when i was 18 wasn’t me seeing things that weren’t there
Now i go around as schizophrenic, pathological liar, pedophile, someone who always starts shit with people, etc... when i’m the complete opposite of that
I fucking keep to myself and never went out to people like people constantly approach me

This is really fucking me up
What is the point of living when you can clearly see how fucking retarded, brainwashed and ego driven most people are that will go out of their ways to start shit then go cry to their support group just to validate themselves and gang them up against you to feel like they have power and control
Humanity is a fucking hypocritical concept and i don’t fucking believe in it