X + 1 = x

>x + 1 = x

You should be able to solve this.

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Is x 2-1? I used to be good at these but then porn ruined my brain

=> x/(x+1) = 0
=> x/x+x = 0
=> 1+x = 0
=> x = -1



Negative one plus one equals zero you dumb nigger.

Technically true. Infinity plus one is still infinity.

are you a math teacher or something?

X has no meaning so it'll be zero


You cannot add one to infinity, you middle school drop out. Infinity is simply a concept and you can only approach or diverge from it. What you are really looking for is the sum total of all reals, which is infinite, but is NOT INFINITY. INFINITY IS NOT A NUMBER.

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The exercise is incomplete. You didn't specify the problem space.

A solution exists in the zero residue class (AKA zero ring AKA Z/1).

in Z/1:
x + 1 = x
x = 0

in fact in Z/1:
x + y = x
x = 0

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I still don't understand how the fuck you can get a number from a letter

no infinity is a number you're just too dumb to count that high.

No one asked for you, nigger.

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> x+1 = x
> x+1 - x = x - x
> 1 = 0
nigga retard

nigga you cant do math

Come back when you balls drop, Timmy.

Confirmed, OP is a retard.

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Ah, so you are just shitposting. Got it.

Attached: Pajeet here to fix internet.jpg (975x646, 55K)

>>x + 1 = x
If x is OP and 1 is a faggot then do the math. OP is a faggot. Solved.


Of course the only mathematically valid solution came from a yellow poster.
I urge non-yellows to study abstract algebra. Read up on algebraic rings, particularly quotient rings, and you too can construct valid solutions to retarded incompletely defined problems.

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0 + 1 = 0?

This is the answer

>multiply both sides by 2pi
>cosine of both sides


nigga mathmatician

in Z/1 yes

Z/n denotes a quotient ring. Think of it as a set of numbers with modulo, that work like an analog clock

For example
in Z/2:
0 + 1 = 1
1 + 1 = 0

in Z/3:
0 + 1 = 1
0 + 2 = 2
0 + 3 = 0

in Z/1:
0 + 1 = 0

ah I see

what mathmatical uses does this have?

no solution

a number plus a number can't equal the original number. x+1=x+1 like cmon

yes, this is what you get. the statement is false, and therefore there are no solutions

apparently not, it works in quotient rings

That number dont exist, so you make a this tend to, and then tend to infinite retards

AFAIK they use quotient rings based on prime numbers to prove algorithms
but that's far beyond my understanding. I barely passed undergrad algebra

huh, interesting


I was about post the answer but this user is correct.No matter what you put for x its always going to added by 1 thus not being correct.So this equation is incomplete and cannot be solved.

TL;DR Im a faggot

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This guy is an idiot. 0 is the identity. By definition, 0 + x = 0.

Besides, nobody even talks about Z/1. If you were asked to write down the elements in it, what would you have? Uhhh, just 0.